Thursday, July 1, 2010

Consolation Match: Brotherhood of Evil Midgets vs The Transfoamers

Crap. I forgot to post this consolation match. Sorry. Here it is...

The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets are Bill Kelley w/Blue Lightsaber, Air Zimmell and Smurf #2.

The Transfoamers are Oroko Nagi.

Bill Kelley and his two companions arrive at Nick's house on Terri in Westland. Air Zimmell wastes no time and flies right in, bursting through the front door. There he is met by the older brother of the Shredder, Oroko Nagi. Air Zimmell is crescent kicked to the ground and then has his head smashed in by Oroko dropping a TV on him. Bill then rushes in with Smurf #2. He ignites his lightsaber and slays Oroko Nagi. "Wow, well that was easy," says Bill. "Yeah, it's almost as if we were being rushed through this match," replies Smurf #2. "Eh, whatever," says Bill as he lights a cigarette with the tip of his lightsaber.