Sunday, March 20, 2022

Week 1: Be Gentle It's My First Time Vs. Charles Barkley's Turrible Decisions

Be Gentle: Piccolo w/ Blue Lantern Ring, Darth Sion w/ Red Lantern Ring, Dr. Conner Weidman w/ Power Ring, 5 elves, 2 Velociraptors,

Turrible Decisions: White Suit Anakin Skywalker, Yaddle (4 deaths)

The deadly Dr.Weidman and his troops have now taken what was known as Jabba's Palace and turned it into Dr.Weidman's lair.  Anakin Skywalker approaches Jabba's palace and expected to see Jabba but all he saw was a nicotine buzzed Dr.Weidman.  The place now smelled of cheap cologne and cigarettes.  Anakin disappointed to seeing what this place now is and begins to question Dr.Weidman.  Dr.Weidman was not going to be disrespected in his own lair and sends his velociraptors charging at Skywalker.  He quickly backs up putting Skywalker on top of a metal grate.  Skywalker quickly slays both the velociraptors, but the damage has already been done.  Weidman starts to laugh and opens the grate dropping Skywalker into the pit.  Weidman continues his laughter and says "I'm gonna make you box cuzzie."

Now trapped in the pit Skywalker realises there is no way out until a door opens up.  A man began walking out of the doors though.  It was Piccolo, one of the strongest warriors from Namek.  *alright boys we got a battle brewin a former sith lord vs. a saiyan slayer* Highly trained in martial arts Piccolo and Skywalker begin to box it out old fashioned blowing deadly blows to each other.  Skywalker knows he can't take much more of the hand to hand combat and quickly pulls out his light saber and slices off the left hand of Piccolo.  Piccolo is quickly able to regenerate his hand and moves at the speed of the light trying to headbutt Skywalker but the skilled Jedi is to much for Piccolo and is able to dodge the attack again slicing Piccolo's hand off, but this time he doesn't have enough power to regenerate his hand. Piccolo still going on the offensive attacks Skywalker dealing significant damage.  On the brink of death someone emerges from the shadows.

From the shadows appears Yaddle who had been secretly spying on Dr.Weidman and recognized Skywalker.  Swiftly knocking out Dr.Weidman Yaddle opens the pit and jumps in to save a wounded Skywalker.  Yaddle uses morichro on Piccolo to slow down his body and slowly kill him.  Unable to regenerate from the battle with Skywalker, Piccolo succumbs to morichro and dies in the pit. 

A angered Dr.Weidman wakes up and jumps into the pit himself.  With the abilities of his power ring Dr.Weidman blows a deadly strike to Skywalker decapitating him in the process.  Yaddle and Weidman start to box themselves.   Another jedi master begins to overpower their opponent.  Even with the power of his power ring Weidman is not able to fend off Yaddle.  On the brink of death Weidman begins to laugh.  He says in laughter "You think someone like me can run this?  I'm not at the top of this here.  You have no idea who you are messing with right now."

Yaddle replies "That is exactly why I'm here" while simultaneously slicing the head off of Weidman with Skywalker's lightsaber.

"Very well done Yaddle" a voice says from the shadows.

"So you finally show yourself" says a confident Yaddle.

It's Darth Sion who finally shows himself and his elves.  His elves egger to get in on the action  attack Yaddle.  Yaddle quickly slays all five of the elves and laughs "If that was your plan you are dumber than I anticipated."

Becoming enraged all of his minions are now dead and is being mocked by a woman Darth Sion quickly begins to attack.  When enraged Darth Sion is almost impossible to defeat, but Yaddle has been studying waiting to get her chance at Sion and is prepared.  Yaddle quickly starts to win the fight, but this fight was all but over from the start.  Sion calls upon the power of his new acquired Red Lantern Ring in which he received from Dr.Weidman and explains their relationship.  His anger is able to double with his powers.  Darth Sion's force is now to powerful for the experienced Yaddle to handle and is choked to death with the power of the force.  Darth Sion is once again all alone and needs to build himself another team to front so he can continue to hide in the shadows. 


Crack Danks said...

Be Gentle wins week 1!
Only survivor Darth Sion

David Parks said...

Pissed off Sith are no joke.

Nice match dude.

Josh the Commish said...

Good work Frank. Loved all dat boxin Cuz. Nice way to start off the season Conner.