Monday, January 11, 2010

Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama's "Best of Both Worlds" Touring Battalion of Commandos (Team 1) Vs.

Brock Sampson's Fighting Murderflies (Team 2)

Brock Sampson’s Fighting Murderflies are Shatterstar, Marine #9-12, & Ewok #9-11.
Pop-Superstar Hannah Montana & President Barack Obama’s “Best of Both Worlds” Touring Battalion of Commandos is Buffy Summers, Jedi Master #21 & 22, Metroid #1 & 2, Gungan #1 & 2, & The Map.
Buffy’s squad is maxin and relaxin on the chairs in the upstairs women’s bathroom about to put together a plan when Shatterstar and his strike force are already running up the stairs to attack. They get to the top of the stairs and are spotted by Buffy which causes her to send her team into action. The Metroids are the first to move toward the Murderflies, but Shatterstar has done his research and tells his team to stick to the plan. Marine #9 and ewoks # 10 & 11 begin running away down the hall toward the members bar, and the metroids follow them. The remaining Marines and ewok begin to do battle with Buffy’s team, while Buffy and Shatterstar break into one kicka** fight. Gungan #2 takes a hollow point to the head but the Jedis and Gungan #1 (mostly the Jedis) make quick work of the 3 marines. Ewok #9 grabs The Map and takes a bite, and the taste reminds him of that bland crap that that Princess Leia broad gave them out of her hat or whatever during that whole Empire fiasco that happened in between mating season and yuzzem hunting season. He then got a lightsaber to the head by Jedi Master #21. Metroid #1 & 2 catch up to the 2 ewoks and begin to swallow up their energy while still chasing the last remaining Marine. Marine #9 busts out of the doors and into the cold Detroit December air. It is so bitterly cold out, that no freeze gun is needed to freeze these Metroids solid. Marine #9 then follows the plan and pulls out his stash of grenades. He throws 5 at each of the Metroids while he says “sorry ewok-buddies but I don’t think you’re getting out of this one”. The Metroids die. While this is going on Buffy and Shatterstar are still engaged in a ferocious fight. Both fighters are gaining much respect for their opponent’s abilities but once Buffy is joined by her 2 Jedi soldiers the fight becomes unbalanced and Buffy is able to kick Shatterstar’s smaller saber-like sword out of his left hand and she then uses it to run him thru. As Shatterstar lay on the ground dying Buffy picks up the Kabar from the waste of the dead Marine #12 and stands at the ready. Marine #9 then runs in the door from the cold outside ready to report back to Shatterstar but is instead met by a knife thrown into his neck by Buffy.
P.S. The Map is still alive

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