Thursday, November 8, 2012

Co-Commissioner Final Press Conference

My Fellow Fantasy Fantasy Leaguers, I am here to discuss the recent events that have transpired over the last month or so. As you all know Bryan Beckerman has not only left his post as commissioner of the league but has retired his entire team as well. This news was met with much sadness, as we have become quite close over the years as leaders in this league.

As all of you know this year has been a busy one for not only for the Commandos as we finally closed in on our first championship season but for Michelle and my family. With the results and a final concession from Mr. Romney, I was once again re-elected as the President of the United States down on my home planet of Earth. This is not only a great honor for myself but a very important duty that I have not and will not ever take lightly. Which naturally brings me to my point here tonight with everyone of you, my fellow Fantasy Fantasy brothers and sisters.

With the parting of Mr. Beckerman, he left the commissioner duties to Mr. Geney and myself. Let me tell you that though this was a surprise, it was also an honor. The duties of the Commissioner are not to be taken lightly, a job that I fear I will not be able to fulfill with all the attention to detail that it entails. Which is why as of today I am stepping down as Co-Commissioner of this league, leaving the heavy-handed task to Mr. Geney. What he decides to do with it I am unsure, but I promise you this league will survive.

That is not all though. Like I mentioned earlier, this was a very busy year for myself and the Commandos and though I have never been so proud of a group of people in all of of my life, I will also be stepping down as Head Coach and Team leader of The Commando's. As of now, my second in command Miley Cyrus will become interim head coach, immediately following this press conference. I am under the impression that a new name will be assigned to the Commandos, one that will be released on a later date.

Though these decisions have not been easy to arrive at, they are in fact the necessary choices that had to be made. I will treasure my time in this league with nothing but the fondest of memories and I will never forget how wonderful it felt the day we finally brought home the championship to the National League. After five hard fought years, it was the sweetest feeling in the world.

With that I leave everyone here with these thoughts. Don't ever let anyone in this world tell you how to live your life. Stick with what you believe in and if you love something don't ever stop fighting for it. Despite great obstacles and pressures from the outside, you can achieve greatness if you fight for it. Ownership is not something to ever be taken lately so take ownership in what you believe in. Don't ever quit and never stop fighting.

Good night for the final time and god bless everyone.


President Barack Obama


Ryan said...

Dropping like flies, they are.

Five years was a great run for this league. Didn't think it'd ever get this far. Only time will tell if it is to survive.

Real Man said...

Looks like Obama has the right idea. No sense of sticking around on a sinking piece of garbage. This league is now a turd wrapped in crap basket and tied with a shit bow.

NFG Mike said...

Oh Real man, i had almost forgotten how inane you were. Have you ever had an original thought? Cue unfunny, bitter with life response in 3...2..1...

Josh the Commish said...

We do not need time to tell us whether or not the league will survive. It will. You can all be certain of that.

Ryan said...

Maybe the question is.... Should it?

NFG Mike said...

If I may... This league is obviously a labor of love. I believe the real question is "Who has the love to continue the labor?

Ryan said...

It will take much more than one.

Solobeck said...
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Josh the Commish said...

@ Ryan: This is in no way a question of "should". If anybody, for any reason feels that the league "should" not continue, than they are free to leave at any time. Just because a person does not feel like they want to continue something, does not mean that it "should" not exist in the future. This would be like a football player retiring because they have had enough; and then insinuating that the league "should" not continue because they have lost interest or desire in the activity.

Ryan said...

That's not what I meant in the least. It was an open ended question to the league at a whole in an opportunity for them to speak up. And so far, (other than yourself)NFG is the only one who has spoken up. (Which by the way, NFG, I agree with you.)

I've put in almost just as much time and effort in creating this league as you have. You shouldn't constantly look at things so negatively.