Monday, March 29, 2010

Week 5: Death Match

Setting: Water World
Points: 1200
Prize: 2 Blue Lightsabers

-The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Alice's Wonder Team
-TEAM Vs. The Abomitrons
-Built Ford Tough Vs. The Untouchables
-Logical Genocide Vs. Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve
-Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches Vs. Bruce's Bodacious Bullies
-Team S.P. Vs. Oblivio
-The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets Vs. P.M.S.
-Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies
-Hayley's Comets Vs. Xavier's Annihilation Squad
-The Transfoamers Vs. The Right Wing
-George Washington's Slaves Vs. Better Than All of You
-Le' Napoleon Brigade Vs. The Syracuse Valley

1 comment:

Krisatu said...

So, it comes to this. The 5-0 Kennels of Lurve against the 0-5 Logical Genocide. The feared vs the revered. I got some bad newz for the kennels (See what I did there? That's called being clever kids) I'm bringing the pain to you rowdy bunch of hooligans this week in "Waterworld".
That's right punks, an entire world of water for Mera and my Gremlins to kick your asses all over. Am I predicting victory? No, that's a little too bold for a team that's 0-5. What I am predicting is Mera and the Gremlins, Howard and Merv, showing up to Waterworld to bring some chaos and pain to your alleged "Kennelz of Lurve"

Now, I'm sure you're also quaking at the possibility that I show up in LexSoar7 and gracefully crash into another FFL heavy hitter. Well, rest easy my opponents, LexSoar7 will be in the shop, but I will be trotting out something else from my arsenal of destruction to reign down upon you. This week, I shall be bringing the pain to you in K.I.T.T., the beloved 80's talking car. It's been well proven that I can drive a car, so don't worry about me killing you from the skies. Instead, I'll drive my kick-ass talking car all over a planet made entirely out of water.

Foolish? Perhaps. Crazy? Most definitely. But, it gives me the thing I crave more than actual wins. Attention and recognition. So feed me your attention. Adorn me in comments. Pay tribute to my off the wall press conferences and unpredictable bouts of showmanship.

I may be walking into another loss, but the Kennelz are totally walking into a bit of Logical Genocide, and that will alter their existence for the rest of their lives.

See you chumps out there.

Oh, and fix your spell check. There's no "Z" in the proper spelling of "kennels".