Wednesday, August 7, 2013


            The U.S.S. Enterprise shuttle lurches across the sky as the Quinjet repeatedly knocks into the vessel.  Both Vampire Jean Grey and Professor X reject the attempts of White Suit Anakin Skywalker to crash their ship.

            Skywalker manages to gain the upper hand and juts into the shuttle, causing the craft to spin out of control.  The telekinetic skills of both Grey and Xavier save the ship from crashing into the ground below.  The shuttle skims the surface of the land while the Quinjet keeps pace directly on top of the liner.  

            Skywalker takes advantage of the congruous positions of the ships.  The Jedi punches the automatic controls of the skiff, steps to the edge of the Quinjet and falls toward the shuttle below, completing a perfect acrobatic flip before landing on top of the skiff. 

            “Jean!” exclaims Professor X.

            “On it Charles,” says Grey in immediate response.

            Grey instantaneously unlatches her safety belt and rushes to the shuttle door.  As Skywalker ignites his lightsaber and begins to cut a hole in the vessel’s top, Grey floats from the shuttle door and lands on its’ top.  The undead woman then immediately uses her telekinetic ability to throw Skywalker off the shuttle.    Miraculously, Skywalker twists and lands back on his Quinjet without missing a beat. 

            Grey follows Skywalker to the Quinjet and sets down perfectly on the ship’s deck.

            “You may still be a fantastic pilot,” smirks Grey, “but you are a fraud nonetheless; unless the suit is black, who gives a frak.”

            The two combatants tussle.  Skywalker momentarily impales Grey in the stomach with his lightsaber.  The results of this action are fruitless since she is not human.  She laughs and races toward Skywalker.  Skywalker uses the force to pinpoint the precise location necessary to turn his opponent into dust.  Grey uses her telepathy to read Skywalker’s intended move and at the last second, flips, pushing down on his shoulders while coming around and ripping off his helmet with all of her vampire-enhanced strength.

            Skywalker crumbles to the deck of the Quinjet, wheezing for breath.   

            “It’s all in the suit,” smiles Grey as she rips into Skywalker’s throat, sucking the life’s essence from his jugular.  Grey wipes the blood from her mouth, leaps and enters the shuttle bay door into the ship. 

            “Well done, Jean,” beams Professor X.

            “Thank you, Charles,” replies Grey, finding a speck of blood on her cheek and then licking it from her finger. 


Ryan said...

Goddamn it. It's always a white/black thing with you!!!

NFG Mike said...

Yeah Annie, once you go black you never go back! Tell em Jean!

Josh the Commish said...

Diggin the Jean/Xavier stuff. Very cool!!