Sunday, March 28, 2010

Former Pop Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos vs The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets

Former Pop Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos are Parallax, Bizarro, Black Adam, Dave Bowman: The Starchild, Numnius, Dex-tar, Karu-sil, Fatality, Taa, Zombie Darkseid In Rama: Rodimus Prime, Qui Gonn Jinn, Azeem, Ms. Marvel, Maxima,& Mary Marvel, On A Star Destroyer: Dr. Doom, Vorian Atreides, Bail Organa, Zombie Al Dogg, Ewok Baby #5, The Colonial Marines, & Ellen Ripley.

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Aurra Sing & Magneto in The Talon Fighter, Asajj Ventress, Darth Yardigan, Count Dooku, Bill Kelly (w/ a Blue lightsaber), Norm Peterson, & Smurf #2 in The Outlaw, Quasar,/ Nightwing, Carlos Chiappe-Soto (w/ a green lightsaber), & R.O.B. the Robot in a Y-Wing Bomber/ Toad in the Mario 2 Spaceship, Omega Supreme, Air Zonk w/ Astra & Power Dump, Adam Warlock, Capt. Power & R4 Unit #1 in an A-Wing, Maj. Hawk Masterson & R4 Unit #2 in an A-Wing, Robert "Scout" Baker & R4 Unit #3 in an A-Wing, Aayla Secura & R2 Unit #3 in a Jedi V-Wing, Bultar Swan & R2 Unit #4 in a Jedi V-Wing, Ganthet & Sayd, Dr. U'bx in a Tie Bomber, Ch'p, Amantia, Larvox, Avian #1, Blue Lantern #1, Air Zimmell, & Vampire Cat #1

This battle waged on for so long that I am now just being able to report to but the mere highlights of this truly epic confrontation between these two divisional rivals.

Captain Power leads a squadron of A-Wings and Jedi V-Wings into battle. “We have to take that Star Destroyer out first team!” Capt. Power says over their intercoms. He’s flanked by Major “Hawk” Masterson and Sergeant Robert “Hawk” Baker, both in A-Wings. They are followed closely by Aayla Secura and Bultar Swan, both flying in Jedi V-Wings. Inside the Star Destroyer, Dr. Doom shouts his orders. “Colonial Marines! To your stations!” The Colonial Marines quickly run to their battle positions and begin to fire the Star Destroyer’s weapons at the oncoming attack. PFC Hudson clips Scout’s A-Wing and sends him careening into the side of the Star Destroyer. “Yeah! You like that?!” yells Hudson. Captain Power fires his laser cannons and kills Corp. Ferro and Corp. Dietrich with his shots. The A-Wings, known for their superior speed, whip by several times, doing several strafing runs in the process and killing Pvt. Frost, Pvt. Crowe, Pvt. Wierzbowski, and PFC Spunkmeyer. Aayla Secura and Bultar Swan target the command deck and begin their attack. Dr. Doom then calls upon his two enforcers to protect the command deck. Bizarro and Black Adam fly up and attack the two Jedi’s in their ships. The two powerhouses severely damage the ships, but both Jedi’s eject out of the cockpits and are rescued by Ganthet and Sayd. The two Oa Guardians help the Jedi’s get aboard the Star Destroyer, along with Nightwing, Vampire Cat #1 and Asajj Ventress. The five Brotherhood members rip though the ranks of the Colonial Marines, finishing off every last one of them, before reaching the command deck. Asajj Ventress leaps into action, killing both Bail Organa and Vorian Atreides with her dual lightsabers. She is then blasted into oblivion by Dr. Doom vast magical powers. Vampire Cat #1 quickly attacks Ewok Baby #5 and savagely kills it. Nightwing is about to move into action, but is tackled to the ground by Zombie Al Dogg. “The Man Who Just Can’t Stay Buried” bites into Nightwings neck, but is quickly kicked off. Vampire Cat #1 then leaps onto Al Dogg and starts clawing at him. Decomposing flesh fly through the air, but Zombie Al Dogg is able to eat the Vampire Cat. Nightwing finishes off Zombie Al Dogg, moments before he himself perishes. Ellen Ripley then rushes in and dropkicks Bultar Swan. She pulls out a gun and fires several shots at the Jedi, but the bullets are deflected by her lightsaber. Bultar Swan then flips into the air and lops off Ripley’s head. The two Jedi’s then square off against Dr. Doom. The Jedi’s attack in unison, but Dr. Doom’s magic is not to be trifled with. He conjures up a magical blast that actually reacts extremely volatile with the lightsabers, causing the entire command deck to explode, killing all inside. Outside in space, the team of Bizarro, Black Adam, and Parallax are wreaking havoc on the Brotherhood’s squadron of ships. Black Adam has already destroyed the Outlaw, which was a feat in itself, considering its vast weaponry. Parallax killed Carlos Chiappe-Soto and R.O.B. the Robot, who were in a Y-Wing Bomber. Bizarro flies over and blasts through the Mario 2 Spaceship, which causes Toad to get sucked out of the hole and suffocate in outer space. “We must attack Rama,” says Magneto. “It’s our only chance at victory.” Then in probably one of his most impressive feats of his power, Magneto uses the now useless Star Destroyer as an enormous spear and launches it right into the side of Rama. It slams into the side of Rama, completely destroying “The Horns,” which brings Rama to a halt. Magneto then flies out of the Talon Fighter and rips another, but much smaller hole into the side of Rama, which allows Count Dooku, Darth Yardigan, and Bill Kelly to enter the massive metal cylinder. They proceed to search for the members of the Commandos within Rama. Outside, however, Zombie Darkseid is being attacked by Ganthet and Sayd. The two Oa Guardians are extremely powerful, but the Ruler of Apokolips who has risen from the grave is not easily beaten. He uses his Omega Beams to destroy the Oa Guardians, but the beams are too much for Zombie Darkseid to control and they cause his head to explode as well. Captain Power regroups with “Hawk” Masterson, Dr. U’bx in a Tie Bomber, Air Zonk, with Astra and Power Dump and Aurra Sing, who’s flying the Talon Fighter. They all then descend upon Numnius and begin attacking her. She does not want to harm these opponents but is reminded of what her sympathizing feelings with result in and reluctantly vaporizes the oncoming attackers. Back inside Rama, the Brotherhood group has located the Commando’s team, who are fortified inside “New York”. Count Dooku is the first to react, as he hits Rodimus Prime with a bolt of Sith Lightning that destroys the Autobot leader. Darth Yardigan follows in his master’s footsteps and kills Azeem in the same manner. Qui Gon Jinn then attacks Darth Yardigan and quickly avenges the death of his close friend, Azeem. He then finds himself face to face with his old master, Count Dooku. “I see your abilities have grown since the last we met, my old apprentice,” Dooku says. “I am saddened to see that you have fallen into the shroud of the Dark Side my master,” replies Qui Gon. Maxima, Mary Marvel and Ms. Marvel then all fly outside of Rama to lend a hand to the rest of their team as Qui Gon and Dooku square off.

They ignite their lightsabers and slowly begin to circle each other. Dooku is the first to attack, but Qui Gon does a superb job of defending the attack. He then Force pushes Dooku back, which Dooku retaliates with a blast of Sith Lightning. Master Jinn blocks it with his lightsaber. Count Dooku then uses the Force to throw several object at Qui Gon, but the Jedi Master barrel rolls out of the way. He then flips up into the air and attack the Sith Lord. Their lightsabers spark as they clash, the glow of red and green emit off of the blade onto the two combatants. Count Dooku, then scores the first hit, by wounding Qui Gon’s left arm. Qui Gon then returns the favor and cuts Dooku’s right hand off. Dooku tries to use his Sith Lightning again, but Qui Gon is able to turn it against the Count with his lightsaber. He then finally finishes his old master with and killing strike to the neck. Qui Gon falls to his knees in exhaustion, and lets out a sigh of relief. But unfortunately that relief is only for a brief moment. He hears another lightsaber being ignited, and turns to find Bill Kelly holding his blue lightsaber. “I’m very sorry Master Jinn,” Bill says reluctantly as he drives his lightsaber deep into Qui Gon’s abdomen. With his dying breath, Qui Gon replies, “I’m sorry too,” as he puts his lightsaber into Bill’s chest. Both of them crumple to the floor of Rama.

Outside in space, the battle rages on. The Brotherhood currently has their back up against the proverbial wall. Their ranks have dwindled down to Magneto, Quasar, Omega Supreme, Adam Warlock, Air Zimmell, Avian #1, Blue Lantern #1 and the trio of Green Lanterns; Ch’p, Amanita, and Larvox. The Green Lanterns waste no time in attacking Dex-Starr, Karu-Sil and Fatality. The Blue Lantern flies over and gives all the Green Lanterns a much needed power boost. Amanita uses her cosmic awareness to destroy Karu-Sil and her pack of yellow energy beasts. Blue Lantern #1 and Ch’p combine their forces to euthanize Dex-Starr as Larvox battles Fatality. The Star Sapphire is able to overcome the Green Lantern and kills Larvox. Taa takes the opportunity of the Blue Lantern in his vicinity and powers up his ring to take on Adam Warlock. But even with his ring on “Blue Lantern Steroids” Taa falls to the power of Adam Warlock. Ch’p, Amanita and Blue Lantern #1 surround Fatality and are about to finish her off, when Maxima flies in and rips the head off of Blue Lantern #1. She then uses her eye beams to kill Amanita. Mary Marvel flies in and lends a hand to Maxima by killing Ch’p. Maxima flies off straight at Omega Supreme. “Chance of defeating Omega… 2.7%” the giant Autobot bellows. “That’s all I need,” Maxima says as she flies head first into Omega’s chest. She then blasts back out of him and with all her might rips Omega Supreme’s head off. Magneto then uses the lifeless body of Omega to crush Maxima, sending her to the Fantasy Fantasy Graveyard. Quasar and Adam Warlock then team up to take on Ms. Marvel, who unfortunately for her is out-matched and succumbs to her opponents. Bizarro flies in and smashes both Air Zimmell and Avian #1 together, killing them both. Quasar, Adam Warlock and Magneto then band together to make one last stand. “I will handle this,” Magneto says. He then raises his hands and begins to concentrate heavily, so much so that his nose begins to bleed. Then in probably one of the most amazing things this Watcher has ever seen, Rama crushes in on itself and kills Numnius. However, this has left Magneto extremely weakened and open to an attack by Black Adam and Mary Marvel. Dave Bowman then finishes off the last two Brotherhood members with a cosmic blast that blinds this Watcher for a moment.



Solobeck said...

Awesome choice of music!!! Nicely done!

Josh the Commish said...

Damn Nick, I actually thought I had you for a moment there. Great Match Ryan, this is 2 years in a row that I at least gave The Commandos a run for their money.

Josh the Commish said...

The 2 green lightsabers were given to Dora & Boots. Cost is plus 3 for them as individuals. The cost for any of the "Dora Group" discounts is unaffected.

Anonymous said...

So...who is gonna avenge my death? Greetings from heaven, Carlos.