Monday, May 11, 2009

Team Sleeping Pussy vs The Right Wing

Team Sleeping Pussy is Cyclops, Jean Grey, Ice Man, Beast, Angel, Mothra, Master Mind, Binary, Banshee, Dr. Manhattan, The Comedian, Ozymandias, Nite Owl, Capt. Metropolis, Silk Spectre, Rorschach, Blink, Giant Man, & Capt. Boomerang.

The Right Wing is Silver Surfer, Mr. Freeze, Snow Trooper #1-12, Duncan Idaho Ghola #6, Capt. Panaka, Droid Fighter Ship #1 & 2, Quinlan Vos, Warpath, Shintor Beerus, Red Tornado, & Baby Storm.

The Right Wing feel very confident with their starting line-up this week, with Mr. Freeze leading twelve Snowtroopers on the front line. Especially when they see what Team Sleeping Pussy decided to start this week. They see are a bunch of Compys and Jubilee. They all rush Team Sleeping Pussy and completely annihilate them, utterly disregarding the fact that this is a retreat week…

…Or at least that’s what they thought happened. Or should I say what Mastermind wanted them to think happened. Shintor Beerus was able to see through this illusion and kills Mastermind, which relinquishes his hold on The Right Wing. But when the illusion fades, they find out that The Comedian has shot and killed Baby Storm, and Giant Man has stomped Snowtroopers #10-12 into the ground. Iceman then confronts Mr. Freeze. “So you’ve got a gun that can make ice huh? Cool trick, wanna see mine?” quips Iceman as he unleashes his mutant power, which encases Mr. Freeze and all nine remaining Snowtroopers in a massive block of ice. Giant Man the brings his might fists down on the ice, which shatters all inside. Droid Fighter Ships #1 & 2 then swoop in and fire on Giant Man and put several smoldering holes in his chest. As his massive frame crashes to the ground, it takes out his own teammate Captain Boomerang. Binary, Banshee, Angel and Mothra all then engage the Droid Fighter Ships. Banshee targets Droid Fighter Ship #2 and lets loose a powerful scream which rips the plating right off of the ship sending it careening out of control into a mountainside. Binary then blasts Droid Fighter Ship #1 as it’s trying to gun down Angel, who thus far has been evading it. The Fighter Ship starts falling towards Team Sleeping Pussy’s forces, but Dr. Manhattan raises his hand and simply pulls it apart as if it were made of Play-Doh. Quinlan Vos and Shintor Beerus run in and attack The Crimebusters. Shintor makes quick work of Captain Metropolis as Quinlan Vos fights Rorschach. Rorschach is holding his own quite well against the Jedi, but honestly, only for a moment. Quinlan finally strikes him down with his lightsaber. Duncan Idaho Ghola #6 leaps into the battle against The Crimebusters and is kicked in the mouth by Ozymandias for his efforts. The Comedian jumps on top of him and blows his head off with his shotgun. Cyclops leads his X-Men in and they help out The Crimebusters. Cyclops fires his optic blasts at Quinlan Vos, but the Jedi deflects it off of his lightsaber and it kills Nite Owl. Warpath, Captain Panaka, and Red Tornado all enter this fight as well. Red Tornado then blasts Banshee with his vortex powers, which rip the flesh right off of Banshee’s skeleton. Warpath launches his vibranium daggers right into Silk Spectre’s chest. This act sends Dr. Manhattan over the edge and with a violent scream he unleashes his powers and obliterates Warpath, Quinlan Vos, Shintor Beerus, Red Tornado, and Captain Panaka into nothingness. Silver Surfer sees this and retaliates in the same fashion. He first blasts a whole right through Mothra, which he flies through on his way to the rest of Team Sleeping Pussy. He then uses his cosmic power to the entire Original X-Men (which impresses this Watcher). Binary thinks she has the cosmic power to try and stop Silver Surfer’s rampage, but she is seriously wrong. He blows her away as if she were just a snowflake falling from the sky. Ozymandias sees Silver Surfer coming and orders Blink to teleport himself and The Comedian out of the battle. She uses her powers to teleport the three of them off of Hoth, leaving Dr. Manhattan and Silver Surfer to battle it out alone. Dr. Manhattan then tries to pull Silver Surfer apart with his powers, but it doesn’t work. Silver Surfer is able to withstand Dr. Manhattan’s attack and retaliates with a cosmic blast of his own. This completely disintegrates Dr. Manhattan, but he rematerializes instantly. This back and forth goes on for several minutes, before Dr. Manhattan grows tired of the battle and teleports away. Silver Surfer is alone and confused on Hoth, but nonetheless finds himself a victor.


1 comment:

Lickolas said...

Looks like we might have a new Wonder Woman.

Nice victory Shannon.