Thursday, June 20, 2013

TEAM Vs. Beckerman Presents: The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse

The Mickey Mouse Grindhouse is: Coby Jones, Zack Ryder

TEAM is: Angus Macgyver (with Red Lightsaber)

Setting One: O’Hare International Airport (en route to the I-275 rest stop)

After once again being overlooked at another PPV Zack Ryder boards the “Air Seney” charter en route to Metro Airport in Detroit to catch the Grindhouse consolation match taking place at the I-275 rest stop in Canton, MI.

“Hey Zack you’re late, we’re about ready to take off” said an anxiously waiting Cody Jones of the Grindhouse.

Ryder: WOOO WOOOO WOOO YOU KNOW IT! (for no particular reason)

Jones: Underutilized again I see at the Payback PPV


Jones: Wow it’s amazing the WWE has nothing for you. There’s just so much to your character has to offer… (as the two board the plane)

But before the Air Seney attendants could close the doors to the plane, Macguyver comes running through the gate yelling for the plane to stop.

Macguyver: Hey guys, can I get a lift to the next match? The TEAM plane broke down and I don’t want to be LATE.

Jones: The TEAM plane broke down and YOU can’t fix it? It must really be broken…

Macgyver: Whatever, I just don’t want to be LATE. Especially after all the shit some teams have gotten this past season… So can I get a lift?

Jones: Sure why not? May as well show some solidarity before we beat your ass at the rest stop!

Macgyver then enters the plane, the doors are shut behind them and the plane departs for Detroit.

20 minutes into the flight, everything seems to be going smooth until the captain makes an announcement…

Captain: Ladies and gentlemen, please brace yourself for impact as we have run out of fuel are will have to make an emergency crash landing into Lake Michigan…

Apparently the Air Seney fuel trucks were LATE in getting the plane fuel prior to take off… In fact they were so LATE the plane departed with a fuel supply that despite the short trip would’ve never of made it to Detroit.

Regardless too of this match being late… the guest watcher here usually wouldn’t care but his team was screwed over earlier on in the season from a rule that wasn’t yet put into effect.

Meanwhile back on the doomed plane…

Jones: Who the hell is that talking?! We’re going down!!!


Macgyver though, looking cool, calm and collected gets up from his seat, grabs a life raft, a blanket, Zack Ryder’s douchey bandana and quickly constructs a parachute. Macgyver then takes out his red lightsaber, cuts a hole into the side of the passengers cabin and yells out “I’ll see you in hell bitches!” as he jumps from the plane and floats safely back to earth.

However, the plane carrying Ryder and Jones plummets into Lake Michigan killing everyone on board.

Damn… if only that fuel made it on time…

Macgyver survives, Ryder and Jones both dead.



Josh the Commish said...

This match was written by Adam The Rogue Watcher.

NFG Mike said...

I can't put my finger on it, but for whatever reason, I love this match! Awesome job Adam!

Josh the Commish said...

This was a cool match Adam. I like the sarcasm.

Krisatu said...

Now we know the importance of not being late.

Cool match, very funny. Better luck next year.

Real Gerbil said...

Great match Adam!
Loved the commentary about the team being late.
I do wonder if one of the Universe Bowl teams would have turned a roster in late though...