Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Week 3 Arrakis NAZA vs. Sigmas FFL 2023

 Sigmas: Fremen 1-15, Han and Chewy in the Millenium Falcon, John Rambo in the Shagohod, Gojo, Charmander, Earth Benders 1-5, Ramjet, Dirge, Nightbird, Smaug, Starscream, Duncan Idaho w/Ornithopter, Gurney Hallack, Iron Hide, The Blob, Sardakaur 1-17

NAZA: 10 Sandworms, Vegeta, The Zynister Six, Ghost Rider, The Nega Chin, Bronze Kneecap, Bull-E, Baby Shredder, Dr.Crocktopus, The Crimson Chin, Agamemnoo and Juno, Lady Jessica, Fredaykin 1-5, Dr.Doom, OG Guardizyns of the Galaxy, Blue Lantern Legends Luke Skywalker w/R2D2 in Luke's X-Wing, Dino Boy, Ugg, Brontie

Ima be real this is gonna be a short match that get right into it

So the Fremen were just chillen and vibin to the music theys was playin..... That was until a group of sandworms terrorizes their whole village. The single Fremen that survived requested the aid of Han and Chewy along with their team of elite forces.  

The Transformers arrived for back up of the village.  Star Scream found the Zynister six roaming behind the sandworms and completely wipes the team out.  They put up a fight but they don't got enough hands to box with this big ole robot.  

Upon the arrival of the transformers, they are met by Luke Skywalker who is doing some critical damage.  Luke Skywalker in a X-Wing ain't enough to take down star scream doe.  Luke abandons ship because I'll be damned if some pussy ass transformer takes out Luke Skywalker.  Starscream is met by a Spirit Bomb from Vegeta and is completely decimated.  

Rambo and Gojo are fending off the waves of Sandworms with ease at this point.

"Charmander use flame wheel" said Duncan Idaho

Chamander chars the Nega team besides the Nega Chin and the Bronze Kneecap.  The Nega Chin and the Bronze Kneecap begin their attack on Duncan Idaho and Charmander.  Charmander is defeated by the Nega Chin while the bronze kneecap fell the absolute hands of Duncan Idaho.  Although Duncan Idaho doesn't stand a chance against the Nega Chin, he puts up a good fight.  In the end it was not enough.

Gojo is still fending off enemines of NAZA.  Gojo and the blob took on the OG Guardizyns of the Galaxy.  Unable to keep up with the speed and strength of Gojo, Yondu and Starhawk quickly fall to the pretty eyed fighter.  The blob takes down the rest of the OG squad to make it a clean sweep.

They are soon met by Luke and Vegeta.

"Luke I need you to take on that thing whatever the hell it is.  I got pretty boy because I am a god and he is our strongest foe" said Vegeta

It is now time for a big Anime fight fellas. 

Gojo instantly attacks Vegeta.  His speed is remarkable but it is nothing compared to his brothers speed and strength.  Although Vegeta can't beat his brother this is possible.  The attacks start to come down in flurries.  Luke cannot even see the fight going on because they are both so fast.  The screams and grunts from both fighters can be heard across this desert land.  

Gojo is begining to get the upper hand until Vegeta begins to laugh.  

"You think you can beat me" says a bloodied Vegeta

"I haven't used my signature move yet and you are gassed.  This fight is all but over now"

Vegeta proceeds to get up and uses Galick Gun which rivals the Kamehameha wave.  Gojo is fast and is able to dodge most of the attack but loses a leg in the process leaving him vulnerable.  Gojo fakes out Vegeta and goes for the kill while his cover is down, but is met by the Lightsaber of Luke Skywalker who used the force to destroy the Blob.  Gojo is left to die as both of his legs and one arm is cut off.  

More transformers begin to swarm the team but Vegeta is now alert after a near death experience and rains down on the remaining transformers with Lucora Gun sending waves of energy from the sky destroying them all.

Luke and Vegeta walk off in the distance holding hands in a completely Heterosexual way 


Crack Danks said...

NAZA is victorious.
Luke and Vegeta survive

Josh the Commish said...

Nice win Ethan.