Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Horsemen of Apokolips Vs. Reign Supremacy

The Horsemen of Apokolips is Larry Reamer (designated foreman), Sinestro, Dark Jedi Master #1-9, Polaris, Super Girl, Navy Seal #1-4, & Navy Sailor #100.

Reign Supremacy is Sebastian the Crab (designated lobster), Iron Man, Mega Man & Rush, Mario & Luigie, Naboo Soldier #1, & Jedi Knight #36-49.

Larry Reamer, the foreman so good he's really a fiveman leads his team of Sinestro, Polaris, Supergirl, Dark Jedi, and seamen against Head Lobster, Sebastian the Crab and his team of Iron Man, Mega Man & Rush, Mario & Luigi, Naboo Soldier #1 and some Jedi Knights. Polaris uses her powers of magnetism to freeze Iron Man, Mega Man and Rush. Supergirl flys in for the kill but is blasted aside by a fireball from Mario. The nine Dark Jedi Masters battle the thirteen Jedi Knights. Lightsabers flash everywhere. Larry, the four Navy Seals and Navy Sailor #100 use a rubber raft to sneak up on Sebastian and crack open his shell. His remains drift "Under the Sea." Mario and Luigi throw a few fireballs at the seamen killing two Seals and the Sailor. The Navy Seals open fire killing Luigi. The raft catches fire and Larry and the two remaining Seals bail out. The Naboo Soldier, who had been until recently lying low, shoots and wounds Polaris. This frees Iron Man and Mega Man. They leap into the fray Iron Man engages Supergirl in hand to hand while Mega Man fires at Sinestro. Sinestro blocks the blasts with his yellow power ring. Mario leaps from the water throwing fireballs at the wounded Polaris killing her. Mega Man, flying on his robotic dog, Rush, is hit by a RPG from the Navy Seals and thrown into the water. Rush transforms into Rush-Sub saving Mega Man from the water but not from Sinestro. He blasts Mega Man and Rush into atoms. In the meantime, the epic lightsaber battle was decided, you should've seen it; only one Dark Jedi Master survived. Larry swims up on the Naboo Soldier and strangles him. Supergirl manages to overpower Iron Man and twist his helmet around, snapping Tony Stark's neck. Sinestro uses his power ring to turn Mario into little Mario. Then he tears Mario apart.

Winner: The Horsemen of Apokolips

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...

Thanks "Z" for getting Witness #2's posts up. If not for your mad computer skillz I would be lost.