Monday, March 28, 2011

The Horseman of Apokolips Vs Team Alice

The Horseman of Apokolips are the Seaworm #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, The Seacons: Nautilator, Overbite, Seawing, Skalor, Snaptrap & Tentakill, Percy Jackson, Flame bird , Nightwing, Navy S.E.A.L. #2, Navy S.E.A.L. Chief Petty Officer #3, Fry Guy #1

Team Alice is q, Lady Q, Quinn, Q Representative, The Spectre, Capt. Universe, Equinox

DUDE! This is the second time I have been sent to a sh**y location to watch one of my brothers get anally raped. THAT IS NOT COOL! It’s f**kin expensive to rent a boat and then charter a helicopter big enough to carry the boat. I am sure as Hell not going to pay to have them pick the boat back up when they get me, so I am totally gonna lose my security deposit. This f**kin blows. Whelp, on the bright side, at least I can look forward to suing the s**t out of state farm, seeing as the agent they gave me grossly misappropriated those funds. THAT BUGATTI WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GOLD!

Team Alice Drops from their transport. Almost before they even hit the water the Q’s know that they are swimming with very big fish. A large oddly shaped wave much like the one in the beginning of the American Godzilla featuring Ferris Bueller and Moe, Apu, police chief Clancy Wiggum, and the comic book guy. Q, Lady Q, q, the Q Representative, and Equinox are engulfed by Seamworm#4. About 6 seconds later seconds later,the seaworm explodes and the 4 Q’s look as though nothing has happened, Equinox on the other hand is gonna need a new pair of undees. Seaworm #2 devours the Q’s just as number 6 did, but ultimately meets the same fate. Chief Petty Officer #3: I told you guys the seaworm’s weren’t that badass. Lets f**k theses sluts! The Navy S.E.A.L.’s quickly but silently move in behind team Alice with Chief Petty Officer #3. The Petty Officer attempts to lead “ His Troops” into battle but Is grabbed by The spectre and skull F**ked. Yea I said it, he got skull F**ked. The S.E.A.L.’S don’t even breath. Seaworm #3 makes its move but doesn’t even break the surface before it is evaporated by Q. After the Spectre is finished, he sets his sights on Percy Jackson. Turns out to be a big F**kin mistake. The little fairy easily incases the spectre in a sphere of water, and he quickly drowns. Capt. Universe and Equinox decided to take on Flame bird and Night wing. A brutal fight ensues, Gruesome combos are landed. Equinox is dropped with a liver punch, then decapitated by a knee from Flame bird. Capt. Universe,( who is actually just a homeless man named Stan) Uses his newly found telekinesis to explode flame bird’s brain. However Nightwing puts her fist through Capt. Universe’s head. Seeing there opportunity the Horsemen all rush the Q’s. The rest of the seaworms and the two navy S.E.A.L’s are vaporized. Percy Jackson hits q, center mass with a trident made of water. Seconds later, there is no trace of the demigod. Nightwing rush’s the Q representative but implodes before she gets within 6 feet. The Seacons form Piranacon and make their move. Lady Q is grabbed by the gigantic robot and squashed like a bug. The Quinn is now pisst, ( which is very rare) she begins to rip the robot apart piece by piece without even lifting a finger. She wants each robot to feel the kiss of death equally. Before she can finish, she is stopped. Fry Guy #1: BADA BA BA BA YOUR F**KIN DEAD! Fry Guy #1 stabs Quinn 23 times in the face with the shank he has been making since Tuesday. The Horseman of the Apokolips are VICTORIOUS! Team Alice: All Dead The Horseman are survived by Fry Guy #1


Josh the Commish said...

Way to keep it clean Griffin... Funny stuff.

Ryan said...

Damn. That was a close one.

I am incredibly grateful to have picked up by homeboys, The Fry Guys, before the start of the season.

Speaking of which... Fry Guy #1, you have shown your worth. Thus, your one year contract has been extended....indefinitely. Welcome to the Horsemen.

Unknown said...

Man I can not get a break this season :( funny match though