Friday, May 17, 2024

2024 FFL Playoffs

 National League Round 1

-To be witnessed by the esteemed Watcher Zachatu.

-800 Points on The Playoff Planet

-Prize:  Heavy Star Cruiser

-The #2 Washington Redskins Vs. The #3 Sigmaz

-Winner will do battle with The #1 Sigmas

American League Round 1

-To be witnessed by the esteemed Watcher Phrunkatu

-800 Points on The Playoff Planet

-Prize:  Heavy Star Cruiser

-The #2 Darkseid's Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. #3 TEAM

-Winner will do battle with The #1 Underhills 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Week 9: Trash Pandas Vs. Heterosexuals


The Trash Pandas are: Gandalf the White

The Heterosexuals are: Avatar Aang and Kangaroos #1-5


Gandalf the White sat patiently in Josh’s digs, smoking on his “Hobbit” “Pipe” weed, laughing gaily at the little beetle he had transmogrified from the tenant. “Scuttle on, little friend, scuttle on! There is much to be done here, and only food enough for one grown man’s munchies in your fridge.” He began to fashion a bologna and ketchup taco when he felt a sudden chill. He turned back to the kitchen – the fridge door was closed. The chill he felt was merely his Gandalf Sense tingling. He pursed his lips and shrugged. “Suppose there was no avoiding it, was there?” He turned to the beetle, assuring: “I’ll do what I can to preserve your home.” He searched his surroundings – visually, mentally, reaching out for any sign of presence, threatening or otherwise. His wizard’s intuition proved needless, as he was jarred from his pondering by a small pebble hitting the window. He waited and observed as another hit, larger maybe, thrown a bit harder. He steeled himself and strode toward the window just as the third rock hit, this one significantly larger and more kangaroo shaped. The marsupial sent him toppling backward before scurrying off to another room. Gandalf scrambled onto all fours, retrieving his staff and hoisting himself up. As he did, another kangaroo came flying through the window, cut to ribbons by the jagged glass. With pity, the white wizard knelt and laid a hand on the creature. The bleeding ceased and it, too, ran from the room. Gandalf looked to the open porthole and raised his staff, and an explosive bolt of lightning came crashing down outside… only to go shooting back up into the sky. He rushed to the window and stuck his head out in disbelief.

On the ground, Aang stood beside a small wooden cart with three more kangaroos. “Hey, no fair old man! We aren’t even in the arena yet, the fight isn’t set in Josh’s parking lot.” Gandalf peered out at his foe. Of course - the young Avatar with skill enough to deflect lightning, but not enough wisdom to know kangaroos don’t like being chucked through glass. “And why, pray tell, are you not yet in the arena? I managed to unlock the door just fine.” Aang stamped his foot indignantly. “Look, what I do isn’t actually magic, okay?! I can’t just go around casting ‘open sesame’ on every locked door!”

“But surely you can pick a lock, can’t you? With all your control over air and water?”

“Uh, where would I have learned to pick locks? I’m ten years old, I spent forever stuck in a glacier, and then I went all over the place to learn everything about exactly three different things. I didn’t exactly have time to pick up lockpicking.” Gandalf smirked. “Oh, there’s very much you can learn on a nice walk. Why don’t you come in and we can handle this properly?” The front door unlatched and opened itself. Aang saw this, shot a dirty look at Gandalf, but proceeded inside anyway.

Now properly inside the appointed battleground, Gandalf greeted Aang and his kangaroos. “Welcome, welcome. Would you care for some of this fine Hobbit herb?” Aang sniffed the pipe and winced at the stench. “I’ll… pass, thanks. Listen, are you ready to fight or not?” Before answering, Gandalf ambled to the couch and sat. He motioned for Aang, who remained standing. “Have you ever considered how many ways a story can end, Avatar?” Aang didn’t reply, so Gandalf continued. “I have heard countless tales in my time, from countless civilizations. Tales of victory, of loss – of love and hatred and everything between. Countless fascinating possibilities, and new ones to discover still with each passing year.” Aang’s expression had dropped by now. “Are you serious? How high ARE you?” Gandalf gave Aang a sternly parental glance before resuming, “What I do not relish are the stories of hatred and death. They are far too many, and far too sad. Do you think, Avatar, that we should be dreaming up another?” Aang impatiently hurled a fireball at Gandalf, and it blew to either side of his beard like it was mere smoke. Aang’s eyes widened, and he stopped to listen. “I am no stranger to the elements you claim to master. You see, we actually have quite a bit in common. Your power comes from the spirit within you – an eternal cycle of rebirth and power and terrible purpose. I, myself, am… something of a vessel. I truly do not wish you harm. And that’s not mentioning you’re just a boy.” Aang considered this for just a moment, but shook his head. “No, no one of us has to win. I won’t let you distract me from my purpose.”

With this, he launched into a furious series of blows. Flaming kicks and bursts of air were thrown at Gandalf. Some he deflected with his staff, some connected, but never did he show signs of pain or attempt to retaliate. Aang roared in frustration and tore pipes from the walls as he drew the water from every source nearby. He saturated Gandalf and froze the ice, locking the wizard in place with an expression of surprise. But his staff began to glow faintly from within the ice, and in moments it shattered from his body before sublimating into a thick mist which obscured all visibility. Gandalf eyed the haze vigilantly, when a small hand shot out and clasped his throat. Aang had entered the Avatar state, floating before Gandalf, his eyes glowing with fury. “So you can bend all the elements too? Let’s see you do it without your power.” His hands moved to Gandalf’s chest and forehead, and he began to bend the energy of Gandalf’s spirit. Gandalf could feel this connection with Aang, the convergence of their spirits, and he did not resist. Aang reached in to take Gandalf’s power from him, down to his core… and came to a halt. Visions of light and grace filled his mind. The nature of the very universe was laid before him, emotion flooded his heart, and in that moment – for just one moment – he heard the Music of the Ainur. He fell to his knees. Tears of indescribable beauty welled in his eyes, and he whispered “I… understand now.”

TEAM vs. Better Than All of You at Josh's Crib

Better Than All of You (formerly NAZA): Mr.Mxyzptlk, Fedaykin 1-3

TEAM: Alex Houslander, Laya Houslander, Scarlett Houslander, Grayson Houslander, Chris Artrip, Julie Artrip, Ella Artrip, Jack Artrip, Ben Artrip, Ethan Petz, Kryptonion #1a, Black Lantern Kryptonion, Black Lantern Yellow Lantern, Yellow Lantern #1, Yellow Lantern #2

Ight we in home boys Josh’s crib.  It bout to get freaky

So the Houslander clan along with some lanterns are chillin at Josh’s crib holding down the fort without the commish himself. Then some midget and a couple fedaykin come strolling in from idiotsville. 

“Who are you unc?” questions Alex Houslander

Then Mr.Mxyzptlk starts distorting reality or some shit.

“Blood Trippin” screams Alex Houslander.

Mr.Mxyzptlk disguises himself as Ben as creates chaos among the Artrips.

Ella has turned on her brothers while Chris and Julie rage with anger over the fighting kids.

Meanwhile, Josh’s blood be holding down the fort taking down a fedaykin themselves. Although there was one casualty. RIP Laya

While the anger among the Atrips continues on a fedaykin take out all of the Atrips besides Chris.  Engulfed with anger Chris snaps the neck of the fedaykin, but all he can feel is grief and anguish.

“Blood is so not cookin right now.  Who let bro cook” says Alex.

The Black Lantern Kryptonian and the Black Lantern Yellow Lantern  are the only remaining allies of Chris, Alex, Scarlett, and Grayson.  Ethan was here but he passed out in the yard and missed the whole thing.  The two lanterns were able to kill the last Fedaykin leaving just Mr.Mxyzptlk.  

Mr.Mxyzptlk does some midget gay shit and kills the two lanterns that remained for TEAM.

Scarlett and Grayson spring into action and grab the legs of the midget.  Allowing Chris and Alex to attack. Chris and Alex grab the midget and then proceed to curb stomp him outside in the street.  Leaving nothing but a bloody mess.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. The Doctor's Madhouse.

 The Horsemen of Apokolips are:  The Deadly Viper Assassin Squad:  Bill, Budd, O-Ren Ishii, Vernita Green, Elle Driver, & Beatrix Kiddo, & Black Widow #1-5.

The Doctor's Madhouse is:  Kurt Houslander (w/ Power Glove), Frank "Wendeezy's" Metvier (w/ endless Zyn and 4 Lokos Variety Pack), Captain America, Destro, & Zombie Kryptonian.  

In a secret enclave in the Virgin Islands, Christopher Wray and William Burns meet clandestinely with someone who is only revealed in heavily redacted records as the Big Guy and his son Hunter.  "Is it true this time"??  Hunter asks of the intelligence chiefs.

Burns answers:  "Yes Sir.  It is confirmed.  We have a definitive time and location for our target.  He has alluded us for the last time and will be taken out for sure.  Josh Houslander will not escape us this time.  Neither will his Uncle".    

"How are you so certain it will be different this time"??  Asks Hunter.  

"We have taken an extra special precaution Sir".  answers Wray.  

Hunter scowls and demands:  "What kind of special precaution"??

Burns smirks back and says:  "We are sending The Deadly Viper Assassin Squad Sirs".

Hunter and The Big Guy look at each other and grin.  Hunter says:  "You're sending The D-Vas"....??.....

The Big Guy leans forward in his padded chair and says:  "Well sheeeit Caucasian....  That's all you had to say"...  

Captain America, a former agent of the government who has gone rogue due to his love of liberty and the American government's hatred for it, has received intel, but has very little time to warn the noble House Houslander about the attack.  The black market arms dealer Destro and his Zombie Kryptonian henchmen may be criminals in the eyes of international law; but he is no thief and is a man of honor.  He has not forgotten the favor he owes the Houslander Clan, but he Cap, and the ever faithful Frank are the only ones who can get to the safe house in time in a vain attempt to defend against The D-Vas.  

Cue the music as The Deadly Viper Assassin Squad, including their five newest recruits from The Red Room line up next to each other on Mercedes Street outside the target house and begin the slow stride to the front door where their target is residing.  They walk past a white truck and pimp-cherry 2001 BMW 5-Series that they have blocked in with their black stretch limousine to ensure that no one escapes this skirmish.  Knowing that House Houslander will mount some sort of counter-offenisve the D-Vas are more than ready for any kind of fight that may be waiting for them.  

 The D-Vas burst through the door of the brick bungalow and are almost immediately met by combatants in defensive positions, there to staunchly defend the Houslanders and the information they hold that is vital to the cause of the rebellion.  The Zombie Kryptonian strikes first and much to the shock of The D-Vas takes a huge bite out of Elle Driver's face killing her.  Budd moves in next and swings his sword at the Zombie barely catching his arm; but drawing blood all the same.  Beatrix notices this and shouts to Bill:  "BILL, The Hattori Hanzo blades can wound the Kryptonians.  GET HIM!!".  Bill moves swiftly towards Z-Krypt, rolls on the ground, leaps back up and relieves the creature of it's head. 

Destro goes for his blue laser gun; but before he can even take aim has his arm chopped off by O-Ren Ishi and is then promptly run through by the same sword.  

Captain America rushes in towards Bill and Budd and a pitched battle of swords and shield begin.  "Try and keep up old man" says Bill to the Star-Spangled Avenger; but Cap quickly replies with:  "It's not the age, it's the mileage".   As the battle rages, Budd comments to Bill saying:  "I bet he could do this all day".  Cap then leaps into the air and catches Budd with a flying leg lock around his neck.  He brings the former bouncer down to the ground and breaks his neck with a powerful flinch of the leg before quickly popping back to his feet, evading a sword thrust from Bill and delivering a perfectly aimed shield thrust to the throat of of the Viper boss, breaking his neck.  Cap turns to find his next opponent; but is caught off guard by a cheap shot from Beatrix who avenges the man so in love with her with a slash of her sword.  

The Houslanders are nowhere to be found as O-Ren and Beatrix begin ripping the house apart looking for clues.  Frank stands alone in the kitchen with Josh's black, full tang katana in his hands.  Devoutly dedicated to the cause of several generations of House Houslander, The Wendeezy clan, especially the sworn protector and Swordmaster of the Houslanders Frank himself is more than ready.  Vernita Green points her finger signaling the charge of black widows against the lone swordmaster who guards the back door of the home.  

There exists a legend taught to the students of The Red Room of a single great warrior, who may or may not have actually existed.  In this legend they claim that one man alone once stood against three black widows and defeated them; and that no one man since has ever duplicated that feat.  But this day we see Frank take up the katana of those he swore to protect for a cause more noble than that of any one man. And on this day, I Joshatu the Supreme witnessed Frank dispatch not three; but five perfectly trained black widows as well as their captain Vernita Green with only his sword and his cunning as his ally before finally falling to the blades of the two remaining members of the "Horsemen" of death sent by the evil empire.  

   A faint sound of squealing tires and 1980s V-6 power is heard in the distance as Josh and Kurt race away aboard a Fiero GT custodian of the stolen plans that can save their people and restore freedom to the country.  

"The intel provided by my gang told us that Josh had gotten rid of the Fiero".  Says Ishii to Kiddo.

Beatrix replies:  "Well, then I guess you can be the one to tell The Big Guy that the intel was wrong.  He isn't as forgiving as I am".