Thursday, March 8, 2012

Week One Schedule

WEEK 1: The Grid from Tron
75 Points
Prize: Tron Light Suit with Light Disc

Horsemen of Apokolips vs George Washington’s Slaves (Becks)
Better Than All of You vs The Transfoamers (Seeney)
Brotherhood of Evil Midgets vs Tijuana Taco Benders (Griffin)
Logical Genocide vs Miley Cyrus and President Barack Obama’s “Best of Both Worlds” Touring Battalion of Commandos (Josh)
TEAM vs Layander’s Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together To Make a New Family (Becks)
Beckerman’s Backyardigans Beeyaatches vs Xavier's Annihilation Squad (Josh)
Brock Samson’s Fighting Murderflies vs Team Sleeping Pussy (Ryan)
Griffin’s High Maintenance Dope Fiends and Destroyers vs Michael Vick’s Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve (Nick)

Note: All combatants will be outfitted with Tron Light Suits so that they can all properly battle in the Grid.

Line-ups are due in to the Commissioner by Sunday March 11, 2012 @ 10:00pm.


Artifact said...

The Commish is gonna start the year 0-1!

I updated the links to the schedule and rules on the homepage. If you have any trouble finding it, try opening your eyes.


The Champion of the Universe. said...

New season. No more dickin' around.

Last year, I took it easy on you jabronis. I mean, I'm the CHAMPION OF THE UNIVERSE. For this "League" to even remain evan slightly relevant I can't just come in my rookie year and dominate all your stupid selves.

So I says to myself "Champ, how's about you lay down five times? That way your teammates aren't rendered irrelevant by your natural dominance and you give the 'competition' one more shot at glory before you curb stomp them all." Yup,that was the plan. It was all going so well too.

Until Lickolas "watched" some bulls**t water match against the Kennelz.

Some would say there's no shame in falling to the team that went on to win the championship. Those people are called losers and are full of s**t.

Lickolas, your match was long winded and strange and complete garbage. As I was revived in the lockerroom and read your hoity toity dissertation on "The Fisherman" I made a solemn vow to destroy you the first chance I got.

Well, prepare yourself Professor. I'm about to cash in that check all over your candyass.
I've spent the entire off season working with a plucky young Centerion by the name of Jim Tebow, he's Tim's lesser known second cousin. And just like Tim constantly overcame the odds and lead the Broncos to a fairly successful season, Jim is gonna put my tutelidge to good use and do the same for Logical Genocide.

Welcome to the revamp, bitches. LG is about to stomp on all of your throats.

Commandos, you get to experience hell first. Haha silly fun time is officially over.