Sunday, March 9, 2008

Better Than All of You Vs. Team Shaun

Better Than All of You is Aquaman, Aqualad, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), NS-5 #1-22, & Megadeth's Bass Player.

Team Shaun is Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Zit, Rash, Pimple, Xenomorph #85-93, Navy Sailor #60-65, & Little Goomba #1.

Both teams are dropped into the water. Green Lantern creates a full green scuba gear for himself with his ring and puts an oxygen tank on Megadeth's Bass Player (and yes I will be referring to him as Megadeth's Bass Player throughout this entire scenario because I do not know his real name, nor did I feel like looking it up). The Battletoads pull out there surf boards in order to stay above the water, but Green Lantern takes to the air and one by one destroys the three surf boards with blasts of pure green energy, knocking the Battletoads into the water. Green Lantern then dives in below them. Aquaman tries to take control of the minds of the ninja turtles but is unsuccessful due to the fact that they do not have the minds of an animal in water, their minds are in fact human. So Aquaman along with Aqualad attack the four turtles. The Turtles move pretty well in the water although the ancient masters did not exactly have fully submersed water fighting in mind when they invented ninjitsu. The turtles, other than Donatello are also having quite a hard time using their weapons underwater because you cannot really swing an edged weapon hard enough or fast enough to make it overly usefull especially against fighters with as much underwater grace and speed as Aquaman and his sidekick. Aquaman goes in for Leonardo first, he easily dodges a swing from Leo's katana and then with one well placed punch to the head causes a deadly brain trauma. Aquaman tries to hang back in order to strategically take the turtles out one at a time but Aqualad gets cocky and decides to rush in against the 3 remaining turtles, he swims in with incredible speed and with one swift pull, he yanks the shell right off of Michelangelo's back, killing him. He then comes around the back of Raphael and with his superior strength grabs the hands of Raphael shoving his own two sai's right into the turtles chest. It is at this moment when Aqualad believes that he is going to easily win this battle that Donatello comes in over top and behind Aqualad, placing his legs over Aqualad's arms locking them back into place. He then takes his staff and shoves it right into the mouth of Aqualad just as he was about to say something cocky. He repeatedly rams the staff in their destroying his watery lungs, killing him. Aquaman, now in full Atlantean rage attacks Donatello fiercely caving in his reptilian skull. The NS-5's have been battling the Xenomorphs and the Xenomorphs with the help of the six Navy men seem to have the upper hand. Both groups move extremely well in the water but the Xenomorphs are taking them out in about a 2 to 1 ratio. They fight fiercely hand to hand and the NS-5's have no problem attacking the Xenomorphs due to the fact that they are far from human looking. Although the Xenomorphs are not intelligent enough to realize that due to their programming they will not attack the Navy Sailors. When the battle is overwith the 22 NS-5's are all dead but they manage to kill Xenomorph # 1,3,4,5,7, & 9; all 6 Navy Sailors are unharmed. Green Lantern, who now has the Battletoads right where he wants them creates a huge net underneath the 3 toads. He then makes the net wrap around them and creates a huge anchor underneath it. The Battletoads are trapped in the net as they begin to float to the bottom of the sea and drown. Megadeth's Bass Player, who has been swimming downward, chasing the Little Goomba. The little Goomba, who has no way of doing anything but sinking, gets caught up in some seaweed. Magadeth's B.P. takes this as an oppurtunity to pull a large rock, that was also caught in the weeds out and use it to smash the Goomba. Aquaman now goes after the 3 remaining Xenomorphs. While Green Lantern attacks the 6 Navy Sailors. They tell Megadeth's B.P. to start swimming to the surface. Green Lantern seems to be stalling in his fight with the sailors because he is waiting for the member of Megadeth to reach the small island off to the side. Once he gets there G.L. creates a huge saw blade made out of green energy. This blade cuts the oxygen tanks off of the back of the sailors. As they all start swimming toward the surface G.L., with a thin barricade of green energy blocks off the surface so they can not escape. Because Green Lantern is a good guy at heart he blasts all 6 of them in order to make their deaths not to painful. Aquaman is still fighting the 3 Xenomorphs, and running into a little bit of trouble in the process. He has managed to pull the tail off of #2 and jam it into the head of #8, killing it. He then attacked #6 by getting behind it and cracking its neck, then partially pulling its head from its body but some of the alien's concentrated acid blood gets on his arms, wounding him. The tailess xenomorph then begins to attack the wounded Atlantean but he is saved by a green blast from Green Lantern's ring. G.L. then puts a protective green coating over his teammate and Aquaman does the same neck cracking move on Xenomorph #2 that worked so well on #6.


Lickolas said...

Nice battle Joe, or should I saw my arch rival!

Joe said...

Arch rivals are supposed to be competitive. No one one can hang with my squad!

Lickolas said...

Your over confidence is your weakness!

Joe said...

Seems to me I haven't displayed any weakness. Your jealousy is your weakness! Wooooooooooooo..........(Sorry, Ric Flair had to get his two cents also)