Friday, March 27, 2009

Point Rules

Over the last 2 seasons the various point variations, discounts, & rules have been talked about extensively in both big groups and in one on one conversations, but have never been officially posted. When teams are sent in, I always try to search out bonuses and discounts for everyone, which I will continue to do; but if you know them in advance it could possibly help you out some more. I am always willing to help out anyone, so please call me if you ever have any questions. Also, if all of this strikes you as to labor intensive, and/or you simply wish to ignore it, then you can feel free and I will continue to keep an eye out for possible discounts for you. Here are some of the major rules that many of you already know.

-When you play 5 commons you get the 6th one for free. An example of this is: A Storm Trooper's cost is 5, so you can play 6 of them for 25 points. This works, even if all of the characters played are not commons. Ex: If you were to play Yoda, Obi Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Ki Adi Mundi, & Shaak Ti; you have just played 5 Jedi Masters, so if you have a common Jedi on your team, you could play him for free.

-The Team discount. When you play 5 characters from the same "team" you can subtract 3 points from the total. For each additional character after the first 5 you can take off another 3 points (Not including previousely discounted groups such as The Original X-Men, or Transformer Gestalts). Examples of such teams are The X-Men, The Avengers, The Justice League, The Teen Titans, The Legion of Super Heroes, The Autobots, or The Decepticons (I may have left some out).

-The Side kick rule. If you play any character's side kick along with him/her than you can take off 5 points. This transcends just simply comic books, other characters that count as side kicks are a Jedi and their Padawan, A Sith Lord, and their Sith Apprentice, or even a character that was once a side kick and is no longer. For example NightWing would still be considered Batman's sidekick.

-Rapport. A few characters have been given rapport with each other. This is simply subtracting 2 points when they are played together. This happens for reunited partners (such as Nite Owl & Rorschach) or married couples (such as Storm & Black Panther). In a few instances, it has even been given to unrelated characters, who throughout a season have worked so well together that they are now given a discount (such as Legolas & Green Arrow and Santa Claus & Corbin Dallas).

I am not sure if this post will help to clarify some of these nuances or simply make things even more complicated, but either way they really should be posted on the blog somewhere. Again if you ever have any questions or comments please do not refrain from giving me a call.



Artifact said...

Thanks for the clarification.

If you would like, I could formulate a post for you.

Josh the Commish said...

That would be awesome. Thanks Z.