Tuesday, May 11, 2021

S12 W9: Assassins vs Popeyes

Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins are: Dick Grayson (Batman) w/ Green Lantern Ring, Damien Wayne (Robin), Ajax w/ Green Lantern Ring 

Affirmative Action Popeyes are: Nemesis Enforcer (4 death), Nolan Peterson: Sith Bro (4 death w/ Red Lightsaber), Austin Perrison: Sith Bro (4 death w/ Red Lightsaber), Tatsu (4 death)

Tatsu goes right for Ajax. The highly skilled ninja warrior has fast moves but not as fast as Ajax. Tatsu is able to strike Ajax several times with his sword but due to the fact he doesn’t have any nerves in his body, Ajax is able to push through the pain and send the Foot Soldier to the graveyard. 

His victory is short-lived as Nemesis Enforcer snaps Ajax’s neck as he takes flight to combat Batman and Robin who are throwing gadgets and stuff at the Bros from a catwalk suspended above the cave floor. He kicks Grayson down to take on Damien Wayne and hits him in the chest with his blade. He then uses his bare hands to rip the Walmart brand Robin in two and throws his remains down to the cave floor below. 

Fueled by rage, Dick Grayson uses his GLR to hit Nemeis from the backside and then gain the upper hand. With nowhere to roll to on the narrow walkway, Nemesis is trapped under the former sidekick turned hero. With a bellowing scream, he pushes his thumbs into the eyes of Nemesis and into his brain, killing him for good.

Before he can stand up, two lightsabers cross his vision and rest in an X pattern below his chin. With his attackers standing behind him on each side, he has no escape as the the Bro Bros pull back their sabers and behead him Dooku style. 

Austin grabs the headless corpse and with an audible grunt, heaves him over the edge of the railing. 

“Bro!” Nolan says disgusted at the amount of effort Austin took to throw the body. 

“What?! It was heavy!” Austin quips back.

“Do you even lift, Bro?!” Nolan says with a chuckle.

The two of them walk hand in hand out of the batcave in eternal bromance and they go to GNC to split a protein shake.


Artifact said...

Popeyes are VICTORIOUS!!

Assassins: All died.

Popeyes: Nolan and Austin survive.

Nemesis Enforcer

Josh the Commish said...
