Friday, April 23, 2010

The Untouchables Vs. Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve

The Untouchables are The W.I.L.D.C.A.T.S.: Spartan, Grifter, Zealot, Warblade, Maul, Voodoo, Lord Emp, & Void, Zombie Absorbing Man, Jason Todd on Batgirl's Motorcycle, The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, & Thing, Franklin Richards, She-Hulk, Sodom Yat, Soranak Natu, Bodikka, Tomar Tu, (Green Lantern) Sinestro, Romat Ru, The Avatar Benders: Aang w/ Appa, Katra, Sokka, Toph Bei Phong, & Zuko, Jacob Black, Emperor Han, Cad Bane, Spike in Gen. Grevious' Wheelbike, Darksol, Ben Tennyson, Gwen Tennyson, Grandpa Max, Dust, Kimura, (Red Lantern) Guy Gardner, Maestro, The Galaxy Trio: Vapor Man, Meteor Man, & Gravity Girl, Gree & Horatio Caine in an AT-ST, Megatron, The Constructicons: Hook, Bonecrusher, Mixmaster, Long Haul, Scrapper, & Scavenger, The Pretender Monsters: Icepick, Slog, Birdbrain, Bristleback, Scowl, & Wildfly, The Protectobots: Hot Spot, First Aid, Grooves, Blades, & Streetwise, The Insecticons: Bombshell, Kickback, & Shrapnel, Pyro, Mystique in an Arwing, Rachet, The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull, She-Ra w/ Swiftwind, Madam Razz, & Broom, Boromir, James Bond in an Ornithopter, Tinkerbelle (w/ lightsaber), Big Bird, Snuffeluffagus, Syrin, Green Arrow, Black Canary, MacGyver (w/ Red Lightsaber), Punisher, Dr. Polaris, The Atom, Ant Man, Ant Man 2, Maleficent, Merlin, (Female) Dr. Light, (Male) Dr. Light, Granny Goodness, The Female Furies: Lashina (w/ an Atlas), Gilotina, Bernadeth (w/ a Heat Axe), Stompa (w/ a Halberd), & Mad Harriet, Onslaught, Scourge w/ The Sweeps, (movie) Bumblebee, Matt Oblak (w/ Mandalorian Armor & Blue & Green Lightsabers) & Teresa Oblak (w/ Blue & Green Lightsabers) in a Ferrari F-50, The Legion of Super Heroes: Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy, Triplicate Girl, Timber Wolf, Chameleon Boy, & Karate Kid, (movie) Brawl, Capt. Cold, John Spartan in Battle Ram, Sgt. Todd in a tank, Kung Lao, Prof. Mognonagle, Broadside, Pikachu, & Legolas.

Michael Vick's Bad Newz Kennelz of Lurve are Galactus w/ Nova, Terrax, & Firelord, Anakin Skywalker w/ Ahsoka Tano, Mace Windu w/ Jedi Padawan #30, The Inhumans: Black Bolt, Medusa, Triton, Karnack, Gorgon, Crystal, Lockjaw, & Maximus the Mad, Green Lantern #1-2 & 4-5, 6 OA Guardians, Jade, Ajax, Barbarossa, Saint Walker, Indigo 1 & Monk, Dr. Doomsday, The Matrix Ghost Twins (w/ Green Lightsabers), Peter Petrelli, Sylar, Gimli son of Gloin, Scorpononk w/ Lord Zarock, Fin Fang Foom, Mindwipe & Borath, (Beast Wars) Megatron, Calypso, Ares: The god of War, Apollo, Hercules, Kratos, Faith (w/ Blue Lightsaber), Daniel Larussa (w/ Blue Lightsaber), Lord Voldemort, Yong Jedi Knight #1-10, Dark Jedi Master #25A-33A, The Pound: Michael Vick, Brandon Inge (w/ Green Lightsaber), Jack Bauer, Curtis Manning, Justin Oblak (w/ Mandalorian Armor), & Dexter, Matt Parkman, Hiro Nakamura, Claire Bennett, Tracy Strauss, The Haitian, Losho Yik, Manhunter #4-6, Nazgul #6 w/ Fell Beast, Charlie Brown, The Predicons, Sky Links, Droideka #1, Battle Droid #1, & Treasure Troll #25.

Events occur in real time........................

The following takes place between 8 AM & 9 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer, and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). From inside of the AT-ST Gree turns to Horatio Caine and says: "Sir; This is gonna be one huge match". Horatio takes off his sunglasses and replies with: "This is no match.... This is the whole season" (OHHHH... WON'T GET FOOLED AGAIN)!

Not since this team faced off against each other in the first ever FFL match has one between the 2 of them meant so much. With both of these teams in the middle of their best seasons to date, a play-off bid is almost inevitable for both of them. But looming even heavier over their heads is domination of the new AL Central Division, which will give one of their other-worldly owners namesakes' immortality. It was this sense of importance, that prompted even the likes of Galactus and Onslaught to actually "get up" for this match. The 2 of them have put aside their typical apathy and have come to realize that this match is a must win and that in order for their respective teams to win they are going to have to take on each other. It takes a while for Reed Richards and Ares to move their teams into position, but it seems as though they are both ready.

The following takes place between 9 AM and 10 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). From inside the AT-ST Gree turns to Horatio Caine and says: “Well sir, are we ready to begin”. Caine takes off his sunglasses and says: “Ready for World War 3” (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Onslaught and Galactus begin making their way toward one another, despite both being placed at the back of their team’s field. Galactus flies thru The Untouchables team with ease on his way to Onslaught. Galactus uses his incalculable cosmic powers to completely disintegrate Spartan, Grifter, Zealot, Warblade, Maul, Lord Emp, & Void. Zombie Absorbing Man goes crazy at the chance to absorb more power than he has ever been witness to, so he latches on to Galactus; but it is to much for him. He feels an amazing rush of power run thru him before he overloads and explodes. Galactus then “bends” Aang and his crew (get it) until they break before he crushes Jacob Black and Emperor Han under his powerful size-expanded feet. Ben Tennyson as Jet Ray does not put up much of a fight against the cosmic being, and his cousin Gwen and Grandpa Max put up even less. Galactus turns Dust into dust and punishes the Punisher and then does the same to Big Bird and his former-imaginary pal Snuffeluffagus (I still say Sesame Street jumped the shark when everybody else found out he was real). Dr. Light (the female/good version) is giggling like crazy in the cockpit of the ornithopter while James Bond is spitting some furious British game at her, but it does not stop them both from getting vaporized by the mighty Galactus along with Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy, Triplicate Girl, Timber Wolf, & Chameleon Boy. Prof. Mognonagle bit it as well during Galactus’ epic reign of terror.

The following takes place between 10 AM and 11 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer, and this is the longest match of my life (beep_ beep_). Gree says to Horatio: “I don’t know about this sir, we seem to be getting our butt’s kicked so far”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “yeah galactically, I think it’s time for an onslaught”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Onslaught begins moving thru the Kennelz line with the same kind of ease that Galactus displayed with his team. Onslaught merely shuts off the Inhuman brains of Medusa, Karnack, Gorgon, Crystal, Lockjaw, & Maximus the Mad. He then shows that he is both stronger and more intelligent than Dr. Doomsday, when he causes him to physically crushed with his mind. Faith and the Ghost twins rush in with their lightsabers drawn, but they do not put up much of a fight against the all-powerful mutant. Onslaught is simply offended by Mindwipe’s name , because he believes that nobody has the right to a name like that as long as he exists, so he uses his magnetic powers to rip both him and his homeboy Borath apart. Matt Parkman leads the rush of Dark Jedi Masters, while Claire Bennett does the same with the Young Jedi Knights, but they all meet the same fate: Destruction at the hands of Onslaught. The Haitian and even the mighty Kratos are unable to defend against Onslaught’s powers as well. But after these easy victories, Onslaught finally finds himself toe-to-toe with Galactus.

The following takes place between 11 AM and 12 PM on the day The Kennelz fought the Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer, and this is the longest match of my life. Gree and Horatio look around at the destruction that has already been caused by this match when Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Well sports fan, it’s time for the main event”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

The fight between Galactus and Onslaught from a spectators view looked like much more of a brawl than I thought it would. With the 2 of these ultra-powered combatants wailing on each other endlessly with their arsenal of attacks. Both have an amazing ability to take all kinds of physical, mental, & cosmic abuse, yet still continue to battle on. In the end though, Onslaught’s homo-superior mutant abilities, no matter how enhanced they have become still could not hold up against the cosmic abilities of Galactus. Galactus focused all of his power at Onslaught, and he eventually defeated the devourer of worlds. With this explosion of cosmic energy the collateral damage is severe for both teams as Mystique in her Arwing, Maleficent, Brawl, & The 3 Manhunters are destroyed.

The following takes place between 12 PM and 1 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer, and this is the longest match of my life. Gree and Horatio are shocked to see their star player go down, which prompts Horatio to take off his sunglasses and says: “I think our teammate just became an offslaught” (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Much like the last time the two of them met, Megatron cannot stand the thought of the imposter Megatron’s existence, and quickly stuns the Beast Wars Megatron with a blast from his arm-mounted laser cannon and then crushes the inferior Megatron with his bare hands. Out in the deep waters Broadside floats as a fallback position for The Untouchables. But both the Autobot and his teammates are unaware of the water squad that The Kennel have in position to take out the large Transformer. Triton, Calypso, & Tracey Strauss all approach and together use their water manipulation skills to capsized Broadside and then crush him under the powerful waves. The trio begins to swim back to the shore but when they get there they find another big showdown is about to happen.

The following takes place between 1PM and 2 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree and Horatio Caine see the battle that is about to take place, and Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “I think some of our guys have quite the magnetic personality. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Peter Petrelli gets within striking distance of Voodoo and Sylar peers into the mind of Dr. Polaris. Voodoo and Dr. Polaris are also joined by Cosmic Boy and The Female Furies who are under orders to stay put and protect the 3 metal manipulators at all cost. The Kennelz 4 green lanterns have similar orders about Sylar and Petrelli. With both teams now loaded with magnetic powers Transformers and other metal objects begin collecting in a metal graveyard in the desert area. Matt & Teresa in The Ferrari F50 jump on the gas to get as far away from the metal mess as possible, but their back-up Spike in the Wheelbike is not quite so lucky. He joins Bumblebee, Megatron, The Constructicons, The Pretender Monsters, The Protectobots, The Insecticons, Rachet, Scourge and the Sweeps in defeat. The Kennelz are hit with this just as hard as Ajax, Barbarossa, Scorpononk, Lord Zarock, The Predicons, Sky Links, Droideka #1, & Battle Droid #1 are sent into the battle’s communal graveyard. Tracy Strauss, Treasure Troll #25, Hiro Nakamura, Calypso, and The Kennelz 2 metal heroes Peter Petrelli & Sylar are all destroyed from the flying metal melee as well. Cosmic Boy leads The Female Furies, Voodoo, & Dr. Polaris against the 4 green lanterns. Stompa stabs green lantern #2 in the heart with her halberd, but her and the rest of the Furies fall at the ring-covered hands of the green lanterns. Dr. Polaris dies as well, but Cosmic Boy and Voodoo prove that they have more than just magnetic powers in their arsenal as they finish off what is left of the green lanterns. On a side note, the Karate Kid fights the Karate Kid and the one with the lightsaber wins.

The following takes place between 2 PM and 3 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree starts driving the AT-ST over toward the main battle ground on the grass-covered area of the play-off planet. They receive news of Reed Richards plan to take out Galactus and Gree asks: “Do you think The Fantastic Four has what it takes to kill Galactus, sir”? Horatio takes off his sunglasses and replies: “I’ll tell you what, after seeing that guy in action; I sure wish they were The Fantastic Forty”. (OHHHH... WON’T GETFOOLED AGAIN).

Galactus’ 3 heralds fly up to lend a hand to their master, but on the way The Galaxy Trio tries to stop them. Nova vaporizes Vapor Man, while Terrax rocks Meteor Man, and Firelord grounds Gravity Girl. The Fantastic Four (including Franklin Richards and She-Hulk) come flying up in The Fantasticar toward Galactus. His 3 heralds are there to protect him but The Richards has thought of this as well as Sodom Yat, Soranak Natu, Bodikka, Tomar Tu, Sinestro, & Romat Ru attack the heralds to clear the way for The Fantastic Four. Invisible Woman, Thing, Human Torch, & She-Hulk all jump out of The Fantasticar to attack Galactus and work as a diversion; but the diversion does not last nearly as long as they had hoped. Galactus uses his powers, might, & size to crush all 4 of them. Reed and his son are furious at the sight of their family members and teammates death which makes their resolve even stronger. Mr. Fantastic pulls out the handheld device that he has just created which has the ability to harness the power of his mutant son. Franklin just sits in the passenger seat and concentrates while Reed aims his device at Galactus. With his own powers and the aid of this technological marvel, Franklin is able to take over the near omnipotent mind of Galactus. Franklin can only muster enough will power to have the one thought that his dad has implanted into his head. With Galactus’ brain he thinks: “the only path to life is my death”. With this singular thought Galactus falls over dead. Reed Richards releases the hold that his machine has, but realizes that his success has cost the ultimate price as Franklin is a vegetable after having witnesses mentally the sheer power of Galactus. The 3 heralds die in their vain attempt to protect their master, but not before they take Soranak Natu & Bodikka with them.

The following takes place between 3 PM and 4 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep). Gree looks next to him and says: “Well sir, the Fantastic Four did, but what a price they had to pay”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “As far as Reed Richards is concerned, this day wasn’t so fantastic”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Voldemort works up a storm of evil magic that takes out The Sorceress of Castle Grayskull as well as Dr. Polaris and Dr. Light, before Sodom Yat puts the green energy smack down on the evil one and kills him. Ares leads Apollo and Hercules into battle against John Spartan in the Battle Track and Sgt. Todd in the Tank. The 3 Greeks manage to bust apart both of the massive vehicles as well as their drivers before they thaw out Capt. Cold and squash both of the Ant Men. The 3 relatives of Zeus are joined by Losho Yik who has his lightsaber drawn as the 4 of them rush into a melee with She-Ra and her crew. She-Ra seems to be outclassed as she removes the head of Hercules because her horse Swiftwind and her friends Madam Razz and Broom have met very quick deaths, but she receives some back-up. Legolas and his brother from another mother Green Arrow show up on one side while Black Canary and Boromir show up on the other. Losho Yik and Apollo manage to take out Boromir and Black Canary, but they fall to the well-placed arrows of the Emerald Archers shortly afterwards. Ares proves that he is not called the god of war for nothing as he uses his enormous axe to kill both Legolas and Green Arrow, but he then finds that his head is no longer attached to his body when She-Ra comes in from his weak side with a sword to the neck. Nazgul #6 flies in on his fell beast and lands directly on top of Granny Goodness to break her neck. He then crushes Tinkerbelle, mini-lightsaber and all in his iron gauntlet before he squares off against Merlin. Merlin’s magic is more powerful than that of the soulless Ringwraith, but the wizard cannot conjure a spell quick enough to avoid being run thru by the Mordor forged sword of the Nazgul. The Kennelz decide with the death of their leader Ares, and with Galactus being gone, that it is time to unleash their other sizeable opponent.

The following takes place between 4 PM and 5 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio Caine and asks: “Sir, why do they call him Fin Fang Foom”? Horatio takes off his sunglasses and replies: “I don’t know; but at least we’ll know what to put on his headstone”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Fin Fang Foom thunders on to the scene with all 17 stories of his being ready to destroy anything previously deemed “Untouchable”. Fin Fang Foom swats both Romat Ru and Tomar Tu out of the sky, and then crushes both Kimura and Pyro, before he drops a boulder on the head of Cad Bane. Sodom Yat, Guy Gardner, and Sinestro all circle the huge dragon and barrage him with blasts of green and red energy. Fin Fang Foom seems to stumbling when Horatio Caine grabs the blaster controls of the AT-ST and places a perfectly placed blast bolt which serves as the killing blow to Fin Fang Foom.

The following takes place between 5 PM and 6 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep). Gree looks impressed as he turns to Horatio and says: “Nice shot sir”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and simply says: “Fin Fang Boom”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Cosmic Boy uses his powers to crush Nazgul #6 inside his own armor and then to drive the sword of The Ringwraith into the back of his fell beast. He then moves against Mace Windu, but before he can attack Mace’s padawan, who may have much to learn still uses his near mastery of the Vandpuun style of fighting that so few Jedi have ever mastered and kills Cosmic Boy with a head shot. Maestro makes quick work of Triton, but is then blown apart by a full force scream from Black Bolt. Mr. Fantastic sees this and sets the proper energy levels on every weapon aboard the Fantasticar. He then kamikaze crashes into his former Illuminati friend Black Bolt to join the rest of his family in giving the ultimate sacrifice for The Untouchables. Gimli then delivers an axe to the head of Kung Lao at 5:59:59 PM.

The following takes place between 6 PM and 7 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life. Gree turns to Horatio and says: “We’re taking heavy losses sir the death toll on both sides is huge”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “They don’t call it the big week for nothing”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Anakin and Ahsoka mow thru MacGyver before he can even ignite his lightsaber, on their way to Siryn who they kill almost as quickly. The Atom then climbs in thru the ear of Jade and kills her before she even knows that he is there.

The following takes place between 7 PM and 8 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio and says: “I don’t know about this sir, it feels like we are losing”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Sometimes even the narrator doesn’t know”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Sodom Yat Guy Gardner, and Sinestro decide that they need to take control of this match if they are going to finish off The Kennelz and end their 5 game win streak. They mop the air with Saint Walker, Indigo 1, & Monk, and then take out Master Windu’s Padawan as well.

The following takes place between 8 PM and 9 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio and says: “Do you think we have what it takes sir”? Horatio takes off his sunglasses and replies with: “We’re gonna need something to light the way. It’s a good thing we brought lanterns”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Anakin leads his padawan Ahsoka and Gimli into battle against Darksol. Darksol casts Desoul, but Anakin is able to deflect with the force while Ahsoka and Gimli rush in and finish him off with a flurry of melee attacks.

The following takes place between 9 PM and 10 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: MY name is Jack Bauer, and this is the longest match of my life. Gree and Horatio Caine walk over in their AT-ST and see the dead body of the once mighty Darksol. Gree turns to Horatio and says: “I can’t believe those 2 little weird looking things were able to defeat Darksol”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “It looks like the guy with the beard just needed to axe him a few questions”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Mace Windu force leaps high into the air and simultaneously uses the force to hold Guy Gardner in place and to give him the physical strength to push thru his protective aura with his lightsaber to cut him in half. Mace then lands and finds himself surrounded by both Sodom Yat and Sinestro.

The following takes place between 10 PM and 11 PM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio and says: “It is getting late sir”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and replies: “Not to late for the cavalry”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Mace is surrounded but seemingly out of nowhere The 6 OA Guardians show up to even the odds. A stand-off begins between these powerful green energy laden beings.

The following takes place between 11 PM and 12 AM on the day the Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life. Gree turns to Horatio and says: “This could be one heck of a showdown sir”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “I think we have a new meaning for “going green””. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

2 green lanterns should have no chance against all 6 of the Guardians of OA considering that they are in fact the creators and controllers of the very power that the green lanterns wield, but these are not just any 2 green lanterns. Sinestro unleashes a firestorm of green energy on the Guardians which rips them apart before the other Guardians are able to strip him off his power and kill his powerless Qwardian body.

The following takes place between 12 AM and 1 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio and says: “Do you think our boys have a chance at defeating those little blue guys sir”? Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Those boys would give a snowball a chance back home in Miami”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

The Guardians never get the chance to take away Sodom Yat’s green energy power because before they can he unloads every ounce of it into the bodies of The Guardians topping Sinestro’s feat and killing 3 of them. The remaining Guardian moves to attack and finish Sodom Yat with his empty power ring, but Sodom Yat is still after all a Daxomite, and is far from powerless. Sodom Yat works up as much strength as he can and crushes the last remaining Guardian with his bare hands.

The following takes place between 1 AM and 2 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life (beep_beep_). Gree and Caine were headed towards the desert when a message comes in from the rest of the team. Gree turns to Horatio and says: The rest of the team is regrouping in the city and it sounds like the few remaining members of The Kennelz are as well sir”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Well I guess it is time to turn this thing around in more ways than one”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

While the rest of the 2 teams are regrouping Mace Windu jumps into action against the weakened Sodom Yat and finishes him off with his purple lightsaber. Mace then begins running at Jedi speed to meet up with his team and see this battle to the end one way or another.

The following takes place between 2 AM and 3 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree and Horatio show up in the heart of the city where the 2 teams seem to mounting up for the final battle. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Time for the main event” (OHHHH.... WON’T GET. FOO....) Gree interrupts with: “Didn’t you already use that one sir”? Caine points at Gree and says: “HEY nobody interrupts me or The Who (he takes his sunglasses back off before he finishes the sentence) unless they wanna get hurt”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Matt & Teresa race up in their Ferrari with Jason Todd following behind them on Batgirl’s Motorcycle. But Anakin and Ahsoka run towards them head on and take out the tires on both vehicles. The passengers all escape and regroup with their team, but the vehicles are destroyed.

The following takes place between 3 AM and 4 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). What is left of The Untouchables rallies around the legs of Gree and Horatio’s AT-ST, which prompts Horatio to take off his sunglasses and say: “Looks like we got the band back together”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Michael Vick gets what is left of his team together behind a fallen billboard and says: “We wait for them to show up and then it’ll be time for the Dog Pound to wrap this match up once and for all”. “You ready son” he adds as he pats The Mandalorian Armored Golden Boy on the back (Justin has painted his armor gold, to go with his super-hero nickname by the way).

The following takes place between 4 AM and 5 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life. Gree turns to Horatio and says: Well sir, I guess this is it”. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “I think it’s about time to pound the pound”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Little do The Untouchables know that Curtis and Bauer actually pulled a covert ops mission earlier and rigged the AT-ST up to explode. But Horatio was brighter than they though and deactivated the remote activator on the bomb. When Jack tells Curtis to detonate the bomb and nothing happens, Michael Vick’s Kennelz quickly figure out what Caine must have done. Curtis throws down the remote and says with vigor: “Well, I can still detonate it manually” Curtis then rushes into enemy territory (We’re only talking like twenty feet away here people) and uses his M-16 to blow up the charges that he has in place. Curtis manages to destroy the mini-imperial walker, but Horatio and Gree jump out and escape in time.

The following takes place between 5 AM and 6 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest day of my life (beep_beep_). Horatio shakes off the blast from the AT-ST and then takes off his sunglasses and says: “It’s time to put these dogs to sleep”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

The battle begins with Pikachu frying Charlie Brown and Dexter pouncing on the Pokemon and eating him for breakfast (literally, it’s almost 6 in the mourning, these teams are starving). Individual fights seem to begin as the match comes to a close.

The following takes place between 6 AM and 7 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables: My name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Gree turns to Horatio and says: Good luck sir. Horatio takes off his sunglasses and says: “Let’s tell the Kennelz to crate up”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Bauer leads Vick and Inge against Jason Todd who is in a fighting stance that Batman would be very proud of. Gree blasts Dexter, but the dog is avenged quickly by Justin who burns Gree alive with his suit’s built in flame-throwers. Anakin moves against She-Ra, while Mace brings Gimli along to help him our against Horatio. Ahsoka squares off against Teresa who has both of her lightsabers drawn and ignited and Matt goes up against Danielson in a lightsaber duel as well, which ends with Matt deflecting Daniel‘s lightsaber with his green one while he puts the blue one into his chest in the last minute of the hour..

The following takes place between 7 AM and 8 AM on the day The Kennelz fought The Untouchables, my name is Jack Bauer and this is the longest match of my life (beep_beep_). Horatio sees who is coming at him and although Gree isn’t there to hear it anymore takes off his sunglasses for the last time and says: “Huh, a Jedi Master and a Dwarf Lord, I must be doing something right”. (OHHHH... WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN).

Horatio unloads his pistol at Mace and Gimli and throws down a couple of killer moves he learned in the hood, but in the end cannot handle the double-teamed assault of Mace and Gimli. Teresa is getting pretty good with her double lightsaber technique, but she isn’t quite as practiced as Ahsoka who is able to get her with a lightsaber to the chest. She-Ra surprises everyone when she is able to dodge the lightsaber thrusts of Anakin and then finish him off with a sword to the neck, but she is then overtaken by Mace and Ahsoka who are done with their opponents. Michael Vick and Brandon Inge both rush in against Jason Todd, and are both met with batarangs to the neck, Vick dies instantly as if he were an electrocuted dog, but Inge with his dying breath throws his lightsaber to his BFF Justin “The Golden Boy” Oblak. Justin catches the lightsaber and then squares off toe to toe with his brother, who like him is suited in Mandalorian Armor. Jack Bauer begins battling with Jason Todd. The former sidekick of Batman is fast, but Jack is even faster. Jack evades Todd’s aerial attack an then knocks Jason to the ground and wraps his ankles around his neck. Jack then snaps Jason Todd’s neck with his feet. Justin looks at his brother and says to him: “You don’t really expect to win do you, I’ve always been the golden boy”. “Yeah, but I’m still you’re older brother” Matt says as he attacks Justin with both of his lightsabers spinning. Justin looks at Matt and says: “Oh, I see you need 2 lightsabers to compete with my skills”. Matt replies with: “I guess there are no rules in love and war”. The Golden Boy asks: “Which one is this”? Justin is then knocked to the ground by a swift kick from Matt, but once down he shoots a blaster bolt from his wrist that knocks Matt’s green lightsaber to the ground. Justin then hops up with the aid of his jetpack and moves at his brother with blinding speed. Justin tries to attack up high, but Matt goes low with his lightsaber and simultaneously answers Justin’s question. “A bit of both” Matt says as he catches his only brother just under the neck with his lightsaber. Matt is standing over the body of his dead brother when Jack Bauer pulls the knife from his boot and aims it perfectly into the kink in the neck of the Mandalorian Armor to kill Matt Oblak.


Ryan said...

Man that was great.

"Fin Fang Boom."


Great match to all involved.

6-0 Matt. Impressive. Most impressive.

TruBlue15 said...

EPIC match Josh. I thought I was going to be able to call it early, but it see-sawed all the way to the end. Well played Amy, still a lot of exciting season to go.

Josh the Commish said...

The green lantern ring was given to Nova. Cost is plus 10, no extra cost for her with Galactus.