Thursday, February 25, 2021

Preseason: Dinomites vs. Be Gentle, It's My Third Time

Dinomites: Vampire Larfleeze, Mas, Menos, Ice w/ Star Sapphire Ring, Avatar Alex and Jedi Knight Grayson, Evil Dwarf #1-2

Be Gentle: Punisher w/ Vibranium Suit, Taskmaster w/ Yellow Lantern Ring, Chuck Norris, Andrew Jackson, Magic Johnson, Homer Simpson

This match takes place at George Murphy’s/Fox Creek.

Dinomites spot the team Be Gentle outside George Murphy’s in front of the 10th TeeBox. Mas y Menos start out by running at super speeds around the Be Gentle team to try and disorient them. Avatar Alex then starts to use his Avatar farting powers to shoot almost deadly farts at Be Gentle. Taskmaster, annoyed with being trapped inside gas that passed through a mound of feces so he grabs one of the speeding twins and snaps his neck. The other speeding twin, now without his super speed being he’s not in contact with his twin is roundhouse kicked so hard by Chuck Norris that his neck is snapped as well.

Punisher in his Vibranium suit goes on a rampage he hits a headshot on each dwarf with his glock then proceeds to do the same thing to Avatar Alex who is riding his velociraptor and Jedi Knight Grayson who is riding Bop the Dinosaur. Their steeds ran away, horrified as their riders had both perished. Ice slows down the Punisher’s rampage by freezing him in place. 

While this is all happening Vampire Larfleeze is standing underneath the awnings outside George Murphy’s as he fears that the sun will weaken him too much. He does do some help as he hits some energy blasts on Magic Johnson and Andrew jackson, killing both of them. 

Chuck Norris, Taskmaster and a drunk Homer Simpson who just stumbled out of the bar then attack Ice while Vampire Larfleeze tries to hit some energy blasts with his Orange Lantern Ring. Immediately Ice kills both Chuck Norris and Homer Simpson with energy blasts. Taskmaster is easily able to dodge attacks from both Ice and Larfleeze using his superhuman reflexes. 

Taskmaster, realizing the situation, shoots the frozen Punisher who’s wearing a vibranium suit with a weakened energy blast. This melts the frozen Punisher and brings him back into the fight.

Larfleeze sees that the fight is lopsided for Be Gentle, It’s my Third Time and comes out from the shade. Being out in the sun he is immediately weakened by the Sun’s powerful rays. Larfleeze creates a force field around himself because he’s in such great fear. Taskmaster takes advantage of this and shoots a powerful energy blast from his  Lantern Ring, being that Yellow is the color of Fear, this destroys the force field and weakens Larfleeze even more. The Punisher then grabs a golf club from a casual weekend amateur’s golf bag, snaps it over his knee and stabs the severely weakened Larfleeze up under his chin and stares into the eyes of Larfleeze as he watches his soul leave his body.

Ice has decided she’s had enough with The Punisher and shoots him with a blasts from her Star Sapphire ring and kills him. 

Taskmaster and Ice are all that is left standing and they begin to battle. Ice keeps trying to hit Taskmaster with combos of her Ice and Sapphire Ring but Taskmaster is just too keen on the skills of combat. Eventually Taskmaster uses his Lantern ring to shoot multiple energy blasts at Ice, she creates an ice wall to protect herself. Taskmaster knew she would do this and uses it to his advantage. As the energy blasts destroys the ice wall, Taskmaster jumps through behind the energy blasts through a cloud of ice and vapor and stabs Ice through the chest with his Katana. 


Striders of Rohan said...

Be Gentle is victorious!!!!

Dinomites: All Dead

Be Gentle: Taskmaster Alive

Josh the Commish said...

And the season has begun!! Nice win Gentle!! Good stuff Kyle.

Anonymous said...

Good match Kyle. Good team conner.