Friday, April 2, 2010

The Transfoamers vs. The Right Wing

Waterworld- The world is a cruel place, where brotherhood is a thing of the past, and anything -- or anyone -- can be sold or traded for as little as a sheet of paper.”
-James Berardinelli

I look at the teams to do battle in Waterworld during this Week 5 Match. They are as follows:

The Transfoamers: Gears, Hardhead and Duros, Highbrow and Gort, Turbo, Zombie Soundwave w/ Zombie Frenzy, Zombie Extinction Alice, Zombie Apocalypse Alice, Hubcap, Darth Rage (w/ a yellow power ring), Sith Lord #16, Transformers #1-10, Decepticons #8-10, Autobots #1-6, Ghosts #1-8, The Fallen, Starscream's Ghost, (movie) Jolt, (movie) Arcee, (movie) Sideways, (movie) Iron Hide, Outback, Skids and Dark Side Adepts #7-12.

The Right Wing: Poseidon, Silver Surfer, Kit Fisto, Phibians #11-20, Jedi Knights #1A-5A, Mikhail Bakunin, Ariel, Opee Sea Killers #1-8, Jacen Solo, Blue Lantern #2, Martin Blank, Pirates #1-6, Zeus, Capt. Mifune, Shintor Beerus, Pegasus, General Kidd, Right Winger and Left Winger, Elite Stormtroopers #1-6, Darth Malak, Madman, Scrappy-Doo, Batwoman, Jedi Master #18A and Gondor Soldiers #1 and 2.

Let the battle begin. . .

The Titanic cuts through the rough waters. Aboard the immense ocean liner are Jedi Knights #1A-5A, Mikhail Bakunin, Jacen Solo, Pirates #1-6, Capt. Mifune, Shintor Beerus, General Kidd, Right Winger and Left Winger, Elite Storm Troopers #1-6, Darth Malak, Madman, Scrappy-Doo, Batwoman, Jedi Master #18A and Gondor Soldiers #1 and 2. Captain Mifune steers the ship and is assisted by Pirates #1-6.

Captain Mifune: Full steam ahead!!!

The Titanic heads toward the floating city where the Transfoamers wait.

From the Titanic’s hull Captain Mifune and Pirates #1-6 can be heard.

Captain Mifune: I want to be a pirate
Pirate #1: A pirate's life for me
Pirate #2: All my friends are pirates
Pirate #3: And sail the B. B. sea
Pirate #4: I've got a Jolly Roger
Pirate #5: It's black and white and vast
Pirate #6: Get out of your Skull and Crossbones
All: And I'll run it up your mast

The Titanic presses ahead and reaches the floating city. Immediately most of the combatants storm the flotilla; some remain behind.

Dark Side Adepts #7-12 stand behind Sith Lord #16, waiting for the rush of Jedi Knights #1A-5A, Jacen Solo and Shintor Beerus. Jedi Knights #1A-5A battle Dark Side Adepts #7-12. After the fury of the lightsabers crashing into one another, Jedi Knights #1A, 3A-5A are killed, as are Dark Side Adepts #7-8, 11-12. Jacen Solo dispels of remaining Dark Side Adepts #9-10. Meanwhile, Shintor Beerus and Jedi Knight #2A face Sith Lord #16. Sith Lord #16 easily slices through Jedi Knight #2A; no Jedi Knights remain. Solo and Beerus face Sith Lord #16. Sith Lord #16, through some effort, defeats Jacen Solo. Sith Lord #16 is about to succumb to the blade of Beerus when Darth Rage flies upon the scene through the use of his yellow power ring. The combined efforts of both Darth Rage and Sith Lord #16 are too much for the Jedi; Beerus falls. Darth Rage picks up Sith Lord #16 with a yellow projected hand and flies away to the next skirmish.

Zombie Extinction Alice and Zombie Apocalypse Alice face Martin Blank and Gondor Soldiers #1-2. The Alices do spectacular flips and acrobatics while firing their guns at the same time. They shred Gondor Soldiers #1-2 apart. They catapult next to Martin Blank and both bite him on the neck at the same time. The virus scours through Blank’s system and he becomes a zombie. Zombie Martin Blank has each Zombie Alice adorning his arms.

The Zombie trio meets Elite Stormtroopers #1-6, along with Right Winger and Left Winger. Elite Stormtroopers #1-6 know that they will not be successful in killing all three zombies and thus, focus on only one. They blow Martin Blank’s head off before he can do any damage. The Zombie Alices fire upon and kill all Elite Stormtroopers #1-6. While the Alices’ focus was on the destruction of the Empire’s minions, the Wingers combine their efforts to sneak behind and kill Zombie Apocalypse Alice. Zombie Extinction Alice is enraged and does not think as she kills the two Wingers by ripping their heads off. Right Winger and Left Winger will not be resurrected into zombies, but Alice has obtained her vengeance for having both her boyfriend Blank and “sister” die at the others’ hands. Zombie Apocalypse Alice rushes away and is unexpectedly flattened by a large blue mass. Alice is squished and her head pops off her body at the hand (or ring) of Blue Lantern #2. As Blue Lantern #2 flies away, he is met by Darth Rage and Sith Lord #16; Blue Lantern #2 is killed by both.

The two Sith fly on and are crashed into by Darth Malak riding Pegasus. Malak rides the winged steed and gains the advantage due to the aerial combat skills of the horse. Pegasus positions his rider so that Malak is able to slice Sith Lord #16 in half. Darth Malak and Pegasus begin to battle Darth Rage. Although Malak initially has the upper hand due to his better understanding of the dark side, he is concerned that if Rage focuses on Pegasus, he is doomed. Silver Surfer does not allow his teammate to worry further as the herald fires the power cosmic at Darth Rage’s hand. The yellow power ring is seared off his finger. Darth Malak then slices off Darth Rage’s other arm. Rage falls to the waters below. The last things he see are a beautiful mermaid (Ariel) followed by the teeth of the Opee Sea Killers. He is ripped apart by the fish-like creatures.

Poseidon decides to make this match more “to the liking” of his team. He uses a tremendous tidal wave to engulf the city and its remaining inhabitants. The city crashes into the waters and begins to sink. While the platform is going under many of the Transfoamers manage to either jump or attach themselves to the Titanic, or convert to aerial mode and fly away.

Gears is not one of them as he crashes into the water. Before the robot is one hundred feet down, he is met by Phibians #11-20. They surround and assist Gears to his grave as they push him down to the waters below. Gears is heard complaining on the way down just before he implodes when he reaches the critical depth. Phibians #11-20 rise near the surface, waiting for more of the Transfoamers. Hardhead and Duros also crash into the waters. When they hit, they transform into their individual components. Although Hardhead attempts to save his headmaster partner, Duros is ripped apart by the Opee Sea Killers. Hardhead manages to kill Opee Sea Killer #3, but is unsuccessful in killing any more as he drifts to the bottom- and to his doom.

Highbrow and Gort have become a helicopter. They are met by Pegasus and Darth Malak. Although Malak is able to defend himself against the Transformer, he is unable to save Pegasus this time. His horse is blasted from beneath him and Malak begins to fall. Before he hits the waters, Ghosts #1-8 rip through him and kill the Sith Lord. The Ghosts then focus on the ocean liner’s inhabitants.

Madman stands by Scrappy-Doo.

Madman: My little canine friend, I will use my supernatural aptitude to learn how to destroy the ghosts!

Scrappy-Doo: Just let me at them! Let me at them!!!

Madman obtains the answer as to how to beat the spectral enemies, but is unable to relate the information to his teammates before Ghosts #3-7 destroy him. The entire Ghost clan then focuses on Scrappy. They pull the young pup off of the deck and begin to bat him around like a beach ball. Scrappy takes a beating and is thrown back to the liner’s deck. A bloodied Scrappy slowly crawls to where the cabin is. He needs to warn his Pirate teammates and Captain Mifune before the Ghosts can do them harm. Before the Ghosts reach the cabin, Zeus floats to the scene and unleashes his fury. Ghosts #1-8 explode and dissipate to nothingness. Zeus sees a mortally wounded Scrappy-Doo.

Zeus: Oh my little friend. . . .my poor little pup. . . You have done well and will die a glorious death in battle- a true gladiator’s honor.

Scrappy-Doo: Thanks Master Zeus. I am proud to . . . have . . . served . . . with. . . .you. .

Scrappy dies in Zeus’ arms.


Zeus flies to his aquatic brother, who has witnessed what transpired.

Poseidon: For Scrappy!

Zeus: For Scrappy!

The two gods unleash a fury which rips through the Transfoamers both climbing up the Titanic and well as those in the air and on the surface of the water. As the pandemonium ensues and the immense Titanic is tossed about, a song can be heard being sung by Captain Mifune and the Pirates.

Captain Mifune: Oh, better far to live and die
Pirate #1: Under the brave black flag I fly,
Pirate #2: Than play a sanctimonious part,
Pirate #3: With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Pirate #4: Away to the cheating world go you,
Pirate #5: Where pirates all are well-to-do;
Pirate #6: But I’ll be true to the song I sing,
All: And live and die a Pirate King.

While the winds rip through the waters, Hubcap, (movie) Jolt, Skids, (movie) Ironhide (movie) Sideways and Outback are ripped from the steam liner’s sides and submersed in the waters below. The robots are met by Kit Fisto along with Phibians #11-20. Fisto uses his lightsaber to slash pieces of Hubcap off. Phibians #11-13 assist the Jedi and push Hubcap to his watery grave. Remaining Phibians #14-20 come together and propel Skids to his doom. Before his destruction though, Skids manages to kill Phibians #15, 17 and 20. The remaining Phibians, along with Kit Fisto, Ariel and Opee Sea Killers #1-2, 4-8 come together and destroy the remaining Transfoamers. Although all of the robots are destroyed, their destruction also brings the deaths of Opee Sea Killers #2 and 7, along with Phibians #11-13.

In the front cabin, General Kidd and Mikhail Bakunin have joined Mifune and the Pirates. They want to be included in the next song. Another verse is never sung as Starscream’s Ghost (which has taken over Decepticon #8), Turbo, and Highbrow and Gort unleash their weapons upon the cabin. General Kidd, Mikhail Bakunin, Captain Mifune and Pirates #1-6 are blown to smithereens.

On deck, (movie) Arcee faces Batwoman and Jedi Master #18A. The robot-mode of Arcee launches herself at Batwoman who jumps over the Transformer. As Arcee turns around she accidentally slips on the deck since her wheels cannot catch the wet surface. She slides past Jedi Master #18A, who slashes her body in two with his lightsaber. Highbrow and Gort, Turbo, and Starscream’s Ghost (as Decepticon #8) focus on the Jedi Master and Batwoman. Both Jedi Master #18A and Batwoman are killed by the flying machines. Silver Surfer flies through the robots and blasts them all with the power cosmic; Decepticon #8-Starscream’s Ghost, Turbo and Highbrow and Gort fall to the waters below in pieces.

Ariel talks to the remaining Opee Sea Killers and Phibians. The giant monstrosities and air-water breathers agree to take some of the Transfoamers that are currently on the ocean liner’s deck to their watery graves. Although they know that it will most likely spell their doom, they are confident that they will be able to take the Transfoamers with them. The Opee Sea Killers and Phibians swim deep below the ship to uncanny depths. They then swim upward, gaining speed as they go and spring forth with such intensity that they are able to knock all Autobots #1-6, along with Zombie Soundwave and Zombie Frenzy into the water. The Sea Killers and Phibians are barraged with the Transformer weapons and eventually succumb to their wounds. Nonetheless, the “commons” have completed their objective – Autobots #1-6, Zombie Soundwave and Zombie Frenzy were destroyed in the melee.

The remaining combatants are Transformers #1-10, Decepticons #9-10 and The Fallen facing off against Poseidon, Silver Surfer, Kit Fisto, Ariel and Zeus. Decepticons #9-10 barrage Kit Fisto with their weapons. The Jedi’s lightsaber can only deflect so many blasts. Kit Fisto is killed.

Ariel remains in the water next to Poseidon.

Ariel: I think it’s time Poseidon.

Poseidon: Yes it is, my dear. Yes it is.

Poseidon uses his powers to engulf the Titanic. The ocean liner cracks in half. Transformers #1-10, Decepticons #9-10 and The Fallen attempt to either latch onto any of the liner’s fragments, or find safe footing while the ship sinks. They are met by the fury of Zeus, Poseidon and the Silver Surfer. All of the remaining Transformers are destroyed, as well as the Titanic, which once again, goes to its watery grave.

The Transfoamers: All killed.

The Right Wing: Zeus, Silver Surfer, Poseidon and Ariel survive.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Horsemen of Apokolips vs. Alice's Wonder Team

“In the future, the polar ice caps have melted, the world is covered by water, and everyone is left to fend for themselves as scavengers in a grim reality. This is WATERWORLD.”
-Christopher Null

I look at the teams to do battle in Waterworld during this Week 5 Match. They are as follows:

The Horsemen of Apokolips: The Celestial Fourth Host: Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezzar the Calculator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Arishem the Judge, Jemiah the Analyzer, Eson the Searcher, Oneg the Prober and Ziran the Tester, Seaworms #1-8, The Seacons: Nautilator, Overbite, Seawing, Skalor, Snaptrap and Tentakill, Percy Jackson, Superboy Prime, Tommy Oliver, The Master, Apocalypse, Exodus and Navy SEAL #1.

Alice’s Wonder Team: The Q Continuum: Q, Q2, True Q, The Q Representitive, Lady Q, q and Quinn, General Zod, The Anti-Monitor, The Spectre, Sharkticons #11-36, Goblins #4-6, Ewok #47 and Treasure Troll #17.

Let the battle begin. . .

Above the Water

The cosmic and celestial entities face one another. They do not spare a moment’s glance at the other combatants in the match since, as far as they are concerned, they are inconsequential. The battle will be won by either the Celestial Fourth Host, or the Q Continuum. The duelers’ feet float just above the waters. Utter silence engulfs the area as all members of each team focus on the scene. In the next instant, the cosmic forces and blasts are ripping through the waters and ripping through the fighters. At the end of the battle, all are lost. The Q Continuum - Q, Q2, True Q, The Q Representative, Lady Q, q, and Quinn are tattered remains. The Celestial Fourth Host: Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezzar the Calculator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Arishem the Judge, Jemiah the Analyzer, Eson the Searcher, Oneg the Prober and Ziran the Tester are scorched pieces of armor. Both sides have wiped each other out.

In the Water

Sharkticons #11-36 note the great disturbance above the water, but determine that it should have no effect on their mission, which is to destroy Seaworms #1-8. The Sharkticons whip themselves into a frenzy and attack the Seaworms with voracious tenacity. Seaworms #3, 6 and 8 are instantly ripped apart. The remaining Seaworms manage to destroy Sharkticons #11-13 and 20-24, but soon succumb to the relentless gnashing and biting of the Sharkticons. Seaworms #1-2, 4-5 and 7 are destroyed, but with their destruction comes the annihilation of Sharkticons #14-17 and 33-36. The Horsemen’s Seaworms have done what is necessary to gain an advantage for the Seacons, which swim to the scene. The Seacons are in their alternate modes and battle the remaining Sharkticons, being #18-19 and #25-32. Snaptrap destroys Sharkticons #18-19. Tentakill destroys Sharkticons #25 and 28. Seawing destroys Sharkticons #26 and 32. Overbite destroys Sharkticons #27 and 29. Although the remaining Sharkticons manage to bang up both Nautilator and Skalor, with the assistance of their more aggressive and better-abled teammates, they overcome the remaining Sharkticons #30-31. All Sharkticons #11-36 have been destroyed through the combined efforts of the Seacons and Seaworms.

At the Outpost

Navy Seal #1 runs along the steel-drummed flotilla at Ewok #47. Ewok #47 scampers up a rope ladder to the second floor of the platform. Navy Seal #1 follows him and as he nears the top, Treasure Troll #17 cuts the ladder’s rope. As the rope falls, Navy Seal #1 manages to reach a post jutting from the wall. The Seal shimmies up the post to the second floor. Navy Seal #1 is extremely agitated at nearly being killed by a “teddy bear” and “glow-‘froed midget.” Navy Seal #1 locates both and dispels with his gun; he will use his knife to savor the kills. Navy Seal #1 guts both Ewok #47 and Treasure Troll #17. As the Navy Seal cleans the knife on his pant-leg, he is converged upon by Goblins #4-6. Navy Seal #1 quickly drops his knife and pulls his gun. Although he shoots Goblin #4, Goblins #5 and 6 overpower and kill him. Percy Jackson and The Master see Goblins #5 and #6. Jackson uses his abilities to channel a water flow to knock Goblins #4 and 5 off the second floor to the main level of the platform. The Goblins are stunned. They are never able to regain their composure as both The Master and Tommy Oliver come upon the Goblins and kill them. In a vengeance driven rampage, as is typical for the Spectre, the embodiment of G-d’s anger comes upon the three Horsemen- Oliver, Master and Jackson. The Spectre uses his powers to rip planks from the platform and splinter them into hundreds of sharpened projectiles. The Spectre then sends them the Master’s way. The wooden stakes skewer the Master, who bursts into flames and becomes a cinder pile. Both Tommy Oliver and Percy Jackson jump into the water, away from the wrath of the Spectre.

In the Air above the Outpost

General Zod and Superman Prime are in a pitched battle. The two evenly matched participants pummel one another while deflecting enough of the other’s onslaught. No true “upperhand” can be held by either combatant. Exodus suddenly teleports behind Zod and holds the super-villain. This is the advantage that Superman Prime needs. With both Exodus and Superman Prime battling Zod, the “upperhand” is eventually obtained by the Horsemen. After moments of sheer blunt force trauma being applied to Zod’s head by Superman Prime, Zod’s beaten and nearly unconscious body falls to the water. The Seacons see Zod and transform into Piranacon. Piranacon rips a weakened Zod apart.

In the Waters next to the Outpost

The Anti-Monitor unleashes the full extent of his cosmic powers and rips apart Piranacon. Nautilator and Skalor are instantly destroyed; Overbite, Seawing, Snaptrap and Tentakill are damaged, but still functional. They join both Percy Jackson and Tommy Oliver. As the quad of Transformers swim with Oliver and Jackson, they are confronted by the Spectre. This time the duo that fled him the first time will not escape. The Spectre uses his powers without hesitation to kill both Oliver and Jackson. The Seacons, meanwhile, attack the Spectre. Although the Spectre fights valiantly, his aggressive powers begin to wane. Anti-Monitor sees his teammate in trouble and finishes the job he set out to do in the first place by destroying the remaining Seacons- Overbite, Seawing, Snaptrap and Tentakill.

The Outpost

The Spectre climbs the ladder back to the Outpost where Anti-Monitor is waiting. The titans of both teams face off against one another. The scene mirrors that from the beginning of the match. Superman Prime, Apocalypse and Exodus face the Spectre and Anti-Monitor. Taking advantage of the still weakened state of the Spectre, both Exodus and Apocalypse focus their abilities upon him. Apocalypse uses the full force of both his psionic powers and energy manipulation to lash out at the Spectre. Meanwhile, Exodus uses his superhuman abilities. The combined efforts of the two defeat the Spectre. Anti-Monitor, meanwhile, has destroyed Superboy Prime during the Spectre melee. Anti-Monitor then uses his cosmic powers upon Exodus and kills him. Just as Anti-Monitor is about to reach his Horsemen kill tri-fecta, Apocalypse uses his access to celestial technology to obtain a device which will defeat Anti-Monitor. Apocalypse uses the device to augment Anti-Monitor’s powers to such an extent that they eventually engulf the villain. An explosion occurs and no remains are left behind of the Anti-Monitor. Apocalypse thinks to himself that it is fitting that the only survivor of this battle is his team’s namesake.

The Horsemen of Apokolips: Apocalypse survives.

Alice’s Wonder Team: All dead.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Season Three: Week Four: Beckerman's Backyardigan's Beeyaatches vs. The Abomitrons

Beckerman’s Backyardigans Beeyaatches are Arkillo, Dark Phoenix, Mogo, Ranx the Sentient City, Orion, Cyclonus & his Armada, Krypto, Trigger Happy and Blow Pipe, Brood #7-9, War Skrull #7,8 & 10, Sentinal #3-8, The One Above All and Storm Trooper #15 in a Z-95 Headhunter.

The Abomitrons are Immell #1 (Cyborg Norris), Immell #2-5 (Battledae, Rob Murray, Paddle & The Captain) in Blackbird 1, Immell #6 (Mega-borg), Immell #10 & 11 (Jedi Fire & Raven Knight), Immell #12 (Captain Malcolm Ocean), Immell #13 (Zengler), Immell #18 (Dr. Ray Wookie) & Falco in a Naboo Yacht, Immell #20 (Iron Jedi), Zombie Neo, Mega Man and Rush, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Underdog, Cerberus, Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson & Kevin, Tom & Jerry, Goofy & Pluto, Kyle and Zachary, Captain Underpants, Ultra Boy, Fineas, Ferb & Perry, Abin Sur, Baby Colossus, Montross, Zombie Jimmy Neutron, Zombie Tails, Zombie Scooby Dumb, Zombie #1 & 2, Horribul & Creb, Mountain Dew Transformer, Football Transformer, Zufa Cenva, Ewok Child #1, Starship Trooper #51-56, Purple Muscle Man #1 & Pink Muscle Man #1 & 2.

Space, the final frontier.

More like the final resting spot for one of these teams. Ha HA HAA!!!

May I also add that I wasn’t aware that space could be ugly looking. The Rishey Mayes system is one nasty thing. If I only had three words to describe what this system looked like it would be ugly, ugly and ugly. With all the silverware back in the drawer though, let’s get this wild ride underway.

Arkillo: “Is that what I think it is?”

Orion: “Yeah, it kind hurts my brain to even think about it”

The One Above All: “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. It’s so exciting to see something so weird. Can I do it? Can I do it? PLEASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!”

Arkillo: “Oh my god, if it shuts you up, fine do it. I am sick of even looking at the thing.”

The One Above All: “Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

And like that, the Naboo Yacht and everyone on board were dead and gone.

Arkillo: “Good job Onesy. Let’s blow the lid off this soup can and kill the rest of them.”

The One Above All: (In a sing-songy sort of way) “Oh boy do I love a good killin, killin is alright with me. Watching them run, it’s oh so much fun, and the best of all is it’s free”

Orion: “This is even more embarrassing then the Yacht, is there any way to shut this guy up?”

Arkillo: “I don’t have a clue. I suppose we could just point him to that cluster of people over there.”

Orion: “Yeah, I suppose your right. I can’t believe people actually pray to this guy.”

The One Above All: “Then I take the bacon out of the fridge and put butter in the pan. It tastes so good when it’s all finished. Yummy yummy yum yum yum. I’m a hungry dungry mister man.”

Arkillo at this point is so beyond humiliated at his teammate, that it pains him to even acknowledge his presence.

Arkillo: “Hey kiddo, how you doing over there.”

The One Above All: “Hey Arky, what's the what?”

Arkillo: (Rolling his eyes) “I saw some people over there, they look like they might be fun to play with. Maybe you could even pick a fight with them. Maybe you could try to kill them?”

The One Above All: “Oh boy Arky, do you really think so?”

Arkillo: “I really do. Now why don’t you get a move on and see what they are up to.”

The One Above All: “Okay Arky, I’ll be back soon with some new friends.”

The One Above All is takes off towards the majority of the Abomitrons team.

Orion: “Do you really think he can take on their whole team?”

Arkillo: “Does it matter? I would have literally thrown this match to get rid of him. Now let’s get everyone together and actually try to do something.

Orion: “Yeah, alright.”

Arkillo and Orion take off towards the rest of their team when Arkillo notices something else that seems out of the ordinary. They see what seems to be some sort of advanced jet flying through space. Not a spaceship per say, but a regular earth bound jet somehow being propelled through space.

Arkillo: “What the…how is that jet moving through space? I mean, come on”

Orion: “You know, for a guy without a tongue, you sure do talk a lot.”

Arkillo: “Lantern powers baby, can’t beat em.”

Orion: “Yeah, despite my pretty awesome powers, I always have wished I had a ring. It just seems way too cool.”

Arkillo: “Your not wrong. The best way I can think to describe how great it is having a ring, is by saying that it is like always having an ice-cold glass of freshly squeezed lemonade. No matter how you are feeling, you just take a swig of it and you feel like a million bucks.”

Orion: “Man that sounds good.”

Arkillo: “It’s really good man. In fact, oh yeah, just took a swig a second ago. Ahhhh, tastes good every time.”

Orion: “Can I have sip?”

Arkillo: “If I could, I would. But I can’t and that’s just the way it is.”

Orion: “Bummer. I could really go for some lanternade.”

The Blackbird Jet continued to approach the wordy Backyardigans when out of nowhere, Cyborg Norris came busting out of the jet and began attacking both of the super powered beings. Cyborg Norris got a couple of great hits on Orion, but it didn’t do too much damage on the son of Darkseid. Norris then was about to turn his attention on Arkillo, but realized he did not have to. Out of the shadows of this ugly space came perhaps the Abomitrons best player. Abin Sur began to beat the crap out of Arkillo, quickly taking the yellow lantern holder down to the deeper reaches of space. These four super powered characters continued to beat on each other while the rest of the match began to really heat up.

Immell’s #2-5 were still alone in their jet when Storm Trooper #15 did a fly by of the now vulnerable ship. Cyborg Norris thought he was doing his teammates a favor by taking on his opponents by himself, but in the long run his decision was going to hold the consequence of being the reason his fellow jet bound teammates were all dead. After that first fly-by in his Z-95 Headhunter, Storm Trooper #15 unloaded a hell-fire of laser blasts down on his enemies ship, turning it into a ball of flames.

On the other side of the playing field, The One Above All was wiping people out left and right. First he killed the Muscle men and then he killed Montross. After that Goofy and Pluto went down and before long, both Baby Colossus along with Starship Troopers #51-53.

Mega Man: “Come on Rush, if we don’t try something on this guy, were all gonna be wiped out”

Fineas: “Hey Mega Man, I have an idea. Have you noticed that the mentally challenged god like thing isn’t doing anything to the Zombies? I think he is unable to touch them because they are abominations of nature. I think if we somehow can turn that undead energy back onto him, we might have a chance at destroying him.”

Ferb: “That is a very solid sounding plan Fineas, I think it might just work. We need to gather the Zombies together at once.”

As all of the Transformers were some how keeping the not so gentle god at bay, Mega Man, Rush, Fineas, Ferb and Perry were all gathering the Zombies together. Though they were of the undead variety at this point, Zombie Neo and Zombie Jimmy Neutron still had they powers available to them. After some sweet strategizing, Mega Man and his crew were able to get their plan into action.

All at once everyone who was able to fire on The One Above all began to do so, which stunted his movement ever so slightly. It was enough time for Jimmy Neutron to move his rusty spaceship close enough to the god to get into range. Zombie Neo then rushed the god, head on as a diversion, as he was not the endgame to this very tricky move. Just as Neo stood in defiance to the god, Zufa Cenva let out a concentrated telepathic blast that ripped through the Zombies, but in turn, wiped out The One Above All for good.

Mega Man: “Alright, it worked”

Ferb: “It did, but I didn’t expect it to kill so many of our people.”

Fineas: “Yeah, I am not sure that was worth it.”

Zufa Cenva who actually survived the telepathic blast, looked at her teammates and said, “Look, the god is dead. That is all that matters at this point. Now let’s get ourselves back together and keep bringing it to them.”

Mega Man, Fineas & Ferb look deflated, but are still anxious to take this match back.

Zufa Cenva: “Raven, I am still very weak, but do you think you might be able to give me some of my power back.”

Dark Phoenix: “Even if she could, I doubt it would help.”

After she says this, the Dark Phoenix unleashes a psionic blast that wipes out Zufa, Fineas, Ferb, Perry, Mega Man, Rush and the Mountain Dew Transformer. The remaining Abomintrons were stunned by this incredible attack, but it was not long before the Iron Jedi went back on the offensive. Just as he started to attack his dark opponent though, he noticed several gigantic beings following directly behind her. All six Sentinals along with Cyclonus, his Armada and Trigger Happy and Blow Pipe were behind her. The battle that ensued did not take to long once everybody was there.

Iron Jedi was able to kill the Armada and Blow Pipe but was eventually crushed to death by Sentinal #5. The same went for Horribul & Creb. They were both overpowered by the Dark Phoenix, but not before taking out Trigger Happy and damaging the arm of Sentinal #8. At this point, the Dark Phoenix flew away from the fight for a bit, disappearing into the shadows. This left her teammates without their most powerful ally. It also gave the Abomintrons the in that they had been looking for. Though the Sentinals are huge and rather powerful, they are also not as quick as their opponents or as adept in a fight like this. During this time the Sentinals took a beating. Starfire and Cyborg both rushed in on the injured Sentinal #8 and pounded its head into a pile of dead metal.

Ultra Boy began to attack Sentinal #6 and was able to finally defeat it with the help of Gwen Tennyson’s magic. The Football Transformer put up a good fight against Cyclonus but in the end the purple Cybertronian jet was just too much for him, as he was blasted into a thousand tiny pieces. Cyclonus did not have much time to gloat in his victory though, because moments later he to was a floating pile of scrape from the combined blasts of Starfire, Kevin Levin, who had absorbed the powers of Starfire right before the attack and the Starship Troopers. In the minutes that followed after that, Sentinals #3-5 were also destroyed by the combined efforts of the Teen Titans, Ben Ten force and the remaining Starship Troopers.

With only Sentinals #6 and 7 left, the Abomitrons were feeling rather good again about their chances in this match.

Captain Underpants: “We are doing so good right now. I think I might just go attack those big robots myself.”

Kyle: “Uh, I don’t think that’s a great idea Captain. I’d stay back here with me and my brother for a little while longer.”

Zachary: “Hey Kyle, where did that scary looking lady go?”

Kyle: “I don’t know Zach, I haven’t seen her in a while. I wouldn’t worry about her too much though. I think she is probably bored with us by now.”

Zachary: “You sure about that Kyle. That doesn’t seem like something that someone with those kind of powers would do.”

Kyle: “It will be alright Zach, I wouldn’t worry about that right now. Plus, we have Cerberus to protect us from anything that comes our way.”

Captain Underpants: “You have me as well you guys. I will do anything I can to help protect you children.”

Kyle: “Thanks Cap.””

Zachary: “Ah Kyle, what is that light behind those huge robot things?”

Kyle: “It’s just the star I think.”

Zachary: “The sudden star that is just now appearing in front of us. I don’t think that is just a star.”

Kyle: (Pauses for a second) “Oh shoot, that’s the scary looking lady isn’t it?”

Seconds after Kyle uttered those words, the Dark Phoenix sent an energy blast through both remaining Sentinals (#5 and 6), sending enough shrapnel through the remaining members of the Abomintrons, killing everyone not named Cyborg Norris and Abin Sur.

Speaking of Cyborg Norris and Abin Sur. They’re battle with Arkillo and Orion had been raging on for a long while now, a battle that was starting to fall to the wayside. Though Cyborg Norris had given Orion a tough fight up to this point, nothing seemed to be affecting the new god. Things were going much better for his teammate though, who, after a long and brutal match, had finally managed to knock the yellow ring off of Arkillo’s hand. The second the ring left his finger, Abin Sur went in for the kill, snapping the neck of the Sinestro corp. member.

With the yellow ring floating in space and the thoughts of that sweet sweet lemonade in his mouth, Orion in one quick motion, launched Cyborg Norris into Abin Sur. As Norris slammed into the Green Lantern corp. member, they were both hit with an Astro Force blast that was powerful enough to destroy a small country. The blast instantly killed both remaining members of the Abomintrons. Sealing the deal once and for all for the Backyardigans.

Orion: “Now it’s my turn for the tastiest drink in the universe.”

Dark Phoenix: “Not so fast skippy, that ring doesn’t come in your size.”

Dark Phoenix then turns the ring to dust, basically ruining the day for her immortal teammate.

Orion: “Why would you do that, I want some lemonade to.”

The Phoenix gives her teammate a look and says, “Don’t worry honey, mommy will get you a glass of lemonade when we get home.” The Phoenix then flies away in disgust, wondering why she seems to be the only normal person on her team. As the surviving Backyardigans fly off and away from this battle, the ominous shadows of Mogo and Ranx are seen in the background. Though their presence may have been felt during the match, it was never needed.

Meanwhile, on the surface of Mogo…

War Skrull #7: “When are they going to lead them down here. It’s been hours and I haven’t gotten a signal or anything.”

War Skrull #10: “You sure they even need us. I mean, our team was pretty amazing this week. I kind of just figured we were fillers anyways.”

War Skrull #7: “No way. I talked to The One Above All a bunch of times this week and he said having us, Krypto and the Brood’s down here was the perfect trap for our opponents. Plus, there’s no way we would ever be just fillers.”

War Skrull #8: “Yeah, I don’t know how reliable of a source that guy is. He also told me that if I helped him with that Garfield puzzle last week, he’d turn me into Superman.”

War Skrull #7: “I don’t care what you guys think, we are still needed in this match. I bet you anytime now they are going to be sending them down here for us to attack them. We are very important to this team.”

War Skrull #10: “Yeah, fine whatever. Can you pass the lemonade again, this stuff is really good.”

War Skrull #8: “Yeah I know. I think it is freshly squeezed. I wonder who made it?”

The Abomintrons: All Dead.

Beckerman’s Backyardigan’s Beeyaatches: Dark Phoenix, Mogo, Ranx the Sentient City, Orion, Krypto, Brood #7-9, War Skrulls #7,8 & 10, Storm Trooper #15 in a Z-95 Headhunter all survive.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 4 - Michael Vick's Bad News Kennelz of Lurve vs Bruce's Bodacious Bullies

Kennelz are: Galactus, Nova, Terrax, Firelord, Four Oa Guardians, Green lantern 1,2,4, and 5, Jade, Kryb, Saint Walker, Indigo 1, Monk, Manhunter 1,2 and 3, Captain Atom, Barbarrossa, Battle Droid 1 and 2.

The Bullies are: Xio Jade, Starkiller, Eeth Koth in a B-Wing, The Leader (w/ Red Lightsaber), Dr. Voodoo, Ultra Magnus, Blue Wizard #2, Cybertronian Guardian #10, Force Adept 1,2,3, and 4, Atlas, The Stranger, Jedi Lightsaber Scientist #3 and 4, Terminator # 39, Nightmare with a Yellow Power Ring, and Riik #3.

The Battle, Already in progress, is not shaking out well for the Bullies.

Galactus Sits back, his arms folded, watching, and he informs the watcher what has taken place.

"See, none of these dudes are even remotely large enough to satisfy my appetite. I thought about eating Xio Jade, but I'll just be hungry again in an hour... So I simply clapped my gigantic hands with her in between them and extinguished her life..."

I commented on the brutality of this, and Galactus just shrugged, brushing at his shoulder, resulting in a tiny (from his perspective anyway) explosion. Eath Koth was attempting to pilot his B-Wing into Galactus' ear and make a trench run to launch some torpedoes into his brain. The B-Wing that Koth was piloting was easily brushed away, careening wildly out of control and slamming into Cybertronian Guardian #10 who had just killed two of the Oan Guardians in a surprise attack.

The other two Oan guardians were issuing orders to their 4 Green Lantern charges when Saint Walker appeared by their side.

"No need to worry my blue friends, I've got this covered!"
"We certainly hope so." said the Guardians.
"Well, you're in luck, hope is kind of my thing." replied Saint Walker.

With that Saint walker overcharged the 4 green lantern's rings to double capacity and sent them after force adepts one through four and the light saber scientists . The boosted lantern rings easily constructed giant hammers and axes, in one case a giant frying pan... and pummeled the overwhelmed jedi into oblivion.

Nightmare's yellow power ring has been neutralized by Saint Walkers's blue ring and he was quickly encased in a perfect, glowing green replica of the trash compactor on the detention level of the death star.

The lanterns were beginning to have way too much fun with their rings charged to double capacity, the walls of the compactor compressed nightmare into a wafer and the compressed remains of his body floated lifeless in space.

The Lanterns were busy high fiving each other with giant green hand constructs when The Stranger decided enough was enough, he increased his size to that of Galactus and crushed the green lanterns in his giant hands.

The Stranger then set his sights on Galactus.

"Devourer of worlds, prepare to face of with a manipulator of reality itself."

The stranger and Galactus square off, exchanging furious blows with each-other, Crushing the remaining guardians, Jade, Kryb, Indigo Lantern 1, Monk, The manhunters, Barbarossa, Blue Wizard #2, Riik #3 and Atlas in the process.

Their fists crunching the tiny creatures against one or the other giant with each punch.

The Terminator had separated himself from this and systematically destroyed the battle droids, suffering major damage in the process, his red eyes fading to black.

"This is madness, I'm putting a stop to this." said Terrax. Galactus heard his former herald and bestowed him with cosmic power.

"Hold on, I'ma go get my click clack..." Terrax said to Nova and Firelord. "and by click-clack I mean a whole sh!@-ton of meteors."

A shotgun blast of gigantic rocks peppered the battlefield.

The meteors shatter ultra magnus who attempted to shield his remaining team mates, Star Killer and The Leader were turned into pulp by the giant space rocks and chunks of autobot.

Galactus slammed his fist into The Stranger's head, knocking him senseless and proceeded to use him as a human shield the incoming barrage of rocks. The rocks failed to completely penetrate the Strangers Body but did enough damage to kill him.

The remaining combatants destroyed by the surprising torrent of space rocks, Galactus then closed in on Brother Voodoo...

(I've been corrected with a statement from the Bullies: "Our sorcerer didn't sacrifice chickens for 8 years at the University of Michigan Port-Au-Prince campus to be called "Brother Voodoo"... It's Doctor Voodoo.)

Ahem... anyway, With Saint Walker, Galactus and the Heralds Surrounding the current Sorcerer Supreme on all sides this watcher couldn't bear to witness the grim details as Dr. Voodoo was torn limb from limb by the bloodthirsty Kennelz members.

The Kennelz of Lurve are Victorious!

Saint Walker, Galactus, Terrax, Firelord, and Nova survive.

Everyone else died horribly.

Week 5: Death Match

Setting: Water World
Points: 1200
Prize: 2 Blue Lightsabers

-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Alice's Wonder Team
-TEAM Vs. The Abomitrons
-Built Ford Tough Vs. The Untouchables
-Logical Genocide Vs. Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve
-Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches Vs. Bruce's Bodacious Bullies
-Team S.P. Vs. Oblivio
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. P.M.S.
-Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies
-Hayley's Comets Vs. Xavier's Annihilation Squad
-The Transfoamers Vs. The Right Wing
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Better Than All of You
-Le' Napoleon Brigade Vs. The Syracuse Valley

The Untouchables Vs. Oblivio

The Untouchables are Sodom Yat, Romat Ru, The Galaxy Trio: Vapor Man, Meteor Man, & Gravity Girl, Tomar Tu, The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch & The Thing, Franklin Richards, Matt Oblak (w/ a red lightsaber), & Teresa Oblak in The Malevolence, Soranak Nat, Guy Gardner (w/ a red & green power ring), Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson, Grandpa Max, The Legion of Super Heroes: Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy, Triplicate Girl, Timber Wolf, Chameleon Boy, Karate Kid, & Cosmic Boy, Bodikka, Onslaught, Cad Bane, Aleta One, The Pretender Monsters: Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slog, & Wildfly, Slippy Toad in an Arwing, & Gree.

Oblivio is Sith Lord #17 & 18 (Darth Void & Darth Barren), Space Godzilla, Hawkeye, Gorax, Micah Jiett in a B-Wing, Prince Nuada, Mr. Wink, Golden Army Soldier #1 & 2, Darwin, Magma, Capt. Marvel, Black Dragon #8, Mon*Star & Yess Man in Sky-Runner, Vampire #99, Liet Kynes, Pardot Kynes, Liet Kynes Ghola, Griffin #17, Junkeon #25 & 26, & The Brotherhood of Evil: The Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madam Rouge, Garguax, & General Immortus.

Mr. Fantastic orders his team to hang back at first so they can try and pick off some of Oblivio’s team at the very beginning and then surround and overwhelm what is left. Reed Richards and his scientific assistant Teresa Oblak know that Oblivio, being an expansion team could not have possibly built up a great space team yet and that they should do their best to take advantage of this. With this plan laid out, Mr. Fantastic orders his team to move quickly and sporadically so they can take out the lesser threats first without being caught in the middle of a major skirmish. Although The Brain & Monsieur Mallah have some plans of their own, and may not be as easily defeated as The Untouchables had hoped. Mon*Star is in command of The Sky Runner which is holding quite a few members of The Oblivio Team; but the ship is ripped apart by the amazing magnetic abilities of Onslaught. With the ship being destroyed, almost all of Oblivio is now free-floating in The Richey Mays like sitting ducks. Sodom Yat, Romat Ru, Tomar Tu, Guy Gardner, & Slippy Toad in his Arwing easily maneuver around the wreckage of The Sky Runner and target Hawkeye, The Gorax Monster, Yess-Man, Black Dragon #8, Garguax, Vampire #99, Liet Kynes, Pardot Kynes, & The Liet Kynes Ghola, & Griffin #17. Cosmic Boy then uses his own powers of magnetism to send Mr. Wink & The 2 Golden Army Soldiers on a collision course with not only each other, but also their master Prince Nuada, which kills them all while he is simultaneously crushing Mon*Star inside his own metal suit of armor. Cosmic Boy then uses the 2 Junkeons as enormous bullets to kill Magma and to try and take out Micah Jiett in his B-Wing, but the Jedi Master is able to evade (for now). Magma was not so lucky. this match, as far as The Fantastic Four and The Oblaks are concerned is the exact kind of a** kicking that they were hoping for, but what they don’t realize is that Darwin, who has basically evolved into a human rocket has one by one carried The Brain, Mallah, Rouge, Immortus, & The Sith Lords to an uncharted air lock on the back of The Malevolence that The Brain calculated must exist for the ship’s hyper drive motor’s to function properly. While this is going on Space Godzilla, Jedi Master Micah Jiett in his B-Wing, & Capt Marvel have all fallen back to make their final space stand. Darth Void orders her apprentice Lord Barren to use his lightsaber to cut the hole they need to get inside The Malevolence and mount their surprise attack. The Brain knows that even this well thought out plan is a long shot, but now that they are inside the remaining Brotherhood of Evil members, the 2 Sith Lords, & Darwin are no force to be scoffed at, now that they won’t have to do their fighting in the middle of space. Outside the ship, The Untouchables #1 pick for Season 3: Sodom Yat leads Romat Ru, Vapor Man, Meteor Man, Gravity Girl, Tomar Tu, Soranik Natu, Guy Gardner, Ben Tennyson (as Jetray), Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Cosmic Boy, Boodikka, Onslaught, Aleta One, The Pretender Monsters, & Slippy Toad against Space Godzilla, Micah Jiett, & Capt. Marvel. Once the Oblivio land lubbers are inside the ship Gen. Immortus takes over command due to his skill with military tactics. They first sneak up on Gree, who Madam Rouge easily kills without making a sound by wrapping her legs around his neck to strangle him. The Brain, Mallah, & Immortus have all come to the same conclusion that The Fantastic Four and The Oblaks will most likely be found on the bridge, so they decide that they will save that fight for last and take out the rest of the crew before they can be alerted to help out the FF/Oblak Command crew. They stumble on a recreational type room where they find Cad Bane, Timber Wolf, Chameleon Boy, Karate Kid, Gwen, and Grandpa Max hanging out, awaiting orders, and telling old war stories to pass the time. Immortus uses the power of surprise as they all jump in to action to take The Untouchables off guard. The Sith Lords easily take out Chameleon Boy and the young Gwen, but once this happens The Untouchables jump into a defensive posture. Karate Kid makes a move toward The Brain and easily kicks open the jar to kill The Oblivio leader, but unfortunately for The Untouchables The Brain’s job was already done. Cad Bane dodges the attacks of both of the Sith Lords and then manages to put a perfectly placed blaster bolt into the forehead of Darth Barren. Cad Bane is then defeated when he is tripped up by Rouge and then finished off by the feminine grace and lightsaber mastery of Darth Void. Grandpa Max puts up a good fight, but is eventually taken out by Monsieur Mallah. All 3 parts of Triplicate Girl are no match for Darwin, who can now be 3 places at once to kill them simultaneously. Mallah then stomps Timber Wolf to death, while Madam Rouge throws Darth Void into Karate Kid with her lightsaber out like a spear, while she is engulfing Bouncing Boy in her grip to kill him. Reed Richards and his crew are now alerted to the presence of Oblivio on their ship, but it is to late for them to do anything but get ready for the fight. Mallah doesn’t need to look at his watch to find out that it’s “Clobberin Time” from The Thing who puts his orange rock fist thru the Ape’s head. Madam Rouge gets in the obvious fight with Mr. Fantastic, while Darth Void Sith Lightnings the crap out of Invisible Woman before she can put up a proper invisashield. Teresa and The Human Torch rush over to help out their buddy Reed, but it is to late, because Madam Rouge has already delivered a killing blow to Reed’s throat while he left it unprotected for only a split second. Rouge then tries to attack Human Torch, but she quickly finds out that even she can’t lay a hand on him without it burning her expandable skin. Gen Immortus takes his staff and knocks down Teresa, but Matt rushes over with his red lightsaber and takes Immortus’ crusty old head straight off. Darth Void is about to start a lightsaber duel with Matt, who is scared out of his mind but steps up to the challenge. Lucky for Matt Human Torch bails him out and torches Lord Void before the duel can take place. Franklin Richards then uses his powers to teleport Madam Rouge into a supernova somewhere, which as you may have guessed kills her. Back in space Micah Jiett managed to beat Slippy Toad in a dog fight but Cosmic Boy popped up to stop Jiett’s B-Wing in place and then break it in half. Micah Jiett, then in a daring move pulls out both his lightsabers and jumps out of the exploding to stab them both into the chest of Cosmic Boy, right before the Jedi is crushed by a green energy hand from Boodikka. Space Godzilla manages to take out Aleta One, Soranak Natu, Saturn Girl, & Lightning Lad before this match begins to grow tiresome for Onslaught who uses his mind to crumple his own teammate Monstructor into a ball and fire him thru the chest of Space Godzilla. Capt. Marvel takes out Vapor Man & Gravity Girl, but before he can do any more damage he is overwhelmed by the threesome of Sodom Yat, Tomar Tu, & Guy Gardner.

Le' Napoleon Brigade Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies

Le' Napoleon Brigade is (Golden Age) Wonder Woman in her Invisible Jet, Jetfire & Jetstorm, Jania Solo in a Tie Bomber, Stass Allie in a Tie Interceptor, Red Lantern #3, Skyfire, Alan Scott, Silver Dragon #4-9, Guy Gardner (w/ yellow power ring), Black Hand, Yoda's spirit, Anakin Solo in Darth Vader's Tie Fighter, Coleman Trebor in a Tie Bomber, Darth Nihilus & Emperor Palpatine in a Snow Speeder, Obi Wan Kenobi, Even Piel in a Tie Bomber, Hecate, The Jettsons: George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Astro, Rosey, & Orbitty, Jedi Master #31 & 32, & Skeletor's Crack Troopers #1 & 2.

Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies are Forge, Hellboy, Etrigan the Demon, Lobo, Guy Gardner & G'Nort, Booster Gold, Kyle Rayner, Mecha Godzilla, The Power Puff Girls: Bubbles, Blossom, & Buttercup, The Technobots: Scattershot, Lightspeed, Strafe, Nosecone, & Afterburner, Starro, Grimlock, Lobo the Duck (w/ an Atlas), Dynomutt, The Great Lakes Avengers: Mr. Immortal, Squirrel Girl, Big Bertha, & Flatman, Shazam, Hawkman & Hawkwoman, Dobby, Clone Trooper #26-31, The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, & Kimberly, & Ewok #6 & 7.

Wonder Woman speaks to her troops and says: “My daughter has informed me that last season, before I was part of this team that the team we are about to face disgraced The Brigade by sending only 1 old woman out to meet us in battle in the biggest match of the year, and that our blood debt against them will never end as long as there are Amazons among our ranks. Meanwhile on a floating asteroid in the distance is The Murderflies, who wait for their opponents arrival. Squirrel Girl turns to one of her new BFF’s Kimberly the Pink Ranger and asks: “Is it true that the team we are about to fight just busted in to our locker room last season and just slaughtered basically the whole team for no reason“? “Yeah, that about sums it up”. Kimberly replies. As The Brigade approaches the Murderfly fortified asteroid, most of the non-flyers are already inside vehicles of their own control, but Jedi Master #31 & 32 are riding inside Jetfire, while the 2 Skeletor Troops are inside Jetstorm, and Obi Wan and the Jettsons are in Skyfire. Wonder Woman sends the Silver Dragons in as the first wave, but they are not able to do much in the space’s vacuum and are destroyed rather easily by Mecha Godzilla and Starro. Wonder Woman did not have particularly high hopes for what the Silver Dragons were going to accomplish, but she did hope that it would be more than they did. Next up is Stass Allie in a Tie Interceptor leading the trio of Force powered Tie Bomber pilots. The 4 pilots fly in to attack Mecha Godzilla and seem to know exactly where to hit him with their Turbo lasers and Advanced Missiles. They then do the same to Starro, and take out the 2 Murderfly giants with relative ease. Perhaps it is their force enhanced flying ability, or perhaps it is their mental link with the Jedi Master Yoda who is now one with the force and able to speak to them freely thru minimal concentration from the living Jedis. Allan Scott and Guy Gardner square off against Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner; but before they begin battling, they banter about the one obvious subject that these 4 would discuss....... How much better Hal Jordan is than they are. The fight then begins, but we’ll come back to that later. “I wish that we could avoid, just waiting on this asteroid. Because I see the approach of a parade and I fear it is our enemies Brigade”. Etrigan says to the Atlas wielding Lobo the Duck. Just then Skyfire, Jetfire, & Jetstorm all land on the asteroid and transform, but not before they release their passengers, whom are all ready to do battle. Obi Wan Kenobi leads the charge. Etrigan kills both of the Skeletor Troopers and says: “I must say your black costume I do adore even though I knock you to this rock floor, I know death is what you’re prepared for if training you did with Skeletor”. The rhyming Etrigan is then double-teamed and killed by the 2 Jedi Masters. His last words are: “I feel as though I’ve been done a favor with a painless death by the lightsaber”. Darth Nihilus is flying the Snow Speeder with Palpatine as his gunner when Hellboy leaps into the air and punches a hole in the bottom of the ship. The Snow Speeder crash lands but both Sith Lords jump out onto the asteroid. Sidious and Nihilus then both ignite their crimson lightsabers and easily wipe out the 6 Clone Troopers before they move against The Great Lakes Avengers. The 2 of them use their lightsabers to make short work of Flatman and Big Bertha, but Palpatine has to resort to some majorly potent Sith Lightning in order to fry Mr. Immortal to death (I know Goofjuice, he’s “Mr. Immortal” and he just died again........ Start dealing with it). But Squirrel Girl uses her enhanced agility to dodge the attacks of Darth Nihilus and then slice open his neck with her claws. Squirrel Girl unfortunately stands victorious for only a few seconds as she is then killed by a lightsaber sneak attack from Palpatine. Now for the space battle you have all been waiting for, the brawl to settle it all Astro vs. Dynomutt. The 2 dogs battle it out for a significant amount of time before Dynomutt gets an upper hand in the battle and bites Astro’s jugular. Rosey the Robot then gets revenge on Dynomutt by taking out one of her kitchen knives to finish off the poor dog, serial killer style. Wonder Woman and Anakin Solo go on a strafing run of the asteroid and take out Forge, Dobby, Booster Gold, and both Ewoks who were sitting ducks from their “fly by” vantage point. The Power Rangers are just fighting with their multi-colored weapons when they see Hecate flying up and begin there chant: “Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Saber tooth Tiger, TYRRANOSAURUS”. To call upon the mighty Mega-Zord, who is then backed up by the Technobots, who merge to form Computron, who states that Hecate only has a 30% chance to defeat both of the metal giants. The lost Titan then defies these odds as she uses her huge mounted lasguns to blast both The Mega-Zord and Computron back to 7:00 AM before school where they belong. Hecate then follows this attack up with a couple of missiles that take out Hellboy before Shazam appears before the massive Cymek and then drills a hole right thru her using his own body as the drill bit. As Shazam comes out the other side he notices a bit of the brain matter floating away that was the only human part remaining in the huge machine construct. Lobo the Duck uses his Atlas and Lobo uses his fist to put matching holes in the chests of Jedi Masters #31 & 32, but Obi Wan avenges them by force pushing Lobo the Duck out of the way and then cutting Lobo in half with his lightsaber. Lobo the Duck is floating away in space, after being force pushed into the air but Skyfire targets him with his lasers to take him out. Jetfire and Jetstorm merge to form Firestorm and then take out both Hawkman and Hawkwoman who had just gotten done murdering the Jettsons, Rosey, & Orbitty. Jetstorm then moves against Grimlock but they are blessed with hearing the words: “Me Grimlock crush planes” in their last moments. Black Hand is attacked by The Power Puff Girls, but he manages to grab Bubbles by the neck and rip her head off. Buttercup then goes off on Black Hand and hits him with a double fisted punch that sends him flying into the distance. Buttercup then catches up to Black Hand before he can right himself and hits him so hard that he is completely blown apart. Blossom gets separated from Buttercup and meets up with Obi Wan Kenobi, but the Jedi Master leaps into the space around him and slices Blossom in half. Buttercup on the other hand blasts thru Jania Solo’s Tie Bomber to destroy both the ship and the pilot. She then attacks Wonder Woman in her Invisible Jet and causes enough damage that Wonder Woman actually has to eject from the plane. Wonder Woman ejects out and then grabs Buttercup and wrestles her down to the asteroid. Buttercup gets in some massive hits, but in the end Wonder Woman comes out on top and finally ends the Power Puff Girl’s reign of terror. Grimlock uses his mouth laser to shoot down Even Piell’s Tie Bomber but the Jedi Master manages to eject safely. He then rendezvous with Obi Wan Kenobi. The 2 are about to rush into an attack on the much larger Grimlock when they hear the voice of Master Yoda. Yoda tells them to be patient and has them wait until the perfect moment. They meditate on this for a couple of moments and then come out of their near-trance like state and both throw their lightsabers directly into the mouth of Grimlock. These throws land perfectly to and extinguish Grimlock’s spark. Yellow Guy Gardner attacks G’Nort and completely obliterates him. He follows it up with: “I kind of always wanted to do that”, but Green Guy Gardner flies up yelling: “Hey if anybody was supposed to kill G’Nort it was me”. “I am you” the yellow Gardner replies as he blasts Green Guy with his ring. “The only difference is, my ring can hurt yours, but your ring can’t do anything to me”. “Yeah I keep hearing that” Green Gardner says as he uses his green ring to take control of Coleman Trebor’s Tie Bomber and sends it on a collision course with the Yellow Guy Gardner, causing quite a large explosion. Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott have been going at it one on one since the start of this match, but Alan Scott finally gains the upper hand. I guess in the end it is experience that wins out as the exhausted original Green Lantern sends a green spear thru the chest of Rayner. Shazam battles with Red Lantern #3 who unleashes an enormous amount of rage fueled energy on Capt. Marvel. But the magical-powered being known as Shazam is able to take the hit an then dish out a punch that takes the red lantern out for good. Guy Gardner flies in to back up Shazam but they find themselves surrounded by (the Yoda spirit guided) Wonder Woman, Stass Allie, Skyfire, Alan Scott, Anakin Solo, Emperor Palpatine, Obi Wan Kenobi, & Even Piel. The 2 DC heroes make their last stand together with Shazam taking out Stass Allie & Gardner taking out Anakin Solo before they succumb to the overwhelming odds.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Former Pop Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos vs The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets

Former Pop Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos are Parallax, Bizarro, Black Adam, Dave Bowman: The Starchild, Numnius, Dex-tar, Karu-sil, Fatality, Taa, Zombie Darkseid In Rama: Rodimus Prime, Qui Gonn Jinn, Azeem, Ms. Marvel, Maxima,& Mary Marvel, On A Star Destroyer: Dr. Doom, Vorian Atreides, Bail Organa, Zombie Al Dogg, Ewok Baby #5, The Colonial Marines, & Ellen Ripley.

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Aurra Sing & Magneto in The Talon Fighter, Asajj Ventress, Darth Yardigan, Count Dooku, Bill Kelly (w/ a Blue lightsaber), Norm Peterson, & Smurf #2 in The Outlaw, Quasar,/ Nightwing, Carlos Chiappe-Soto (w/ a green lightsaber), & R.O.B. the Robot in a Y-Wing Bomber/ Toad in the Mario 2 Spaceship, Omega Supreme, Air Zonk w/ Astra & Power Dump, Adam Warlock, Capt. Power & R4 Unit #1 in an A-Wing, Maj. Hawk Masterson & R4 Unit #2 in an A-Wing, Robert "Scout" Baker & R4 Unit #3 in an A-Wing, Aayla Secura & R2 Unit #3 in a Jedi V-Wing, Bultar Swan & R2 Unit #4 in a Jedi V-Wing, Ganthet & Sayd, Dr. U'bx in a Tie Bomber, Ch'p, Amantia, Larvox, Avian #1, Blue Lantern #1, Air Zimmell, & Vampire Cat #1

This battle waged on for so long that I am now just being able to report to but the mere highlights of this truly epic confrontation between these two divisional rivals.

Captain Power leads a squadron of A-Wings and Jedi V-Wings into battle. “We have to take that Star Destroyer out first team!” Capt. Power says over their intercoms. He’s flanked by Major “Hawk” Masterson and Sergeant Robert “Hawk” Baker, both in A-Wings. They are followed closely by Aayla Secura and Bultar Swan, both flying in Jedi V-Wings. Inside the Star Destroyer, Dr. Doom shouts his orders. “Colonial Marines! To your stations!” The Colonial Marines quickly run to their battle positions and begin to fire the Star Destroyer’s weapons at the oncoming attack. PFC Hudson clips Scout’s A-Wing and sends him careening into the side of the Star Destroyer. “Yeah! You like that?!” yells Hudson. Captain Power fires his laser cannons and kills Corp. Ferro and Corp. Dietrich with his shots. The A-Wings, known for their superior speed, whip by several times, doing several strafing runs in the process and killing Pvt. Frost, Pvt. Crowe, Pvt. Wierzbowski, and PFC Spunkmeyer. Aayla Secura and Bultar Swan target the command deck and begin their attack. Dr. Doom then calls upon his two enforcers to protect the command deck. Bizarro and Black Adam fly up and attack the two Jedi’s in their ships. The two powerhouses severely damage the ships, but both Jedi’s eject out of the cockpits and are rescued by Ganthet and Sayd. The two Oa Guardians help the Jedi’s get aboard the Star Destroyer, along with Nightwing, Vampire Cat #1 and Asajj Ventress. The five Brotherhood members rip though the ranks of the Colonial Marines, finishing off every last one of them, before reaching the command deck. Asajj Ventress leaps into action, killing both Bail Organa and Vorian Atreides with her dual lightsabers. She is then blasted into oblivion by Dr. Doom vast magical powers. Vampire Cat #1 quickly attacks Ewok Baby #5 and savagely kills it. Nightwing is about to move into action, but is tackled to the ground by Zombie Al Dogg. “The Man Who Just Can’t Stay Buried” bites into Nightwings neck, but is quickly kicked off. Vampire Cat #1 then leaps onto Al Dogg and starts clawing at him. Decomposing flesh fly through the air, but Zombie Al Dogg is able to eat the Vampire Cat. Nightwing finishes off Zombie Al Dogg, moments before he himself perishes. Ellen Ripley then rushes in and dropkicks Bultar Swan. She pulls out a gun and fires several shots at the Jedi, but the bullets are deflected by her lightsaber. Bultar Swan then flips into the air and lops off Ripley’s head. The two Jedi’s then square off against Dr. Doom. The Jedi’s attack in unison, but Dr. Doom’s magic is not to be trifled with. He conjures up a magical blast that actually reacts extremely volatile with the lightsabers, causing the entire command deck to explode, killing all inside. Outside in space, the team of Bizarro, Black Adam, and Parallax are wreaking havoc on the Brotherhood’s squadron of ships. Black Adam has already destroyed the Outlaw, which was a feat in itself, considering its vast weaponry. Parallax killed Carlos Chiappe-Soto and R.O.B. the Robot, who were in a Y-Wing Bomber. Bizarro flies over and blasts through the Mario 2 Spaceship, which causes Toad to get sucked out of the hole and suffocate in outer space. “We must attack Rama,” says Magneto. “It’s our only chance at victory.” Then in probably one of his most impressive feats of his power, Magneto uses the now useless Star Destroyer as an enormous spear and launches it right into the side of Rama. It slams into the side of Rama, completely destroying “The Horns,” which brings Rama to a halt. Magneto then flies out of the Talon Fighter and rips another, but much smaller hole into the side of Rama, which allows Count Dooku, Darth Yardigan, and Bill Kelly to enter the massive metal cylinder. They proceed to search for the members of the Commandos within Rama. Outside, however, Zombie Darkseid is being attacked by Ganthet and Sayd. The two Oa Guardians are extremely powerful, but the Ruler of Apokolips who has risen from the grave is not easily beaten. He uses his Omega Beams to destroy the Oa Guardians, but the beams are too much for Zombie Darkseid to control and they cause his head to explode as well. Captain Power regroups with “Hawk” Masterson, Dr. U’bx in a Tie Bomber, Air Zonk, with Astra and Power Dump and Aurra Sing, who’s flying the Talon Fighter. They all then descend upon Numnius and begin attacking her. She does not want to harm these opponents but is reminded of what her sympathizing feelings with result in and reluctantly vaporizes the oncoming attackers. Back inside Rama, the Brotherhood group has located the Commando’s team, who are fortified inside “New York”. Count Dooku is the first to react, as he hits Rodimus Prime with a bolt of Sith Lightning that destroys the Autobot leader. Darth Yardigan follows in his master’s footsteps and kills Azeem in the same manner. Qui Gon Jinn then attacks Darth Yardigan and quickly avenges the death of his close friend, Azeem. He then finds himself face to face with his old master, Count Dooku. “I see your abilities have grown since the last we met, my old apprentice,” Dooku says. “I am saddened to see that you have fallen into the shroud of the Dark Side my master,” replies Qui Gon. Maxima, Mary Marvel and Ms. Marvel then all fly outside of Rama to lend a hand to the rest of their team as Qui Gon and Dooku square off.

They ignite their lightsabers and slowly begin to circle each other. Dooku is the first to attack, but Qui Gon does a superb job of defending the attack. He then Force pushes Dooku back, which Dooku retaliates with a blast of Sith Lightning. Master Jinn blocks it with his lightsaber. Count Dooku then uses the Force to throw several object at Qui Gon, but the Jedi Master barrel rolls out of the way. He then flips up into the air and attack the Sith Lord. Their lightsabers spark as they clash, the glow of red and green emit off of the blade onto the two combatants. Count Dooku, then scores the first hit, by wounding Qui Gon’s left arm. Qui Gon then returns the favor and cuts Dooku’s right hand off. Dooku tries to use his Sith Lightning again, but Qui Gon is able to turn it against the Count with his lightsaber. He then finally finishes his old master with and killing strike to the neck. Qui Gon falls to his knees in exhaustion, and lets out a sigh of relief. But unfortunately that relief is only for a brief moment. He hears another lightsaber being ignited, and turns to find Bill Kelly holding his blue lightsaber. “I’m very sorry Master Jinn,” Bill says reluctantly as he drives his lightsaber deep into Qui Gon’s abdomen. With his dying breath, Qui Gon replies, “I’m sorry too,” as he puts his lightsaber into Bill’s chest. Both of them crumple to the floor of Rama.

Outside in space, the battle rages on. The Brotherhood currently has their back up against the proverbial wall. Their ranks have dwindled down to Magneto, Quasar, Omega Supreme, Adam Warlock, Air Zimmell, Avian #1, Blue Lantern #1 and the trio of Green Lanterns; Ch’p, Amanita, and Larvox. The Green Lanterns waste no time in attacking Dex-Starr, Karu-Sil and Fatality. The Blue Lantern flies over and gives all the Green Lanterns a much needed power boost. Amanita uses her cosmic awareness to destroy Karu-Sil and her pack of yellow energy beasts. Blue Lantern #1 and Ch’p combine their forces to euthanize Dex-Starr as Larvox battles Fatality. The Star Sapphire is able to overcome the Green Lantern and kills Larvox. Taa takes the opportunity of the Blue Lantern in his vicinity and powers up his ring to take on Adam Warlock. But even with his ring on “Blue Lantern Steroids” Taa falls to the power of Adam Warlock. Ch’p, Amanita and Blue Lantern #1 surround Fatality and are about to finish her off, when Maxima flies in and rips the head off of Blue Lantern #1. She then uses her eye beams to kill Amanita. Mary Marvel flies in and lends a hand to Maxima by killing Ch’p. Maxima flies off straight at Omega Supreme. “Chance of defeating Omega… 2.7%” the giant Autobot bellows. “That’s all I need,” Maxima says as she flies head first into Omega’s chest. She then blasts back out of him and with all her might rips Omega Supreme’s head off. Magneto then uses the lifeless body of Omega to crush Maxima, sending her to the Fantasy Fantasy Graveyard. Quasar and Adam Warlock then team up to take on Ms. Marvel, who unfortunately for her is out-matched and succumbs to her opponents. Bizarro flies in and smashes both Air Zimmell and Avian #1 together, killing them both. Quasar, Adam Warlock and Magneto then band together to make one last stand. “I will handle this,” Magneto says. He then raises his hands and begins to concentrate heavily, so much so that his nose begins to bleed. Then in probably one of the most amazing things this Watcher has ever seen, Rama crushes in on itself and kills Numnius. However, this has left Magneto extremely weakened and open to an attack by Black Adam and Mary Marvel. Dave Bowman then finishes off the last two Brotherhood members with a cosmic blast that blinds this Watcher for a moment.


Better Than All of You vs Xavier's Annihilation Squad

Xavier's Annihilation Squad is Supreme, Radar, Suprema, Ursa, Supergirl, Mary Embery, G-Girl, The Eradicator, Silver Racer, Astro-boy, Molecule Man, Speedball, The Aerialbots, Bonecrusher, Barricade, Windhammer, & Queen Alien #1-4

Betters are Thanos, Green Lantern in Anakin's Pod, Agent Smith, Gwar: Oderus Urungus (w/ red lightsaber), Flattus Maximus (w/ red lightsaber), Balsac the Jaws of Death (w/ green lightsaber), Beefcake the Mighty (w/ blue lightsaber), Jizmack Da Gusha, Slymenstra Hymen, The Sexecutioner, & Sleazy P. Martini, Sabu (w/ Mandalorian Armor) & RVD, David Dunn, Loki & Bartleby, Gray Hulk, Abomination, Anti-Venom, Batman & Astro-droid #17 in a Jedi Starfighter, Robin & Astro-droid #18 in a Jedi Starfighter, Lonestar & Barf in a Snow Speeder, Iron Spider Man, Jedi Councilman #1 in a Tie Fighter, Jedi Guardian #1 in a Tie Fighter, Jedi Guardian #2 in a Tie Fighter, Zombie Phoenix, Yellow Lantern #1 & 2, Red Lantern #1, Zombie Venom, Predator #3, Predator #4, Megadeth, & Doozer #6.

With this battle cry Better Than All of You is geared up and ready to take on the National League leading Xavier’s Annihilation Squad. Batman and Robin take point in their Jedi Starfighters and lead a trio of Jedi’s in Tie Fighters against their opponents. In one strafing run, they destroy all four Queen Aliens that are on an asteroid. But they are then all tailed and targeted by the Aerialbots. Sabu in his new Mandalorian Armor the blasts off and attacks Speedball. Sabu shoots at Speedball, but he bounces off of the asteroid and dodges the attack. He then slams into Sabu, which sends the extreme wrestler hurdling through space, and ultimately getting crushed by two asteroids. Agent Smith however sneaks up behind Speedball and quickly snaps his neck. Gray Hulk and Abomination then double team Movie Bonecrusher. The two powerhouses smash their way to the transformer’s spark and destroy it. Meanwhile, the Aerialbots are still hot on the tails of the Tie Fighters and the Jedi Starfighters. They manage to target and blow up all three Tie Fighters, which then just leave Batman and Robin in their respected Jedi Starfighters. The Aerialbots then merge to form Superion and are able to catch the two Jedi Starfighters, and killing Batman and Robin. Radar then finds and eats Doozer #4. The dog then viciously mauls and kills the entire team of Megadeth. The fallen angels, Loki and Bartleby, find themselves squaring off against the Silver Racer. The Asgodian Avatar of Death quickly streaks through space and kills both angels. Gray Hulk grabs a hold of Radar and crushes the dog, which enrages Supreme. Gray Hulk is tackle by Supreme, which sends both of them spinning through space. Thanos then aids Gray Hulk and they both are able to destroy Supreme.

GWAR then finally enters the battle. They first target Superion. Jizmack Da Gusha, Slymenstra Hymen, The Sexicutioner and Sleazy P. Martini are all quickly killed by Superion. The four lightsaber wielding members ignite their weapons and start hacking away at the massive transformer. They receive some much needed help from Zombie Phoenix who, due to the fact that she’d a zombie, is unable to contain the power known as the Phoenix Force. GWAR realizes this and gets as far away from Superion and Zombie Phoenix as possible. Zombie Phoenix unleashes her power and kills both herself and Superion. The remaining members of GWAR are then attacked by The Eradicator, who quickly and easily eliminates Flattus Maximus, Balsac the Jaws of Death and Beefcake the Mighty. Oderus Urungus doesn’t waiver a bit, even with staring The Eradicator down. He then cracks a smile at The Eradicator. Zombie Venom sneaks up behind The Eradicator and chomps down on his neck. Oderus then drives his lightsaber deep into The Eradicator’s chest, killing him, but in doing so he also kills Zombie Venom. Molecule Man then lets his presence be known and disintegrates Abomination and Anti-Venom. Predator #3, knowing that this very well could be his swan song, decides that he’s going to take down as many as he can. He throws a shuriken at Astro-Boy which cuts his head off. Next, Predator #3 throws an explosive which attaches to Movie Barricade, blowing the Decepticon apart. He then is able to target the Silver Racer and is able to eliminate the cosmic hero. Predator #3 then goes to attack Mary Embry, but Supergirl flies in and rips the Predator’s spine out of his back. Ursa then slams down onto an asteroid and does the same to Predator #4. Suprema and G-Girl then fly after Lonestar and Barf who are in a Snow Speeder. They are able to catch the craft and destroy it. Thanos then gathers his team of Agent Smith, Gray Hulk, Iron Spider-Man, Oderus Urungus, Rob Van Dam and David Dunn to battle Molecule Man, Ursa, Suprema and Windhammer. Windhammer uses his cosmic tuning fork to blast RVD and David Dunn into oblivion. Gray Hulk then grabs a hold of Windhammer’s tuning fork and drives it right through Windhammer’s chest. Ursa attacks Agent Smith as Suprema attacks Gray Hulk. Ursa trades blows with Agent Smith, but she finally gains the upper hand and fries his head with her heat vision. Suprema is supremely pissed off after her brother and their dog died at Gray Hulk’s hands. Suprema is unrelenting and is vicious in her attack. Gray Hulk does the best he can, but it’s not enough to defeat her. Molecule Man then focuses his power on Thanos, Oderus Urungus and Iron Spider-Man. But Thanos’s own cosmic power is too much for even the likes of Molecule Man to defend. All four combatants are killed by the energy explosion. Green Lantern, in Anakin Skywalker’s pod racer, then leads Red Lantern #1, Yellow Lantern #1 and #2 against The trio of Supergirl, Mary Embry and G-Girl. Supergirl quickly uses her heat vision to destroy the pod racer, but Hal Jordan uses his power ring to blast her back. The Yellow Lanterns double team Mary Embry as the Red Lantern vomits red, rage filled energy all over G-Girl. The trio of women are not that easily defeated though. The Red Lantern, who looks a lot like sixty-four inches of pure badass, creates a big red energy weapon which appears to have the inscription “The Hebrew Blade” on it, and swings it violently at G-Girl. But the super powered woman catches it and breaks the energy weapon in half. She then grabs Red Lantern #1 by the throat and proceeds to “Swayze his ass Roadhouse style.” The Yellow Lanterns are keeping Mary Embry at bay for a while, but she is relentless. She battles her way through the yellow energy and kills Yellow Lantern #2. Suprema and Ursa fly in and lends a hand to their fellow teammate to defeat Yellow Lantern #1. The three of them, along with G-Girl, then go to aid Supergirl who is having a hell of a time fending off Hal Jordan. Green Lantern then finds himself surrounded by the five super powered females from the Annihilation Squad. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Hal says to himself. “Alright, fine.” Hal then at speeds that would impress his best friend Barry Allen kills G-Girl with a green energy spear to the throat. He then creates massive green energy armor to protect himself. Hal valiantly fights off the oncoming assault, and before succumbing to the overwhelming odds, he is able to take out Mary Embry and Suprema.


Week Four: George Washington's Slaves vs P.M.S.

George Washington Slaves are Agen Kolar, Ajax Major, Amazo, Ben Skywalker, Cade Skywalker, Cassandra Nova, Colossus, Corbin Dallas, Cosmos, Dare The Terminator, Inspector Gadget, Loki, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Mr. Miracle, Santa Claus, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen, Rudolph, Sarumon, Super-Soldier, T-1000, Windcharger, B'dg, Zillius Zox, Air Bud, and Jek Tono Porkins & R5-D4 in a X-Wing.

P.M.S. is Tug Speedman, Kirk Lazarus, Darwin, Predator #47, Xenomorph #51, River Tam, Balrog #2, The Peach, Assassin X, Major Maxim, Natalie Kassle, Nateri, Sam Whitwhicky, Pixie, Typhoid Mary, Terra, The Guild of Drundel Dorks: Dr. Boom Boom Pow, Evette, Groudious Maximus, Arjhan Darkscale, & Bagwa.

“Oh crap! It’s Santa Claus! We’re f*@%ed!!” yells Sam Whitwicky. “Dude, relax. It’s just Saint Nicholas. He’s cool,” replies Tug Speedman. “No, don’t you get it. Santa is actually a result of a virgin birth by Satan. So yeah, he’s like the antichrist. Christmas was actually known as the “Day of Slaying” and Santa would massacre tons of people all over the world. But then an angel beat Santa in a curling match and sentenced Santa to deliver presents on Christmas for 1,000 years. But those 1,000 years are up now, and now… wait… does he have a freakin’ lightsaber?!?” says Sam. “Oh that’s nonsense,” replies Tug. Santa Claus, along with his best bud Corbin Dallas, fly in and lops Tug Speedman’s head clean off with his lightsaber. “Sam, my boy, you’ve been very naughty spreading those lies about me,” says Santa. “Yeah, no one talks trash about my friend Saint Nick and gets away with it,” adds Corbin. He then pulls his gun out and blows a hole right through Sam’s chest. Super Soldier and Amazo then goes on an absolute tear and lands on the asteroid that the Guild of Drundel Dorks have set up camp on. They rip through all five of them as if they were origami. Dr. Boom Boom Pow is the only one who is even able to react to the attack, but it’s only to say, “this chicken’s jackin’ my style!” Terra then uses her powers to control several asteroids that are floating in space and directs them at the Slaves. Porkins tries to evade the oncoming asteroids but gets his X-Wing smashed in between them. Dare the Terminator attempts to sneak up on River Tam, but she is more than ready for this battle. The two fierce women duel on a small asteroid as the rest of the match wages on. Cassandra Nova quickly takes over the mind of Kirk Lazarus, who she then forces to turn his gun on The Peach and shoots him in the back. She then makes him turn the gun on himself and forces him to pull the trigger. River Tam and Dare the Terminator are deeply engaged in their duel, but River is able to overtake her opponent and breaks her neck with her legs. Cosmos is flying…well through the cosmos, with Agen Kolar, Ajax Major, Ben Skywalker, Cade Skywalker, Inspector Gadget, Air Bud, and Mr. & Mrs. Smith aboard. Cosmos flies over and drops them all off on a nearby asteroid. They are then immediately attacked by Major Maxim, Typhoid Mary, Natalie Kassle and Assassin X. Major Maxim unloads his massive gun at his opponents (Yep a gun in space. Are we really going to have that conversation??) and aerates Inspector Gadget, Air Bud and Mr. Smith. Colossus rushes (get it?) the Nazi Ubermensch. Major Maxim starts firing at the Russian mutant, but the bullets are just bouncing off of his metal skin. Colossus then crushes the huge gun and rips the much needed hoses out of Major Maxim’s back. He then brings his two mighty fists down on Maxim’s head for the killing blow. Natalie Kassle is able to get an upper hand on Mrs. Smith and delivers a knife right up under Mrs. Smith’s jaw. Predator #47 leaps off of a jutting rock and drives his spear up into the back of Agen Kolar, before the Jedi could react. (Pretty quick, huh?) Xenomorph #51 then mauls Ajax Major, who is able to stab the alien with his sword, but the acid blood sprays Ajax, badly wounding him. The Xenomorph then viciously rips the flesh off of Ajax. Ben and Cade Skywalker tried to get to Ajax to aid him, but they were too late. But they are able to avenge their fallen compatriot and with a simultaneous lightsaber swipe, they kill the Xenomorph. The two Skywalkers then turn their attention to Assassin X and Typhoid Mary. Cade attacks Assassin X, who even though is a skill combatant, is no match for a Jedi. Typhoid Mary uses her telekinetic powers however to distract Ben as he is trying to attack. She telekinetically throws pieces of the asteroid at Ben, but he is able to deflect them with his lightsaber. She then makes Ben Skywalker spontaneously combusts. The Jedi is engulfed in flames, burning him alive. Cade sees this and goes ballistic. He flips over the flames, extinguishing them with a Force push and then drives his lightsaber deep into Typhoid Mary’s abdomen. But he was too late to save Ben, who has died from the fire. Balrog #2 then stomps his way towards the team of T-1000 and Windcharger. The Autobot uses his magnetic powers (Bet you didn’t know that Windcharger has magnetic abilities? Well now you know.) to turn T-1000 into hundreds of sharp flying metal spikes which fly right into the Balrog before it can attack. T-1000 then melts and reassembles himself into his normal Robert Patrick form. Santa Claus and Corbin Dallas then fly over and with a sniper-accurate shot; Rudolph kills Predator #47 with a red laser blast from his nose. (Yeah, it can shoot lasers. Didn’t you know that??) In an odd team up, B’dg and Zillius Zox work together to kill Nateri and Darwin. Terra, Natalie Kassle, Pixie, and River Tam then form together to make a last stand against the horde of Slaves that are surrounding them. Terra uses her power to crush Cosmos with several asteroids. Pixie then makes the ultimate sacrifice and uses her powers to teleport not only herself, but Mr. Miracle, Super-Soldier and T-1000 to the middle of the nearest sun. But it’s still not enough, as the Slaves are too much for the remaining girls to handle.


Team S.P. Vs. Alice's Wonder Team

Team S.P. is MODOK, War Skrull #1-5, Super Skrull, Skrull #1-14, Binary, Mothra, Ultron, SHIELD Agent #1-4, Unus the Untouchable, Roy Batty (w/ Mandalorian Armor & a green lightsaber), Female Sentinel #1-7, Kilowag, Deathbird, Kang the Conqueror, Vision, & Brainiac.

Alice's Wonder Team is The Q Continuum: Q, Q2, True Q, Q Representative, Lady Q, q, & Quinn, Primus, General Zod, The Anti-Monitor, The Spectre, Vampire #4-6, & Goblin #3-5.

The Q Continuum uses their powers not on Team S.P., but on their own team to warp the reality of the now and put the mighty and ancient Primus in the mindset that he was in when he fought his brother Unicron so many millennia ago. Primus awakens with a vengeance and prepares to take out his wrath on Team S.P. The Q do not necessarily have powers of mind control over a cosmic being such as Primus, but they do have the ability to warp reality in such a way to make even a being such as Primus feel a sense of urgency toward the battle at hand; which is exactly what they do. Anti-Monitor flies in and lands on a small asteroid where Ultron has sent up camp. The 2 begin battling while Kilowag flies off into the distance in an attempt to reach The Q Continuum, who he realizes are going to have to be attacked head on if the Sleeping Kitties are going to have any chance of taking out this space powerhouse. Super Skrull leads his squad of 20 Binarys against The Wonder Team’s Vamps and Gobs, while Deathbird and Kang mount an attack against the massive Primus. Zod and The Spectre hang back for the moment to wait and see exactly how this opening charge works out for both teams. The 3 Goblins are easily wiped out by Super Skrull’s Skrull team, but the 3 Vampires do manage to take out 2 of The Binarys (actually Skrull #4 & 14, which like all the regular Skrulls are simply bearing the appearance of Binary and not her powers like the War Skrulls and of course the real Carol Danvers possess) before they are wiped out as well. Super Skrull, who is retaining the powers of the original Fantastic Four as well as emulating some of Binary’s powers as well as Unus the Untouchable’s force field instantly turns his squad around to join the fight against Primus. As Primus attacks he instantly takes out all 4 SHIELD Agents along with the 7 Female Sentinels that he crushes as if they were pieces of tin foil, along with turning MODOK into MODOD (Mental Organism Designed Only for Dying). Primus then proves that Unus is more than touchable as he crushes the mutant with a clap of his hands, his force field only providing a slight amount of resistance to the huge Transformer Planet. True Q foresees that Vision could be a problem for Primus, since despite his size disadvantage, Vision’s ability to stay in an intangible state could bring this match to a stand still. True Q informs the rest of the Q’s and they then permit q to wipe Vision from this plane of existence. Kang and Deathbird both make a move toward Primus, but Primus grabs them both, one in each hand and squeezes the life out of them so quickly that they have no time to use their skills against him. Zod and The Spectre decide that it is finally time to join the battle. The Spectre moves against the massive Mothra (who seems rather small when Primus is in the match), while Zod flies up to meet Roy Batty. Roy has taken well to his new Mandalorian suit of armor/green lightsaber combo, but he is still no match for Zod. Zod flies in quickly, evading both the laser blasts and lightsaber swings of the Nexus 6 and catches Roy with an upper cut to the chin that takes his replicant head clean off. The Spectre flies up slowly, having no fear in his approach toward the much larger Mothra. The Spectre uses his limitless power to destroy the divine moth, but Mothra in an amazing last ever move as a member of Team S.P. from all the way back to Season 1, releases all of her scales to coat The Spectre with her poisonous yellow powder while she simultaneously blasts him with her sun strike buster to actually destroy The Spectre and make him join her in death. Ultron is being battered by Anti-Monitor, but he has not quite had enough just yet. Anti-Monitor launches a massive energy bolt at Ultron, but Team S.P.’s very first pick manages to absorb the bolts just long enough to redirect the energy causing a massive blast which takes The Anti-Monitor out with him. Brainiac confronts the Q Continuum and begins speaking to them telepathically in a way that only beings of such superior intelligence could understand. Brainiac not only attempts, but actually succeeds in possessing the mind of The Q Representative, but after he does so, the rest of the Q Continuum simply allows The free-floating Representative to die, which of course takes Brainiac out with him. Although the Q Continuum does not seem at all thrown off guard by the interference of Brainiac’s 12th level intellect, it did distract them enough to not see Kilowag flying up behind them. Kilowag taps into his ring’s power more than he has ever done before to explore any possibility of defeating the continuum. The ring tells him that the only possible way is to actually trap the Q’s inside itself and then wipe out the ring’s entire memory core. Kilowag makes this move, and with one immense flash of green energy True Q, q, & Quinn are all trapped inside. Kilowag is amazed that this actually worked but when he tries the trick again, he finds that Lady Q has blocked Kilowag’s mind from communicating with his power ring. Lady Q, then finishes what she has begun and uses her powers to send every molecule of Kilowag’s body to a different part of the universe. The ring, as a defense mechanism wipes away the very being of the 3 Q’s that were trapped inside of it. Super Skrull and The Binarys make their final push against Primus. They all attack Primus’ chest in hopes of finding a weak spot, and they are able to make Primus make a noise that they seemed to think was a sign of pain. This enrages Primus who begins swatting at all of the Binary look-alikes. It is at this point that it becomes obvious as to which Skrulls are which, because only Super Skrull, the real Binary and The 5 War Skrulls are quick enough to evade the swings of Primus. All 12 of the remaining regular Skrulls, that had only been able to emulate Carol Danvers power of flight were destroyed. Q, Q2, Lady Q, & General Zod decide that they should lend a hand to their massive teammate. The remaining Q’s alter reality to return the Skrull’s genetic manipulation powers back to a time when they could not emulate the powers of the people whose identity they are copying. With this accomplished, Primus has no problem swatting the Skrulls out of space. While this is happening, Zod begins a one on one battle with Binary. Binary’s powers are more than capable of putting up a defense against the Kryptonian’s and almost strong enough to defeat him..... Almost.

Built (Bill) Ford Tough vs. The Horsemen of Apokolips

Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality.”
-Albert Einstein

I awaken from what transpired only days ago. I now remember the match that took place. . . I remember looking at the teams to do battle in the Rischey Mays during the Week 4 Match. They were as follows:

The Horsemen of Apokolips: Monarch, G-Force/Battle of the Planets crew in The Phoenix, Eternity and The Celestial Fourth Host: Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezzar the Calculator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Arishem the Judge, Jemiah the Analyzer, Eson the Searcher, Oneg the Prober and Ziran the Tester.

Built (Bill) Ford Tough: (new) Blue Beetle, Han Solo and Chewbacca in a Snow Speeder, The Heart of Gold with Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Marvin the Paranoid Android, Trillian, Jeff Houslander, Capt. Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Ianto Jones, Dr. Who, Power Man, Iron Fist, Archie the Octo-Spider, Cookies, Steve McQueen, Keith Mars, Veronica Mars, Weevil, Wilt, Barry Sanders, Star Sapphire, Grapple, Moltar, Joey, Pacy, Dawson, The Beatles, Mr. T, Ellie, Katie, Simone, Benjy, Grimace, Gigantor, Despotellis, Nom Anor, Mandalorians #6-10, Arachnids #1-6, Fantastic Max, FX and AB in a Go-Cart, Smoky the Bear, Beta Ray Bill, The Flaming Carrot and Dr. Seth Brundel.

The match began with the intensity unlike I have ever seen. The multitude of cosmic entities produced by the Horsemen created true havoc within the space-time-reality continuum. The Built (Bill) Ford Tough Team was suited with special gear designed by the members of Torchwood to fight the Horsemen. Nonetheless, BBFT recognized that they were greatly outmatched, but fought they did - brilliantly.

The battle began. . .

In an unprecedented event, the Celestials removed their helmets; their faces shown for the first time since the beginning of time itself. The BBFT team does not understand why the entities have removed their protective head gear, but they are determined to take advantage of this bold move.

Toshiko Sato (shouts in her helmet comm.): Their heads!!!! Go for their heads!!!

Eson the Searcher was immediately surrounded by Power Man, Mr. T., Steve McQueen, Joey, Pacy and Dawson. Being that the Dawson’s Creek crew was not a true threat and the fact that their characters lacked any manner of significance in the scheme of the television industry, Eson sought fit to destroy them first. Eson used his powers to “scramble” the bodies of Joey, Pacy and Dawson together. Thus, JoPaDaw merged into a single mass and died. Steve McQueen reacted to JoPaDaw’s death. McQueen took Power Man’s chains, climbed up Eson’s back and used the chains to strangle the Celestial. Mr. T joined him. Without his helmet, Eson was actually harmed by the mere mortals. While Eson struggled with McQueen and Mr. T., Power Man rushed up and used his superhuman strength to ram his fist into Eson’s face. An explosion occurred at the fists’ striking and Eson’s life force drained from him. The defeat of Celestial Eson overcame the macho men; they laughed and hugged. McQueen, Mr. T and Power Man were victorious in their fight.

Barry Sanders, Grimace, Smoky the Bear and Despotellis surrounded Nezzar the Calculator. Nezzar attempted to catch Barry Sanders, but the former Lions’ Running Back was too quick. . . at first. Eventually Nezzar opened his hand and pointed to Sanders. Sanders began to run at a supersonic speed. Sanders’ body could not cope with the speed put upon his body and he exploded. Grimace bounced to Nezzar’s head. The purple blob tugged at Nezzar’s head, hoping to gain an advantage, like his teammates McQueen and Mr. T. Smoky the Bear jumped on Nezzar’s back. Nezzar quickly turned, trying to buck both Grimace and Smoky. Grimace held on; Smoky did not. Nezzar pointed at Smoky and the bear, ironically, burst into flames. Despotellis floated into Nezzar and the sentient virus used its abilities to burn Nezzar from the inside out. A cosmic force exploded through Nezzar’s body, which aimlessly floated away. Despotellis and Grimace looked at Nezzar’s body and smiled.

Gammenon the Gatherer faced Star Sapphire, Flaming Carrot and Arachnids #1-6. Arachnids #1-6 swarmed over the Gatherer. They attempted to rip apart his body, but were unable to do so. Gammenon destroyed Arachnids #1-6, since they were a mere annoyance. The Flaming Carrot sacrificed himself and jumped down the maw of Gammenon. The Flaming Carrot overloaded his flaming abilities and exploded in the Celestial’s body, which caused Gammenon severe pain. As Gammenon clutched his body, Star Sapphire flew up to the Celestial and used her ring to create an immense violet light construct that crushed Gammenon’s head. Gammenon’s life force exploded from his body and the Celestial died.

Dr. Who, Dr. Seth Brundel, Ellie, Katie, Simone and Benjy confronted Oneg the Prober. Dr. Who used his electronic screwdriver to mold the armor into the Celestial. The Prober could not move and the BBFT team took advantage of this. Although he could not move properly, Oneg used his cosmic powers to speed the process of Seth Brundel’s transformation into Brundel-fly. Oneg’s probing mind then decided to use his cosmic powers on Ellie, Katie, Simone and Benjy. Like JoPaDaw, Oneg brought the Rama-mates together into a giant fly swatter. Oneg used ElKaSimBe to smash Brundel into an asteroid; both “fly” and “swatter” were killed at the impact. While the fight ensued, Dr. Who noticed a cosmic storm headed their way. While Oneg focused on Brundel and ElKaSimBe, Dr. Who used his screwdriver to “lure” the storm their way. When Oneg was finished with the others, it was too late to realize that he was being sucked into the storm. The two competing forces- storm and Oneg- managed to rip each other apart. Oneg was killed in the explosion.

Ziran the Tester faced The Heart of Gold with Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Marvin the Paranoid Android and Trillian. Beeblebrox shot Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster into Ziran’s face. Ziran was momentarily stunned. The crew decided to take advantage of Ziran’s preoccupation and sacrifice themselves at the same time for the betterment of the team. Prefect and Trillian overloaded the Infinite Improbability Drive of the spaceship and deliberately crashed it into Ziran. The flux caused by the overload destroyed Ziran the Tester and The Heart of Gold crew.

Jemiah the Analyzer fought the Torchwood team - Capt. Jack Harkness, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones. Utilizing their advanced technology, the Torchwood gang managed to destabilize the area around Jemiah. Although the cosmic forces were swirling around this skirmish, the Analyzer still managed to use his powers to rip apart Sato and Jones. Before their deaths though, the two were able to harness some of the cosmic forces around their battle and transfer them to Harkness. Harkness used these forces, and with a Torchwood piece of equipment from the Nebulon Galaxy, augmented these forces within his body. Harkness lashed out at the Analyzer. Harkness’ and Jemiah’s bodies exploded due to the cosmic force overload. Gwen Cooper cried at her mentor’s and teammates’ deaths, but was happy to have defeated another “unbeatable” Celestial.

Jeff Houslander, Fantastic Max, FX and AB in a go-cart (fusion propelled) and Gigantor met Hargen the Measurer. Hargen immediately destroyed the go-cart and all of its riders in the blink of an eye. Meanwhile, Houslander controlled Gigantor with the robot’s remote. Houslander knew his way around the intricacies of a joystick and had an uncanny ability to focus on the weaknesses of his enemies. He used the giant robot to repeatedly pummel Hargen until his death. A cosmic explosion occurred and Hargen’s body drifted away. Houslander jerked the joystick and Gigantor’s reaction was to raise its arms in victory.

Tefral the Surveyor met new Blue Beetle, Keith Mars, Veronica Mars and Beta Ray Bill. Tefral decided that Veronica was like Helen of Troy and would drive her teammates to victory. Tefral shot a cosmic blast at Veronica Mars. Keith Mars and Weevil pushed Veronica out of the way and sacrificed themselves for the beauty. Blue Beetle used the magic of the scarab which magically injured Tefral. The final blow came from Beta Ray Bill’s Stormbreaker across Tefral’s head. The cosmic forces explode from Tefral’s body and the Celestial dies.

Arishem the Judge stood against Iron Fist, Cookies, Wilt and Mandalorians #6-10. Iron Fist harnessed his chi and tapped into the superhuman energy of Shou-Lao. Iron Fist’s blow injured Arishem. Although injured, Arishem blasted both Cookies and Wilt, who burned where they stood. Mandalorians #6-10 utilized all of their arm weapons upon the Judge. After they unloaded their arm weapons, they released their rockets from their jetpacks. The rockets exploded in Arishem’s face. In response to the damage caused by the Mandalorians, Arishem wiped away their existence. Unnoticed was Iron Fist who came upon the Judge, once again, and smashed him across the face. A cosmic explosion occurred and Arishem died.

One Celestial remained- Hargen the Measurer. Archie the Octo-Spider, Grapple and Moltar focused on the Measurer. Knowing that they needed to do something drastic, Moltar removed his arms from his suit and shot an intense field of lava across Hargen’s face. Hargen was distracted by the molten rock as Archie the Octo-Spider and Grapple floated to Hargen’s face. The combined abilities of the Octo-Spider’s legs and Grapple’s robotic strength crush Hargen’s neck. A cosmic explosion occurs and Hargen died.

While other teammates were fighting the Celestials, Han Solo and Chewbacca in a Snow Speeder dueled with the Phoenix and the G-Force crew. Although the Phoenix appeared to be better equipped, Solo’s and Chewie’s skills managed to fire and punch a huge hole in the Phoenix. The shot killed all of the crew except for Tiny, Jason and Princess. Believing the ship was going to eventually explode, Solo and Chewbacca decided to fly toward their teammates.

Monarch scanned the Celestial carnage around him. Being that Monarch was nearly indestructible, the BBFT team was hesitant. Notwithstanding, the fact that the Celestials were defeated gave the BBFT team the confidence it needed to defeat him. The entire remaining members of BBFT swarmed Monarch. Monarch immediately used a powerful energy projection to destroy Nom Anor. He then teleported next to the four Beatles. All of the Beatles, except for Ringo, were killed by the quantum field manipulation of Monarch. Moltar fully stepped out from his containment suit and focused the true force of his lava at Monarch. The lava actually managed to destroy a portion of Monarch’s armor. Grapple then came from behind and began to pummel Monarch. Monarch went down on his knees, but was not killed. While Monarch focused on the eventual destruction of Grapple (who was destroyed), lava was unleashed again by Moltar at Monarch. Seeing a weakness in Monarch, the full remaining BBFT force charged. Jeff Houslander, Gwen Cooper, Dr. Who, Power Man, Iron Fist, Archie the Octo-Spider, Steve McQueen, Veronica Mars, Star Sapphire, Moltar, Ringo, Mr. T, Grimace, Gigantor, Despotellis and Beta Ray Bill rushed at Monarch. Monarch managed to destroy Grimace and Blue Beetle. The repeated intensity of the pummeling and barraging of the BBFT team actually defeated Monarch. Monarch was destroyed, but before his death, he was able to kill Archie the Octo-Spider, Moltar and Power Man.

After Monarch’s death the battlefield became an echoing realm of cosmic forces. The deafening sounds nearly shattered my eardrums. The intermittent stuttering of light nearly blinded my eyes. I experienced sensory overload. The cosmic forces swirled through space, creating a fury that disjoined reality. Through the haze I saw the Phoenix screaming through space.

Jason: What’s happening?!?!

Princess: We don’t have time to figure it out now!

Tiny: Get us out of here!!!

Sheer horror is draped on the G-Force crew’s faces at the carnage surrounding them. The lifeless bodies of all Celestials, along with Monarch, drifted through space.

Through the obscurity I saw the various members of the Built (Bill) Ford Tough Team shouting in victory. A large explosion occurred, yet this time, I am able to watch what transpired.

The G-Force Phoenix was caught in the explosion and has itself exploded, killing all remaining crewmembers. As the Phoenix exploded, so too does the Snow Speeder, which was caught in the cosmic waves radiating from the explosion. Han Solo and Chewbacca were able to jettison from the fighter in time though and eventually join their teammates.

Only Eternity from the Horsemen remained alive. Eternity focused on the enemy. He noticed the Wookiee shouting at him, and in annoyance, threw him across space to an asteroid away from the rest of his teammates.

Solo: CHEWIE!!!!!

Chewbacca: Roooaargh!!! Rowwaaargg! [Translation: My friend, we have been on many adventures together. You and I have the luck of the Force. But I believe that our time together is coming to an end. No one lives forever. Not even the Celestials, as was seen by the prowess of our teammates today.]

Solo: No!!!! I can’t go on without you!!!!

Chewbacca: Uuuraaagh! Hooorraaahh!! [Translation: You can and you will. You will defeat Eternity and the Built (Bill) Ford Tough team will pull off one of the greatest upsets in FFL history! I am proud to have served with you.]

Solo (tears streaming down his face): May the Force be with you!!!!

Chewbacca: Graaagh! Rooargh! [Translation: Live long and prosper].

Chewbacca saw a shadow engulfing his body. He looked above and screamed in defiance as an entire planet dropped on his head. Chewbacca and the asteroid which he was on explode into a million pieces.

BBFT teammates used the death of Chewbacca as the final impetus in order to defeat the Horsemen. An epic battle ensued. Eternity was actually destroyed by the entire BBFT team working together, but with the entity’s death came the deaths of Dr. Who, Iron Fist, Star Sapphire, Gigantor, Despotellis and Beta Ray Bill.

The surviving members- Han Solo, Jeff Houslander, Gwen Cooper, Steve McQueen, Veronica Mars, Ringo and Mr. T. shouted in victory, having defeated the power team of the Horsemen. The cheers begin to die down as they see all of the Celestials rise. Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezzar the Calculator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Arishem the Judge, Jemiah the Analyzer, Eson the Searcher, Oneg the Prober and Ziran the Tester form a circle around the Built (Bill) Ford Tough team. They speak for the first time in millennia.

Oneg: Built (Bill) Ford Tough, you have valiantly fought in today’s battle.

Ziran: You have honored your team’s namesake.

Nezzar: You have honored your teammates.

Tefral: You have honored your owner.

Hargen: But today’s match was more than a measure of honor. It was a measure of hope. Hope shown in another team whose odds were overwhelming.

Arishem: A team that pushed on to the end. . . a surprising and unexpected end.

Jemiah: But Now that we have studied man’s disposition regarding hope.

Gammenon: And now we must study man’s disposition regarding. . . hopelessness. . .

Scientifically speaking, the Celestials have completed their endeavor in this match. They have observed the hope which overwhelmed the BBFT team after each minor and major victory. As they stand, looking at the current faces of Han Solo, Jeff Houslander, Gwen Cooper, Steve McQueen, Veronica Mars, Ringo and Mr. T., they understand hopelessness. . . as in the blink of an eye the BBFT mortals are wiped from existence in the Rischey Mays.

Built (“Bill”) Ford Tough: All dead.

The Horsemen of Apokolips: Hargen the Measurer, Tefral the Surveyor, Nezzar the Calculator, Gammenon the Gatherer, Arishem the Judge, Jemiah the Analyzer, Eson the Searcher, Oneg the Prober and Ziran the Tester survive.