Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 6: Be Gentle v Striders of Rohan

Be Gentle It’s My First Time: Poe Dameron and BB-8 in Stealth X-Wing, 4 Jedi Knights (all at 4 Deaths) in 4 A-Wings, 2 Guild Navigators in 2 Guild Ships, 2 Jedi Knights in 2 B-Wings, Dr. Fate (4 Deaths), The Terrorcons (Gurrr, Ripper Snapper, Blot, Sinnertwin, Cutthroat, Cindersaur), Zombie Super Boy, King Xeno, Black Lantern Super Boy, Plo-Koon with a Green Lantern Ring in Porkins X-Wing, Beerus God of Destruction, Hera and Zeus, 4 Transformers (All at 4 Deaths), Halo Ring 

Striders of Rohan: The Guardians of the Galaxy (Starlord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Mantis) (All at 4 Deaths) In Starlords Ship, Yondu and Kraglin in 2 Y-Wings, Snoke and 10 Hydra Soldiers in a Star Destroyer, Admiral William Kelly (4 Deaths) in TIE Silencer, Apocalypse, Ragnarok, The Comedian in Y-Wing, Visas Marr in Princess Leia’s Stealth X-Wing, Adam Warlock (4 Deaths), White Lantern Hal Jordan (4 Deaths), Earth 2 Batman in X-Wing, IG Bounty Hunter in X-Wing, Steve Yzerman, Goblin 10-12.

Gentle Squad Begins warming up the Halo Ring, set for the destruction of the system, to take them on the glorious journey to the afterlife. Taking defensive positions around the superstructure are the Zombie Super Boy, Black Lantern Super Boy, Guild Ships, Dr. Fate, The Terrorcons, Hera and Zeus, and the 4 Transformers. Snoke exits hyperspace just inside the range of the defenders and begins bombarding them with TurbolasersGurrr and Ripper Snapper are destroyed. Both Teams then launch their fighters with Gentle's goal of destroying the Star Destroyer and Strider's goal to shut down the Halo Ring.  The guild ships begin a charge at the Star Destroyer as the only crew on board are the pilots. Yondu and Kraglin and The Comedian begin a bombing run on the guild ships, with the Guardians, Visas Marr, Batman, and The IG Bounty Hunter providing an escort. But a dogfight ensues when 4 A-Wings, piloted by 4 Jedi Knights, Plo-Koon in Porkins X-Wing and the 2 B-Wings meet them in space.  Amidst the fighting Kraglin, The Comedian, the IG Droid, the 2 Jedi Knights in B-wings, and 2 of the 4 A-Wings are destroyed and One Guild Ship is disabled. Poe and BB-8 Launch from the Halo Ring but quickly come under fire from Admiral Kelly in his TIE Silencer, but following evasive maneuvers, Poe dispatches his opponent.  

Meeting with the rest of the Squad, Poe Leads the offensive against the Star Destroyer. With the guild ship getting very close to hitting the Star Destroyer, the Hydra Soldiers fire a full salvo devastating the Guild Ship and another A-Wing Unlucky enough to be in the path. But upon the loss of one guild ship, Dr.Fate and the 2 Undead Super Boys give the other Guild Ship enough Momentum to begin a second charge. This time the ship makes contact with the bridge causing a chain explosion through the star destroyer killing all inside. In the dogfight surrounding the wreckage Poe, BB-8, Plo, and the A-Wing come under heavy fire from the Guardians, Yondu, Marr, and Batman. Yondu and Batman are quickly outflown by Poe and BB-8 who begin firing upon them, both are destroyed. The Guardians and Marr succeed in destroying the last Jedi Knight and Plo-Koon before retreating.

With the Halo Ring nearing the completion of the warmup, the Striders group for one last big attack. ApocalypseRagnarok, The Guardians, Marr, Adam Warlock, and White Lantern Hal Jordan begin the flight to the Ring where they meet the much larger force of Dr. Fate, Poe Dameron and BB-8, the remaining Terrorcons, Zombie Super Boy, King Xeno, Black Lantern Super Boy, Beerus God of Destruction, Hera, Zeus, and the 4 Transformers. The two sides clashed down upon each other in a 50’s cartoon dust cloud, with Dr. Fate, Poe, and BB-8 being the only survivors but the Halo Ring was damaged leaving it inoperable.  


Greedo said...

Weiner: Be Gentle its my First Time
Survivors: Poe Dameron, BB-8, and Dr. Fate

Josh the Commish said...

Cool match Greedo!! Congrats on the win Conner.