Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hayley's Comets vs. Le Napoleon's Brigade

“If an Englishman gets run down by a truck, he apologizes to the truck.”

- Jackie Mason

I look to the teams which will do battle on top of a semi-truck in this Consolation Round 3 Match. They are as follows:

Hayley's Comets: Mace Towani (w/ a laser sword) and Watchdog #1.

Le Napoleon Brigade: Julie Artrip

Let the battle begin. . .

Julie Artrip is “juiced” due to the four 5-Hour Energy shots she greedily gulped down. [Side note: Julie found the shots in a shoebox underneath the bed of her brother, who was storing them for the next 24-hour Groudy radio marathon].

Mace Towani races toward Artrip who dodges the laser sword and places Towani in a wrestling hold. Towani drops the blade. As the blade clatters toward the side of the truck Julie grabs it. Towani jumps on her elder and is impaled by her own blade. Julie kicks Towani from the blade and her dead body slips over the side of the truck. Towani is now amongst the other road kill littering the street.

Watchdog #1 jumps on Artrip and accidentally becomes somewhat “excited” at the appeal of a strong woman with a sword. Julie takes advantage of this fact and kicks him in the groin. Watchdog #1 falls to his knees and is decapitated by Julie’s newly acquired laser sword.

Comets: All dead.

Brigade: Julie Artrip survives.



Ryan said...

I am confused...

Julie Artrip is a member of the Horsemen of Apokolips.

What gives?!?

Solobeck said...

Watcher Explanation:
When Bryatu asked the esteemed Joshatu who Le Napoleon's Brigade was, he was asking "who was playing for them." Instead, Joshatu named the owner of the Team. Due to a mix-up and a lack of communication (which happens these days) the match was written as shown. Now that it has been clarified that Sonny Corleone is playing for the Brigade-a new match will be written and posted in the immediate future.

Ryan said...

And here I thought Bryatu just had another fever.