Thursday, January 28, 2016


The other day I thought long and hard about the issues faced by this league, commonly referred to by the losers within as the FFL.  Here are my thoughts as to why this league sucks now:

1.  There are no viable characters to choose from.  All of the relevant and meaningful combatants have been previously chosen and we are now scraping the bottom of the barrel. . . and I mean bottom, to just fill a list.

2.  The Commissioner does not have a viable second-in-command.  Mr. Poteracki, at the very least, with his moist and coifed hair, is an individual who knew his stuff.  Mr. Poteracki cannot be replaced by anyone currently associated with this debacle.  I know that I hate Mr. Poteracki and we have a long-standing grudge between us, but I did respect his abilities with knowing stuff that means absolutely nothing to the real world.

3.  The writing for the first few years was spectacular.  The matches were well thought out and more importantly, bursting with the knowledge of those who "watched" the match.  Now, we have an abhorrent batch of writers who not only cannot spell, but write and have the grammar of no more than a three year old.

4.  It is time to put this league out to pasture.  Like most well celebrated television shows, the producers and/or stars knew when to stop--  five to seven years was the norm.  I believe we are beyond this number of spellbinding years, which means that not only has the league "jumped the shark", but has become a mere shell of what it once was.

5.  Last, but not least- SHAME!  Shame to those who left too soon so there are no true rivalries any more.  Shame to those who stayed because they are too gutless to move on.  Shame to those who perpetuate a league of meaningless drivel to those with no lives.  Shame on you all.  Shame. . .



Josh the Commish said...

I agree with one point Pablo, compared to Ryan, Becks is a horrible second in command.

Ryan said...

I will agree with Pablo on all points except one.... Don't ever fucking call me anyone's second in command again. I'll rip your penguin beak off your face and cram it up your frozen butthole.

David Parks said...

I keep forgetting Pablo is a penguin and not just a dillweed.

Artifact said...

Vote for Pablo