Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Season 3 Draft Rules

The Season 3 Draft will take place this Saturday Feb. 13th at the humble abode of your friendly neighborhood Fantasy Fantasy League Comissioner. The Rules are as follows.

-There will be 32 rounds in the draft. No team owner is required to draft any longer than they wish. If at any time you wish to be done with your draft you can be done.
-Your first Round draft pick is undroppable and is untradable for 2 seasons.
-Your 2nd-5th round picks are undroppable for all of season 3.
-When drafting commons you may take 100% of the total number available only in the first 2 rounds.
-In round 3 up to 75% of the total number can be taken.
-In round 4 up to 67% of the total number can be taken.
-In round 5 and in all the following rounds only 50% of the total number can be taken.
-You will be given a total of 5 off-list picks (characters that are not on the list). These are all subject to the apporval of the comissioner. If you are unsure if your off-list picks will gain approval you may seek pre-approval by contacting the comissioner before Saturday. I will be glad to help out anyone, and I will of course not divulge the information to any other FFL member.
-One of your 5 off-list picks can be a group pick. There is no limit to how big or small the group must be, but for this pick I highly suggest you talk with the comissioner in some way so the group can be validated.
-The rest of your off-list picks are all single characters.
-2 of these 4 picks may be zombies. Every owner has the rights to 2 zombies. Zombies can be any character off of the FFL Graveyard only.
-The other 2 off-list picks are just single characters from anything at all.
-If you do not have a group that you wish to use for your group off-list pick and would prefer to pick 4 single characters and then use your group pick for both of your zombies, this is permitted as well.
-Any unused zombies will be used at the end of the draft by whoever is still there in person.
-The draft begins at 12:00 PM but if you wish to get there early to go over anything with me that is fine. I simply ask that if you do wish to have "face time" with the comissioner on Saturday that you do get here early.
-This year, in an effort to both speed up the draft & make the league more efficient I am going to ask all owners to aside from filling out sheets for their own purposes to fill out one for the league as well. This will not entail anything more than simply writing down your pick a second time in a designated notebook.
-Thank you all very much, and if there are any questions or anything at all that I can help you with than please do not hesitate to contact me.


1 comment:

TEAM said...

I will be unable to attend this, so just draft me some awesome stuff. thx
