Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Super Orange, Dramatic Kittens of Luna Vs The Self-described, non-binary individuals of relative below average size

The Kitties are Cicada, Hermione Granger, Starfire,Darth Traya (w/ Red Lantern Ring), Green Goblin, Raven, Medusa, Athena (w/ a Force Saber), Katness Everdeen (in Mandolorian Armor), Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother #1-3, & New Sisterhood Reverend Mother #2-3.

The Midgets are: Mr. Mxyztplk (w/ the 2nd ring of the Dwarf Lords), Darth Maul (w/ a red lantern ring), Atrocitus, Hecate, Stilgar, Allia Atreides, Gurney Halleck, Vorian Atreides w/ Duncan Idaho Ghola #5 in an Apache Helicopter, The Mandolorian w/ Quill and The Child (w/ a blue lantern ring), Yareal Poof, The Huntress (w/ a purple lightsaber), & OA Guardian #1-2.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

FFL Week 6 2020: Dino-Mites VS. TEAM

Dino-Mites: Ranx The Sentient City, The Fantastic Four in the Fantasticar, Superman Prime, The Black Racer, General Zod, Ursa, Non, Wedge Antilles in an X-Wing, Biggs Darklighter and Beb in an X-Wing 

TEAM: Leader One, Scooter, Perceptor, Turbo, Kup, Springer, R.C., Wheelie, Blur, Sunstreaker, Cy-Kill, Crasher, Cop-Tur

The section of the Outer Rim where this battle takes place is in Isen IV. We start out with Superman Prime leading the Dino-Mites into battle against the Transformer/GoBots filled TEAM. 

The enclosed Fantasticar is speeding into battle but is easily taken out by combined missile shots from Leader One in his Jet Plane form and Cop-Tur in his helicopter form, as the Fantasticar is not built to have such battles in space.

The two Gobots then notice Superman Prime out of their peripheral vision flying towards them, they try their best to defeat him in a dogfight but they do not stand a chance as Superman Prime’s speed and poise are far superior to the GoBots as he kills them both with heat vision shots to their heads.

The rest of TEAM then work together to try and take out some of the Dino-Mites Kryptonians. The Transformers and GoBots find a way to surround Ursa and Non. After a long volley of various sorts of blasts from the Transformers and GoBots they defeat the two kryptonians. 

Springer and R.C. team up to try and take on Wedge and Biggs in their X-Wings. They chase Wedge and Biggs into an asteroid field where after a long dogfight Springer hits Wedge with a shot and he loses control and crashes into an asteroid, where as R.C. goes after Biggs where Biggs can’t shake the transformer and crashes into an asteroid trying to escape but the explosion from the X-Wing causes R.C. to crash into another asteroid and be destroyed.

The rest of the Transformers and GoBots spend their time trying to chase after The Black Racer. The Black Racer is significantly faster than these machines and is basically toying with them, he leads them into an asteroid field where Wheelie, Springer and The Percepter die from crashing into asteroids. The Black Racer then Skis out of the asteroid belt and once the Transformers and GoBots come out of the asteroid field some of them are hit with a huge blasts of Heat Vision as Superman Prime and General Zod combine their heat visions to create a mega heat vision which has Scooter, Cy-Kill and Crasher killed.

The Dino-Mites have Superman Prime, General Zod and The Black Racer left alive while TEAM has Turbo, Kup,Blur and Sunstreaker. After a surprisingly short battle between the last alive from the two teams The Dino-Mites win in a landslide against TEAM as the Transformers and GoBots stood no chance against the power and speed of the Kryptonians and The Black Racer. Then all of a sudden Ranx: The Sentient City appears in the Isen IV sector as the city was running late but thankfully the rest of The Dino-Mites did not need help from the city.  

Week 6: George Washington’s House Elves vs Super Kitties

House Elves: Bizarro Superman, Luke Skywalker in Luke’s Stealth X-Wing, Han Solo and Chewbacca in Imperial Shuttle, Galvatron, Ben Kenobi in Poe’s X-Wing, Mar-Vel, Archangel, Dash Rendar in X-Wing, Captain Panaka and Qui Gon Jinn and Admiral Piett in Nubian 327, Rom, Quark, Wesley Crusher, Commander Ryker, Zaheer, Prince Harry and Princess Meghan in B-Wing, Vampire #3-4

Kitties: Vampire Abeloth w/ Yellow Lantern Ring, Zombie Abeloth, Supergirl, Power Girl, Starfire, Blackfire, The Red Hood in Sith Starfighter, Green Arrow and Black Canary in 2 seater Y-Wing, Red X in X-Wing, Captain Steven Hiller in Y-Wing, and The 100 group in Count Dooku’s Ship

This week’s matchup takes place in the outer rim, and because I like to do a little bit of research, I decided more specifically we’re going to be in the Kanz sector. This really has no relevance and has not only wasted my time looking up some place to be, but now yours because you’ve read this. Since we're already here, I might as well say that the Kanz sector is home to the planet Jerne (I like this one because I imagine saying it like Journey, one of the best bands ever). 

Now that that’s over with, wait that’s two thats, ehh I don’t feel like fixing it. Anyways let’s get this match started. When you look at the Super Kitties in a matchup, you can always look forward to a #feminism movement like we see here today, so much so that Princess Meghan said ‘I’m out’ on the House Elves and switched teams. With Prince Harry all alone, he gets sad and blows up the B-Wing killing himself and Princess Meghan.

As for the other pilots, well I hope none of them also choose the kamikazee route. The House Elves have some good Star Wars pilots like Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi (probably needs to get the rust off for not flying in years), and Han Solo and Chewbacca. Wait… there not in the Falcon? Seriously? Yo wtf Chris, you had one job, you got Han Solo and Chewbacca, but couldn’t get the Millenium Falcon, I’m disappointed. You know what, Vampire Abeloth w/ Yellow Lantern Ring comes over and the look of her terrifies Han and Chewie to literally shit themselves which then feeds the Yellow Lantern Ring with their fear and Abeloth blasts them to a thousand bits.

Back to the other pilots… such good pilots, Luke, the black dude flying around Padme alongside the dude who gets stabbed by Maul, the Star Trek crew which aren’t even in a ship, a different version of Robin, Green Arrow and Black Canary couple, THE Will Smith, and a few other unmentioned pilots. This is the start of a huge, epic, glorious--- what? We don’t have the money to create this amazing battle? So you’re telling me I’m just gonna have to say who came out alive? Welp, sorry guys, you heard the producers, all that survived is my guy Will Smith--- I mean Captain Steven Hiller. Even after surviving such a great battle, so good that you could probably write an epic poem about it, like the Iliad, he doesn’t last long before Galvatron says wassup and crushes the ship.

All that’s left are the heavy hitters, and to be honest, it’s not looking good for the House Elves. Either way, Bizarro Superman still rushes into battle and is met with resistance from the girl of steel from two earth’s. Bizarro Superman is not second guessing his course of action, but it’s too late, the girls set in the attack. He’s about to meet his end before last second he rips Supergirl in half, in which 4 death Power Girl gets enraged and heat visions him to implode. Kitties seeing there’s not much work left to do, they all bring their girl power together and #metoo Galvatron out of existence.

As the Kitties celebrate, Mar-vel, Archangel, and Zaheer manage to sneak attack and kill the sisters Star and Blackfire. This leads to the two Abeloths unleashing their might on the remaining House Elves, and in their destruction they not only manage to kill them off, they also kill each other.

The Empire Vs. Charles Barkley's Turrible Decisions

The Empire is Silver Surfer, White Lantern Swamp Thing, War Machine, Xerxes, Lt. Colonel Blue Grass w/ Quicksilver, Talleyhawk, Steelheart, Rayzor, Steelwill, Stronghold, The Copper Kid, & Mayday in The Marage, Zombie Capt. Marvel, Beowolf, Voltron of the Mid Universe, Ben Quadrineros in an ARC Fighter, Jolee Fishdo in an ARC Fighter, Snow White w/ Sleepy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Bashful, Doc, Vampire #2-3, and Thinking Machine #1-8 in The Event Horizon.

Charles Barkley's Turrible Decisions are Hal Jordan, Boba Fett in a TIE Fighter, Saint Walker (w/ a green lantern ring), Guy Gardner, Cyborg in a TIE Fighter, Kilawog, Blue Beetle in a TIE Fighter, Lex Luthor in a TIE Fighter, Green Lantern Sinestro, White Lantern Deadman, Iron Patriot, Space Ghost w/ Mega Man X, and Blip in The Phantom Cruiser, Jan & Jace in their Shuttle, and Starscream's Ghost.

Two great space teams here folks, so let's not waste any time and jump right into the fight. Evenly matched dogfights ensue all over the place between TIE and ARC fighters with Marage and Phantom Cruiser joining in as well. Iron Patriot and War Machine square off immediately; but War Machine finds his Tony Stark hand-me downs to be outmatched against Iron Patriot's firepower. Osborne charges up a laser-guided missile and plants it directly into War Machine's chest to penetrate the armor and take him out.

Jedi Master Fishdo is leading The Empire's flight squadron; but it is pretty apparent that Quadrineros is the best pilot among them. Cyborg, wired into the controls of his TIE Fighter directly takes out Fishdo, flying in ARC 1; but ARC 2 (Quadrineros) uses his heightened senses and podracing skills to target Blue Beetle's TIE. Boba Fett finds that he can't quite do enough damage of the Cymek casing of Xerxes, who eventually clips the wing of Fett's TIE sending it out of control. Fett, manages to regain control and eject, sending out counter-measures that do more damage to The Ancient Titan than his laser blasts initially could. Boba Fett, then further ejects out of his escape apparatus and uses his jetpack to get onto the rear of Xerxes. A few well-placed thermal detonators finish the skirmish. Lex Luthor flies his TIE Fighter methodically and exactly how the schematics dictate; but this doesn't serve him well against the crazy, well-practiced flying of Colonel Bluegrass in the Marage who first ejects the four Silverhawks and their bird companions into the battle and then lights up Luthor with laser blasts. Space Ghost takes a cue from his teammate Boba Fett, who seems to be doing fine sans ship and ejects from The Phantom Cruiser, handing the controls off to Mega Man X. Space Ghost, in a truly O.P. Move proves nothing more than the fact that he was the writer of this match's favorite cartoon character as a kid. This causes the writer to ignore everything he knows about how powerful Dune Neo-Cymeks are and has Space Ghost press some buttons on his arm making Beowolf go boom.

Saint Walker is able to take out Mayday, Steelheart, and Stronghold with his dual lantern powers, but the rest of the Silverhawks team up and kill him with a bunch of spacebird like abilities.

Silver Surfer may very well be the most powerful player in today's game and we all know he can take out green lanterns when necessary, because we all saw what happened in the famous Marvel-DC Amalgam crossover from years back. But it isn't that Sissified-Artsy Raynor he is up against this time. Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner, the true Green Lanterns of earth team up on The Surfer and make him look as weak as he was in that old NES game where he couldn't even touch the walls without dying. Shortly thereafter, another Extremely powerful Empire character falls as Starscream's Ghost keeps taking over different bots in the combined gestalt of Voltron. The poor robot of the Mid-Universe goes insane as Starscream leaps from piece to piece forcing Voltron to play the stop hitting yourself game that every three year old finds hilarious. Voltron's initial robot programming kicks in forcing a self-destruct, which does manage to dissipate Starscream's Ghost along with the self-demise of Voltron.

Zombie Capt. Marvel tries to eat Sinestro's brain, but she dies instead.

White Lantern Swamp Thing proves that he is better with the white lantern power than White Lantern Deadman based solely on the fact that WL Swamp Thing is on death #4 and WL Deadman is not. Swamp Thing wins the power struggle and manages to contain the power; as the other White Lantern ring is ripped from the hand of Deadman and joined with Swamp Thing's making one white ring as the universe intended. Although this brings forth a paradox as Hal Jordan and Sinestro are also brought into the fray. All four of these potential white ring wielders are simultaneously brought together causing a divergence in the Universe. The white lantern ring is the embodiment of life; but so much life must cause death (I know that doesn't make any sense but it sounds like some cheesy, quasi-deep thing a comic book writer like Geoff Johns would say). The ring plants itself firmly onto the mossy finger of Swamp Thing; but unites all four ring bearers in death.

Kilawog wrecks Marage with a huge green fist and is then joined by Boba Fett and Iron Patriot as they face off against the remaining Silverhawks. A furious Steelwill who just lost his sister and his beloved bird manages to crack the shell of Iron Patriot, and Quicksilver sends a piercing karate chop into the heart of Kilawog; but in the end, once the cosmic dust had cleared, all the Silverhawks had fallen and only Boba Fett remained.

The Phantom Cruiser, piloted by Mega Man X is able to take out Ben Quadrineros' ARC Fighter on their way to dock on the massive Event Horizon along with Jan and Jace in their shuttle and Cyborg in his TIE Fighter. They had all received a distress signal from the ship saying that the Empire Members on board were all prepared to surrender as soon as they were boarded by the Barkley's squad. Boba Fett too, received this transmission through his Mandalorian Helmet and made the Turrible Decision of answering the call. The ship seemed abandoned from the outside; but once they entered and heard the door shut solid behind them they all realized that the ship was indeed very functional. Once inside they saw things that I as a Watcher cannot possibly describe. Vampires, dwarves, and vampire dwarves ripping the flesh from the bones of anything in site, creepy and evil thinking machines designed to do intense and vile harm to any bag of flesh they come across, Sam Neil trying to revive his career after being typecast as Dr. Grant from Jurassic Park, and scariest of all: A woman who is able to simultaneously live with seven men. Fett, Mega Man X, Blip, and Cyborg all die gruesome and terrifying deaths at the hands of The evil Event Horizon Ship; so do Jan and Jace; but they are too stupid to feel actual human pain.

It is too late for their teammates to be spared their gruesome demise; but The Event Horizon and its murderous, haunted ways are destroyed externally as Space Ghost and Guy Gardner combine their powers to blow the ship up for good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 6: Be Gentle v Striders of Rohan

Be Gentle It’s My First Time: Poe Dameron and BB-8 in Stealth X-Wing, 4 Jedi Knights (all at 4 Deaths) in 4 A-Wings, 2 Guild Navigators in 2 Guild Ships, 2 Jedi Knights in 2 B-Wings, Dr. Fate (4 Deaths), The Terrorcons (Gurrr, Ripper Snapper, Blot, Sinnertwin, Cutthroat, Cindersaur), Zombie Super Boy, King Xeno, Black Lantern Super Boy, Plo-Koon with a Green Lantern Ring in Porkins X-Wing, Beerus God of Destruction, Hera and Zeus, 4 Transformers (All at 4 Deaths), Halo Ring 

Striders of Rohan: The Guardians of the Galaxy (Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Mantis) (All at 4 Deaths) In Starlords Ship, Yondu and Kraglin in 2 Y-Wings, Snoke and 10 Hydra Soldiers in a Star Destroyer, Admiral William Kelly (4 Deaths) in TIE Silencer, Apocalypse, Ragnarok, The Comedian in Y-Wing, Visas Marr in Princess Leia’s Stealth X-Wing, Adam Warlock (4 Deaths), White Lantern Hal Jordan (4 Deaths), Earth 2 Batman in X-Wing, IG Bounty Hunter in X-Wing, Steve Yzerman, Goblin 10-12.

Gentle Squad Begins warming up the Halo Ring, set for the destruction of the system, to take them on the glorious journey to the afterlife. Taking defensive positions around the superstructure are the Zombie Super Boy, Black Lantern Super Boy, Guild Ships, Dr. Fate, The Terrorcons, Hera and Zeus, and the 4 Transformers. Snoke exits hyperspace just inside the range of the defenders and begins bombarding them with TurbolasersGurrr and Ripper Snapper are destroyed. Both Teams then launch their fighters with Gentle's goal of destroying the Star Destroyer and Strider's goal to shut down the Halo Ring.  The guild ships begin a charge at the Star Destroyer as the only crew on board are the pilots. Yondu and Kraglin and The Comedian begin a bombing run on the guild ships, with the Guardians, Visas Marr, Batman, and The IG Bounty Hunter providing an escort. But a dogfight ensues when 4 A-Wings, piloted by 4 Jedi Knights, Plo-Koon in Porkins X-Wing and the 2 B-Wings meet them in space.  Amidst the fighting Kraglin, The Comedian, the IG Droid, the 2 Jedi Knights in B-wings, and 2 of the 4 A-Wings are destroyed and One Guild Ship is disabled. Poe and BB-8 Launch from the Halo Ring but quickly come under fire from Admiral Kelly in his TIE Silencer, but following evasive maneuvers, Poe dispatches his opponent.  

Meeting with the rest of the Squad, Poe Leads the offensive against the Star Destroyer. With the guild ship getting very close to hitting the Star Destroyer, the Hydra Soldiers fire a full salvo devastating the Guild Ship and another A-Wing Unlucky enough to be in the path. But upon the loss of one guild ship, Dr.Fate and the 2 Undead Super Boys give the other Guild Ship enough Momentum to begin a second charge. This time the ship makes contact with the bridge causing a chain explosion through the star destroyer killing all inside. In the dogfight surrounding the wreckage Poe, BB-8, Plo, and the A-Wing come under heavy fire from the Guardians, Yondu, Marr, and Batman. Yondu and Batman are quickly outflown by Poe and BB-8 who begin firing upon them, both are destroyed. The Guardians and Marr succeed in destroying the last Jedi Knight and Plo-Koon before retreating.

With the Halo Ring nearing the completion of the warmup, the Striders group for one last big attack. ApocalypseRagnarok, The Guardians, Marr, Adam Warlock, and White Lantern Hal Jordan begin the flight to the Ring where they meet the much larger force of Dr. Fate, Poe Dameron and BB-8, the remaining Terrorcons, Zombie Super Boy, King Xeno, Black Lantern Super Boy, Beerus God of Destruction, Hera, Zeus, and the 4 Transformers. The two sides clashed down upon each other in a 50’s cartoon dust cloud, with Dr. Fate, Poe, and BB-8 being the only survivors but the Halo Ring was damaged leaving it inoperable.