Sunday, March 28, 2010

Team S.P. Vs. Alice's Wonder Team

Team S.P. is MODOK, War Skrull #1-5, Super Skrull, Skrull #1-14, Binary, Mothra, Ultron, SHIELD Agent #1-4, Unus the Untouchable, Roy Batty (w/ Mandalorian Armor & a green lightsaber), Female Sentinel #1-7, Kilowag, Deathbird, Kang the Conqueror, Vision, & Brainiac.

Alice's Wonder Team is The Q Continuum: Q, Q2, True Q, Q Representative, Lady Q, q, & Quinn, Primus, General Zod, The Anti-Monitor, The Spectre, Vampire #4-6, & Goblin #3-5.

The Q Continuum uses their powers not on Team S.P., but on their own team to warp the reality of the now and put the mighty and ancient Primus in the mindset that he was in when he fought his brother Unicron so many millennia ago. Primus awakens with a vengeance and prepares to take out his wrath on Team S.P. The Q do not necessarily have powers of mind control over a cosmic being such as Primus, but they do have the ability to warp reality in such a way to make even a being such as Primus feel a sense of urgency toward the battle at hand; which is exactly what they do. Anti-Monitor flies in and lands on a small asteroid where Ultron has sent up camp. The 2 begin battling while Kilowag flies off into the distance in an attempt to reach The Q Continuum, who he realizes are going to have to be attacked head on if the Sleeping Kitties are going to have any chance of taking out this space powerhouse. Super Skrull leads his squad of 20 Binarys against The Wonder Team’s Vamps and Gobs, while Deathbird and Kang mount an attack against the massive Primus. Zod and The Spectre hang back for the moment to wait and see exactly how this opening charge works out for both teams. The 3 Goblins are easily wiped out by Super Skrull’s Skrull team, but the 3 Vampires do manage to take out 2 of The Binarys (actually Skrull #4 & 14, which like all the regular Skrulls are simply bearing the appearance of Binary and not her powers like the War Skrulls and of course the real Carol Danvers possess) before they are wiped out as well. Super Skrull, who is retaining the powers of the original Fantastic Four as well as emulating some of Binary’s powers as well as Unus the Untouchable’s force field instantly turns his squad around to join the fight against Primus. As Primus attacks he instantly takes out all 4 SHIELD Agents along with the 7 Female Sentinels that he crushes as if they were pieces of tin foil, along with turning MODOK into MODOD (Mental Organism Designed Only for Dying). Primus then proves that Unus is more than touchable as he crushes the mutant with a clap of his hands, his force field only providing a slight amount of resistance to the huge Transformer Planet. True Q foresees that Vision could be a problem for Primus, since despite his size disadvantage, Vision’s ability to stay in an intangible state could bring this match to a stand still. True Q informs the rest of the Q’s and they then permit q to wipe Vision from this plane of existence. Kang and Deathbird both make a move toward Primus, but Primus grabs them both, one in each hand and squeezes the life out of them so quickly that they have no time to use their skills against him. Zod and The Spectre decide that it is finally time to join the battle. The Spectre moves against the massive Mothra (who seems rather small when Primus is in the match), while Zod flies up to meet Roy Batty. Roy has taken well to his new Mandalorian suit of armor/green lightsaber combo, but he is still no match for Zod. Zod flies in quickly, evading both the laser blasts and lightsaber swings of the Nexus 6 and catches Roy with an upper cut to the chin that takes his replicant head clean off. The Spectre flies up slowly, having no fear in his approach toward the much larger Mothra. The Spectre uses his limitless power to destroy the divine moth, but Mothra in an amazing last ever move as a member of Team S.P. from all the way back to Season 1, releases all of her scales to coat The Spectre with her poisonous yellow powder while she simultaneously blasts him with her sun strike buster to actually destroy The Spectre and make him join her in death. Ultron is being battered by Anti-Monitor, but he has not quite had enough just yet. Anti-Monitor launches a massive energy bolt at Ultron, but Team S.P.’s very first pick manages to absorb the bolts just long enough to redirect the energy causing a massive blast which takes The Anti-Monitor out with him. Brainiac confronts the Q Continuum and begins speaking to them telepathically in a way that only beings of such superior intelligence could understand. Brainiac not only attempts, but actually succeeds in possessing the mind of The Q Representative, but after he does so, the rest of the Q Continuum simply allows The free-floating Representative to die, which of course takes Brainiac out with him. Although the Q Continuum does not seem at all thrown off guard by the interference of Brainiac’s 12th level intellect, it did distract them enough to not see Kilowag flying up behind them. Kilowag taps into his ring’s power more than he has ever done before to explore any possibility of defeating the continuum. The ring tells him that the only possible way is to actually trap the Q’s inside itself and then wipe out the ring’s entire memory core. Kilowag makes this move, and with one immense flash of green energy True Q, q, & Quinn are all trapped inside. Kilowag is amazed that this actually worked but when he tries the trick again, he finds that Lady Q has blocked Kilowag’s mind from communicating with his power ring. Lady Q, then finishes what she has begun and uses her powers to send every molecule of Kilowag’s body to a different part of the universe. The ring, as a defense mechanism wipes away the very being of the 3 Q’s that were trapped inside of it. Super Skrull and The Binarys make their final push against Primus. They all attack Primus’ chest in hopes of finding a weak spot, and they are able to make Primus make a noise that they seemed to think was a sign of pain. This enrages Primus who begins swatting at all of the Binary look-alikes. It is at this point that it becomes obvious as to which Skrulls are which, because only Super Skrull, the real Binary and The 5 War Skrulls are quick enough to evade the swings of Primus. All 12 of the remaining regular Skrulls, that had only been able to emulate Carol Danvers power of flight were destroyed. Q, Q2, Lady Q, & General Zod decide that they should lend a hand to their massive teammate. The remaining Q’s alter reality to return the Skrull’s genetic manipulation powers back to a time when they could not emulate the powers of the people whose identity they are copying. With this accomplished, Primus has no problem swatting the Skrulls out of space. While this is happening, Zod begins a one on one battle with Binary. Binary’s powers are more than capable of putting up a defense against the Kryptonian’s and almost strong enough to defeat him..... Almost.


Josh the Commish said...

The 2 green lightsabers were both given to Alice Abernathy, to go along with her Mandalorian Armor. Cost is plus 3. No extra cost for this Alice with the whole Alice crew.

Josh the Commish said...

Kilowag's green power ring returned to the locker room, and chose Jean Grey as it's new bearer. Plus 10 for Jean, no additional cost fcr the original X-Men (even though they are now missing Ice Man).