Sunday, January 31, 2016


Team owners:

As I am sure you are all well aware, we have one of the largest draft number of combatants in the past several years-- approximately 400.  With that being said, I would like to request some input from the owners as to how you think we will be able to get through close to 25 rounds in a timely fashion.  I am suggesting that we put time limits on each set of rounds.  [I believe most Fantasy Football Leagues are run this way].   I believe the time limitations on the rounds will still allow us to enjoy the draft, but at the same time, expedite the process instead of making it laborious.  I think the Commish would truly appreciate as many people responding as possible since this affects everyone.  Thanks for your thoughts and attention to this matter; it's truly appreciated.



Lickolas said...

I would say 60 seconds per pick should suffice for the first five rounds, then 30 seconds after that. That would give us 4 hours if we are good about it. Though I would be cool with cutting both of those numbers in half.

Josh the Commish said...

I think 10 to 20 minute time limits per pick gives more than enough time. Longer than that would be ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I say a full sponge bath is in order for everyone who appears!

Solobeck said...

Thanks for the meaningful recommendations Commish; they are truly appreciated. I have a special present for your face at the Draft. . .

-Bukkake Becks

Anonymous said...

I have a special present- spraying my seed in your buttholes!!!

Anonymous said...

I love sucking on buttholes, especially the ones all brown, hairy and attached to a watcher.

Anonymous said...

Josh the Commish has a brown, hairy butthole. No bleach allowed!

David Parks said...

Is Bukkake Becks new? What we really need is a PokéBecks. The tough part will be determining what kind of Pokémon Beckerman is.

Josh the Commish said...

I believe that the backstory behind Bukkake Becks is that he was chosen by a Pokémon gamemaster and was shot simultaneously from two skin encased pokeballs. This attack was designed to both blind and gross out the opponent, with a 30% chance of scoring a critical hit and giving them PokeAids.