Sunday, July 14, 2024

FFL 2024 NL Finals: Washington Redskins VS. The Sigmas

Washington Redskins: Yoda w/ Dwarf Ring, Professor X, Sinestro w/ White Lantern Ring, Black Lantern Larfleeze w/ Orange Lantern Ring, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Star Sapphire #1, Sodam Yat, Romat-Ru, Dex-Tar, Power GIrl, Scar w/ Black Lantern Ring #19-20, OA Guardian #1-2, Sando Aqua Monster, Namor, Aspen, Asajj Ventress in a Jedi Starfighter (Final Death), Star Wolf in a B-Wing, Wolverine (Final Death), Haldir, X-23, Colossus, Cable, Chuck Norris w/ Houslander Katana, Balin, Quasar, Daken, OG Arc Trooper Squad, Thufir Hawet, Yaddle, Dobby & Wicket in a Land Speeder, Black Dragon #1.

Sigmas: Melkor, King Manwe, Varda, Tulkas, Nessa, Ancient Balrog, The Blob, The Black Order: Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, & Super Giant, Sleepwalker, Morpheus, Titanus, Lord Zed, Goldor, Ki Adi Mundi, Qui Gon Jinn, Yareal Poof, Jhin, Tree Sentinel #1-10, Marth, Aatrox, Malania, Little Boy, Han Solo in Geo Starfighter, Elrohir, Elros Elrohir, Witch King of Anmar on Fell Beast, Legolas, Bane, Deadshot, Huntress, Sardukar #1-5

To paraphrase the great Jim Brandstatter…



Washington Redskins: Sinestro, Black Lantern Larfleeze, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Dex-Tar, Scar #19-20, OA Guardian #1-2,Asajj Ventress in Jedi Starfighter, Star Wolf in B-Wing

Sigmas: Han Solo in Geo Starfighter

We begin this match in space and unfortunately it’s extremely one sided. 

Han Solo does his best to put up a fight, but it of course wasn’t enough. His flight skills keep him alive longer than expected and he’s even able to take out the Scar’s, Star Sapphire #1, Star Wolf, Dex-Tar and the OA Guardians but eventually Sinestro takes out Han’s ship with a blast from his Lantern Ring. 

The remaining members of the Washington Football Team will join the rest of their teammates on the Playoff Planet. 


Washington Redskins: Yoda w/ Dwarf Ring, Professor X, Power Girl, Wolverine, X-23, Colossus, Cable, Quasar, Daken, Thufir Hawet, Dobby and Wicket in a Land Speeder and the OG Arc Trooper Squad

Sigmas: Proxima Midnight, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, Super Giant, Mr. Sinister, Darkhawk, Morpheus, Lord Zedd, Goldar, Titanus, Bane, Deadshot, Ki Adi Mundi, Qui Gon Jinn & Huntress

We start this match with the Sigmas set up in a defensive position at the biggest skyscraper on Playoff Planet.

The Black Order & Mr. Sinister have set up base in the penthouse of the skyscraper. Deadshot is set up on the roof with his sniper rifle. Darkhawk is patrolling the skies. While the rest of the Sigmas are set up at the base of the skyscraper.

The Washington Commanders are posted up a couple blocks away to set up their offensive plan of attack. Yoda and Professor X are huddled up with Thufir Hawet to come up with a plan of attack. Once they finish their plan of attack they break their huddle and Professor X gives the orders to the rest of the team.

The OG Arc Trooper Squad lead the attack with the Arc Trooper Captain in the Batmobile, 2 Arc Trooper Lieutenants in the Dodge Viper and the Arc Trooper Heavy Weapons Expert and the 5 Arc Troopers with the rest of the Redskins in the Travel Bus. Darkhawk flies down to attack the Commanders but gets absolutely blind sided by Power Girl. Power Girl hit Darkhawk from the side at Mach 1 speed. She continued their momentum and tackled him through multiple skyscrapers and then ripped his body in half.

While Power Girl is dealing with Darkhawk, Deadshot uses his expertise shooting skills to help defend the Sigmas. Deadshot shoots Dobby in the Landspeeder causing the Landspeeder to lose control and crash into a building and explode. Deadshot then shoots the tire of the Travel Bus causing it to flip. Thufir Hawet dies in the crash while the rest of the Commanders in the bus are just minorly bruised and battered.

The rest of the Sigmas that are posted up at the bottom of the skyscraper go on the offensive and attack the Redskins. 

Arc Trooper Captain is driving head on towards Goldar with the Batmobile. Goldar gets in a defensive position ready to play the game of chicken. But the Batmobile is not slowing down, in fact it's even picking up speed towards the Power Ranger villain. Goldar is visibly nervous but stands his ground. Just as the Batmobile is about to hit Goldar. The Arc Trooper Captain ejects out of the seat and the unmanned Batmobile crashes into Goldar, killing him in a fiery explosion.

The OG Arc Troopers meet up and the Captain gives his orders to his squad using his hand signals. They shoot harpoon guns to the top of the skyscraper and begin the long ascent to the top. 

Huntress uses her crossbow to shoot X-23 through the chest thinking she just killed the girl. But instead this only enrages Laura Kinney, she rips the arrow out of her chest, licks the blood off the arrow and charges the Huntress. Huntress keeps shooting arrows at X-23 but they don’t slow her down. X-23 jumps on Huntress with her claws out and stabs her multiple times in the chest.

Wolverine and Daken team up with X-23 to create a trio team of clawed mutants. They start running towards the lobby doors of the skyscraper but Ki Adi Mundi and Qui Gon Jinn jump in front of them and draw their lightsabers to attack. Dakenn charges Qui Gon while Wolverine and X-23 team up against Ki Adi Mundi. The aggressive style of Qui Gon’s Form IV lightsaber stance made for a great fight against the aggressive fighting style of Daken. Eventually Qui Gon is able to stab Daken through the chest but Daken just responds with a smile and pulls Qui Gon closer to him by grabbing the handle of his saber. Qui Gon pulls the saber out of Daken’s chest and cuts his head off in one fell swoop. Kinda like how Aragorn kills Lurtz in Fellowship. Ki Adi Mundi also has the Form IV fighting stance but is not able to hold his own against X-23 and Wolverine. Wolverine and Laura Kinney then turn around and do the same to Qui Gon, avenging their mutant teammate. 

While Wolverine and X-23 were handling the jedi, their mutant teammate Colossus (Natty) was having a hell of a strongman fight against the steroid using Bane. Colossus was able to eventually defeat Bane as Bane was not able to do any real damage against the steel clad mutant. 

After finishing off Darkhawk, Power Girl joins back with the rest of her team and teams up with Cable and Quasar to attack TItanus. Quasar uses the energy blasts from his Quantum bands to damage the legs of Titanus while Power Girl uses her heat vision to slowly melt into his abdomen. Once Titanus’ abdomen opened up, Cable threw two grenades inside of Titanus blowing the brachiosaurus shaped robot from the inside.

Cable and Quasar then change their focus on Morpheus and Lord Zedd, but just as Cable is about to charge he gets his head blown off by a sniper shot from Deadshot. Quasar, visibly shaken, but still charges Morpheus and is able to take him out with ease using his Quantum Bands. He then turns around and does the same to Lord Zedd. 

Proxima Midnight looks down and sees how outnumbered the Sigmas are after the Redskins took out their street level defense rather unscathed. Proxima takes a deep breath and calls out an order to Corvus Glaive “Corvus, call in Little Boy. We are too outnumbered to win this battle. But the Sigmas can still win the war.” Corvus nods his head and says in a somber voice “Yes sir.” Suddenly the elevator door rings and Wolverine, X-23, Quasar, Colossus, Professor X and Yoda charge out of the elevator. Then the windows opposite of the Elevator explode and the Arc Trooper Squad jumps in and immediately starts blasting. The Sigmas are heavily pinned down but try their best to hold their own. Corvus Glaive was taken out by a rocket blast from the Heavy Weapons Expert Arc Trooper. But just as the Redskins from the elevator were about to reach the remaining Sigmas, Little Boy was dropped on the city. Many minutes later after the dust settles from the nuke, all that remained was Power Girl, Wolverine, X-23 and Colossus.

It may take them a little while to fully recover but they will join the rest of their team in the Forest.


Redskins: Sinestro w/ White Lantern Ring, Black Lantern Larfleeze w/ Orange Lantern Ring, Indigo One, Monk, Saint Walker, Sodam Yat, Romat-Ru, Power Girl, Sando Aqua Monster, Namor, Aspen, Asajj Ventress in a Jedi Starfighter, Wolverine, Haldir, X-23, Colossus, Chuck Norris w/ Houslander Katana, Balin, Black Dragon #1 and Yaddle.

Sigmas: Melkor, King Manwe, Varda, Tulkas, Nessa, Ancient Balrog, The Blob, Sleepwalker, Yarael Poof, Jhin, Tree Sentinel #1-10, Marth, Aatrox, Malenia, Elrohir, Elros Elrohir, Witch King of Anmar on a Fell Beast, Legolas, & Sardaukar #1-5.

Alright Folks, this is it. Whoever’s left standing at the end of this gets to go the granddaddy of them all. The FANTASY FANTASY LEAGUE UNIVERSE BOWL!!!

The Sigmas have set up camp on the beach of a small lake surrounded by the trees of the forest. If you were to look at the forest from space, the lake would stick out like a black dot on a blank piece of paper. 

The Washington Football Team knows the location of the Sigmas as Asajj Ventress was able to locate them from her Jedi starfighter. Wolverine has instructed the Redskins to split up into four groups to attack the Sigmas simultaneously. One group will attack from the front, two groups will attack from the left and right flank of the beach and then the last group which consists of Namor, The Sando Aqua Monster and Aspen are hiding in the lake and will attack from there. The three groups on land are set up in the trees just out of sight from the beach and are patiently awaiting the signal. 

We now shift our focus to Asajj who is currently coasting around in the mesospheric atmosphere of the planet. She gets a call from Wolverine “Asajj, nose dive the enemy and attack them with your blasters from your starfighter. That will be the signal for the rest of us to attack.” Asajj responds “Yes sir, will do.” Asajj then begins her nose dive from the heights of the mesosphere. She is rapidly picking up speed and the starfighter is beginning to set on fire once she gets into the Troposphere she shoots blasts from her starfighter and then instead of pulling up she ejects out of the ship into the lake at the last second and lets the unmanned ship crash into the Sigmas camp. The ship and its blasters cause significant damage to the Sigmas team. It took out the Sardaukar, Yarael Poof, The Tree Sentinel’s, Jhin, Malenia and Aatrox.

The rest of the Redskins then attack. The Sando Aqua Monster gulps up The Blob from below as he was floating in the Lake trying to cool off from the heat. Melkor and the rest of Maiar were able to protect the rest of the Sigmas before this match got out of hand. The Maiar and the rest of the Sigmas then go on the offensive. Melkor calls down a firestorm that takes out Balin, Asajj and Chuck Norris, The Witch King takes out the Black Dragon with his Fell Beast and his sword, Tulkas uses his immense strength to rip Yaddle in half and smash Haldir, and Nessa, Varda, and the Ancient Balrog team up to attack Larfleeze. Nessa uses her speed to take Larfleeze’s Orange Lantern Ring off, then Varda uses her light abilities to blind Larfleeze which then allows the Ancient Balrog to stab Larfleeze through the back.

Namor and Aspen use their water powers to take out the fires from the firestorm that Melkor brought down.

All of a sudden this match seems to be a lot closer than it was a few minutes ago and the Sigmas are on the path to make one of the biggest comebacks in FFL history.

Wolverine, X-23, and Colossus have seen enough of this attempted comeback and have decided to put an end to it. X-23 goes on her normal screaming rampage and attacks the Elrohir brothers. She leaps onto the chest of Elros Elrohir and stabs him multiple times in the chest. Elrohir slashes her back with his sword but all this does is enrage her as she turns around and slits his throat with one of her claws. Wolverine charges the swordmaster Marth. Marth is able to parry and counter a couple of Wolverine’s attacks but in the end Wolverine’s brute strength and regenerative properties were too much and he is able to take out the swordmaster. Colossus attacks the fiery Ancient Balrog. The Balrog’s flames and sword weren’t able to do any damage to Colossus' steel clad body and he was able to defeat the ancient Maiar with ease. Just as the mutants of the Redskins thought they were stopping this comeback from the Sigmas, Tulkas rips X-23’s head clean off of her body and then he uses his god-like strength to snap the neck of Colossus. This enrages Wolverine and he goes on a rampage, running and screaming through the forest like the end of Logan. In a matter of seconds he kills Legolas and Sleepwalker. He is then even able to kill the Maiar Varda. But unfortunately his rampage was short lived as Melkor takes him out and ends his rampage. 

Romat-Ru, Saint Walker and Sodam Yat team up to try and avenge their fallen mutant brethren by attacking Tulkas but his strength was just too much as the lantern rings were not able to do more than just annoy him. Nessa comes to Tulkas' side to help him and they together are able to take out the three lantern bearers. King Manwe goes into the lake and takes out the Sando Aqua Monster as he was the bigger fish. Aspen and Namor attack Melkor using the water of the lake to help them but they are not successful as Melkor is just too powerful. Melkor grabbed Aspen by the head and melted her head using the Flame of Anor. He then turned around and punched Namor so hard that his heart exploded inside of his chest. 

As things begin to look dire for the Redskins, Power Girl and the rest of the remaining Lantern Ring bearers counter attack to attempt to prevent this impressive comeback by the Sigmas. Power Girl flies through the air, rips the wings off of the Fell Beast and snatches The Witch King off of his Fell Beast, sets him on fire using her heat vision and then drops him as he falls hundred of feet to his death. Sinestro, Indigo One & Monk use their lantern ring powers to take out Nessa and King Manwe. But their small victory does not last long as Melkor and Tulkas take out Indigo One and Monk. 

Now all that’s left standing between the two teams is Sinestro and Power Girl for the Redskins and Melkor and Tulkas for the Sigmas as they stand apart from each other ready for battle. Unfortunately for the Sigmas, Power Girl and Sinestro immediately tema up and take out Tulkas. Sinestro hits him with a blast from his White Lantern Ring while Power Girl hits him with her Heat Vision. The two beams were just too powerful for the Maiar as they caused his soul to leave his body. They go to try and do the same thing to Melkor, they are able to damage his armor but are not able to take him out. Melkor goes on the offensive and calls down a fireblast onto Sinestro but he uses his Lantern Ring to cast a shield to block the flame. Melkor uses the shield and flame as a distraction to get closer to Sinestro. Once the flames and shield dwindle away, Melkor is within inches of Sinestro and punches him in the face with a right hook strong enough to create craters in the earth. This punch smashes Sinestro’s skull to a pulp. 

Melkor then goes to try and finish off Power Girl but she is far too quick for the evil Maiar. She dodges, parries and counter attacks with ease. She hits Melkor with multiple punches to many different locations on his body. She then hits Melkor with a combo similar to a multi hit combo performed in a Street Fighter game. Blasting him with her Heat Vision where his armor was previously weakened on his chest. Then immediately hits the same location with her frost breath which causes extreme shock to Melkor’s body. She then upper cuts him into the air, flies above him and punches him down into the planet causing a small crater in the ground. Melkor is on the ground visibly weakened and very beaten. Power Girl flies up into the air and then nose dives down onto the Maiar hitting him with Heat Vision on the way down before finally punching him in the face with all of her might. Ending the evil Maiar’s life and sending the Washington Redskins to the Universe Bowl. 


Striders of Rohan said...

The Washington Redskins are Victorious!!!


Redskins - Power Girl

Sigmas - None

Josh the Commish said...

Let's Go!! Great match Kyle!! And great squad from The Sigmas. You were a more than worthy adversary.

RIP Wolverine and Sinestro.