Monday, March 29, 2010

Le' Napoleon Brigade Vs. Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies

Le' Napoleon Brigade is (Golden Age) Wonder Woman in her Invisible Jet, Jetfire & Jetstorm, Jania Solo in a Tie Bomber, Stass Allie in a Tie Interceptor, Red Lantern #3, Skyfire, Alan Scott, Silver Dragon #4-9, Guy Gardner (w/ yellow power ring), Black Hand, Yoda's spirit, Anakin Solo in Darth Vader's Tie Fighter, Coleman Trebor in a Tie Bomber, Darth Nihilus & Emperor Palpatine in a Snow Speeder, Obi Wan Kenobi, Even Piel in a Tie Bomber, Hecate, The Jettsons: George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, Astro, Rosey, & Orbitty, Jedi Master #31 & 32, & Skeletor's Crack Troopers #1 & 2.

Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies are Forge, Hellboy, Etrigan the Demon, Lobo, Guy Gardner & G'Nort, Booster Gold, Kyle Rayner, Mecha Godzilla, The Power Puff Girls: Bubbles, Blossom, & Buttercup, The Technobots: Scattershot, Lightspeed, Strafe, Nosecone, & Afterburner, Starro, Grimlock, Lobo the Duck (w/ an Atlas), Dynomutt, The Great Lakes Avengers: Mr. Immortal, Squirrel Girl, Big Bertha, & Flatman, Shazam, Hawkman & Hawkwoman, Dobby, Clone Trooper #26-31, The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers: Jason, Zack, Billy, Trini, & Kimberly, & Ewok #6 & 7.

Wonder Woman speaks to her troops and says: “My daughter has informed me that last season, before I was part of this team that the team we are about to face disgraced The Brigade by sending only 1 old woman out to meet us in battle in the biggest match of the year, and that our blood debt against them will never end as long as there are Amazons among our ranks. Meanwhile on a floating asteroid in the distance is The Murderflies, who wait for their opponents arrival. Squirrel Girl turns to one of her new BFF’s Kimberly the Pink Ranger and asks: “Is it true that the team we are about to fight just busted in to our locker room last season and just slaughtered basically the whole team for no reason“? “Yeah, that about sums it up”. Kimberly replies. As The Brigade approaches the Murderfly fortified asteroid, most of the non-flyers are already inside vehicles of their own control, but Jedi Master #31 & 32 are riding inside Jetfire, while the 2 Skeletor Troops are inside Jetstorm, and Obi Wan and the Jettsons are in Skyfire. Wonder Woman sends the Silver Dragons in as the first wave, but they are not able to do much in the space’s vacuum and are destroyed rather easily by Mecha Godzilla and Starro. Wonder Woman did not have particularly high hopes for what the Silver Dragons were going to accomplish, but she did hope that it would be more than they did. Next up is Stass Allie in a Tie Interceptor leading the trio of Force powered Tie Bomber pilots. The 4 pilots fly in to attack Mecha Godzilla and seem to know exactly where to hit him with their Turbo lasers and Advanced Missiles. They then do the same to Starro, and take out the 2 Murderfly giants with relative ease. Perhaps it is their force enhanced flying ability, or perhaps it is their mental link with the Jedi Master Yoda who is now one with the force and able to speak to them freely thru minimal concentration from the living Jedis. Allan Scott and Guy Gardner square off against Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner; but before they begin battling, they banter about the one obvious subject that these 4 would discuss....... How much better Hal Jordan is than they are. The fight then begins, but we’ll come back to that later. “I wish that we could avoid, just waiting on this asteroid. Because I see the approach of a parade and I fear it is our enemies Brigade”. Etrigan says to the Atlas wielding Lobo the Duck. Just then Skyfire, Jetfire, & Jetstorm all land on the asteroid and transform, but not before they release their passengers, whom are all ready to do battle. Obi Wan Kenobi leads the charge. Etrigan kills both of the Skeletor Troopers and says: “I must say your black costume I do adore even though I knock you to this rock floor, I know death is what you’re prepared for if training you did with Skeletor”. The rhyming Etrigan is then double-teamed and killed by the 2 Jedi Masters. His last words are: “I feel as though I’ve been done a favor with a painless death by the lightsaber”. Darth Nihilus is flying the Snow Speeder with Palpatine as his gunner when Hellboy leaps into the air and punches a hole in the bottom of the ship. The Snow Speeder crash lands but both Sith Lords jump out onto the asteroid. Sidious and Nihilus then both ignite their crimson lightsabers and easily wipe out the 6 Clone Troopers before they move against The Great Lakes Avengers. The 2 of them use their lightsabers to make short work of Flatman and Big Bertha, but Palpatine has to resort to some majorly potent Sith Lightning in order to fry Mr. Immortal to death (I know Goofjuice, he’s “Mr. Immortal” and he just died again........ Start dealing with it). But Squirrel Girl uses her enhanced agility to dodge the attacks of Darth Nihilus and then slice open his neck with her claws. Squirrel Girl unfortunately stands victorious for only a few seconds as she is then killed by a lightsaber sneak attack from Palpatine. Now for the space battle you have all been waiting for, the brawl to settle it all Astro vs. Dynomutt. The 2 dogs battle it out for a significant amount of time before Dynomutt gets an upper hand in the battle and bites Astro’s jugular. Rosey the Robot then gets revenge on Dynomutt by taking out one of her kitchen knives to finish off the poor dog, serial killer style. Wonder Woman and Anakin Solo go on a strafing run of the asteroid and take out Forge, Dobby, Booster Gold, and both Ewoks who were sitting ducks from their “fly by” vantage point. The Power Rangers are just fighting with their multi-colored weapons when they see Hecate flying up and begin there chant: “Mastodon, Pterodactyl, Triceratops, Saber tooth Tiger, TYRRANOSAURUS”. To call upon the mighty Mega-Zord, who is then backed up by the Technobots, who merge to form Computron, who states that Hecate only has a 30% chance to defeat both of the metal giants. The lost Titan then defies these odds as she uses her huge mounted lasguns to blast both The Mega-Zord and Computron back to 7:00 AM before school where they belong. Hecate then follows this attack up with a couple of missiles that take out Hellboy before Shazam appears before the massive Cymek and then drills a hole right thru her using his own body as the drill bit. As Shazam comes out the other side he notices a bit of the brain matter floating away that was the only human part remaining in the huge machine construct. Lobo the Duck uses his Atlas and Lobo uses his fist to put matching holes in the chests of Jedi Masters #31 & 32, but Obi Wan avenges them by force pushing Lobo the Duck out of the way and then cutting Lobo in half with his lightsaber. Lobo the Duck is floating away in space, after being force pushed into the air but Skyfire targets him with his lasers to take him out. Jetfire and Jetstorm merge to form Firestorm and then take out both Hawkman and Hawkwoman who had just gotten done murdering the Jettsons, Rosey, & Orbitty. Jetstorm then moves against Grimlock but they are blessed with hearing the words: “Me Grimlock crush planes” in their last moments. Black Hand is attacked by The Power Puff Girls, but he manages to grab Bubbles by the neck and rip her head off. Buttercup then goes off on Black Hand and hits him with a double fisted punch that sends him flying into the distance. Buttercup then catches up to Black Hand before he can right himself and hits him so hard that he is completely blown apart. Blossom gets separated from Buttercup and meets up with Obi Wan Kenobi, but the Jedi Master leaps into the space around him and slices Blossom in half. Buttercup on the other hand blasts thru Jania Solo’s Tie Bomber to destroy both the ship and the pilot. She then attacks Wonder Woman in her Invisible Jet and causes enough damage that Wonder Woman actually has to eject from the plane. Wonder Woman ejects out and then grabs Buttercup and wrestles her down to the asteroid. Buttercup gets in some massive hits, but in the end Wonder Woman comes out on top and finally ends the Power Puff Girl’s reign of terror. Grimlock uses his mouth laser to shoot down Even Piell’s Tie Bomber but the Jedi Master manages to eject safely. He then rendezvous with Obi Wan Kenobi. The 2 are about to rush into an attack on the much larger Grimlock when they hear the voice of Master Yoda. Yoda tells them to be patient and has them wait until the perfect moment. They meditate on this for a couple of moments and then come out of their near-trance like state and both throw their lightsabers directly into the mouth of Grimlock. These throws land perfectly to and extinguish Grimlock’s spark. Yellow Guy Gardner attacks G’Nort and completely obliterates him. He follows it up with: “I kind of always wanted to do that”, but Green Guy Gardner flies up yelling: “Hey if anybody was supposed to kill G’Nort it was me”. “I am you” the yellow Gardner replies as he blasts Green Guy with his ring. “The only difference is, my ring can hurt yours, but your ring can’t do anything to me”. “Yeah I keep hearing that” Green Gardner says as he uses his green ring to take control of Coleman Trebor’s Tie Bomber and sends it on a collision course with the Yellow Guy Gardner, causing quite a large explosion. Kyle Rayner and Alan Scott have been going at it one on one since the start of this match, but Alan Scott finally gains the upper hand. I guess in the end it is experience that wins out as the exhausted original Green Lantern sends a green spear thru the chest of Rayner. Shazam battles with Red Lantern #3 who unleashes an enormous amount of rage fueled energy on Capt. Marvel. But the magical-powered being known as Shazam is able to take the hit an then dish out a punch that takes the red lantern out for good. Guy Gardner flies in to back up Shazam but they find themselves surrounded by (the Yoda spirit guided) Wonder Woman, Stass Allie, Skyfire, Alan Scott, Anakin Solo, Emperor Palpatine, Obi Wan Kenobi, & Even Piel. The 2 DC heroes make their last stand together with Shazam taking out Stass Allie & Gardner taking out Anakin Solo before they succumb to the overwhelming odds.


Josh the Commish said...

Both of the F*&&%g green lightsabers were given to John Mclane. His cost is plus 3.

Archr5 said...

Guy Gardner vs Guy Gardner.

How the heck did that happen again?