Friday, August 16, 2013


            The two Omega level mutants create a stargate.  The portal places them directly next to Eradicator.  Before the true battle begins, the two release controlled projections of cosmic fire which destroys the blaster in the hands of Eradicator.  If the women are to be bested by this opponent, it will be at the hands of the Kryptonian himself and not by a weapon transported from another realm. 
            Eradicator reacts at the loss of his weapon and utilizes his super speed and strength in a battery of strikes against the Phoenix-strewn women.  The pair’s battered bodies hurtle through buildings.  The duo shakes off the initial effects of the battle.
            “We took down Metroplex,” states Grey, “this should be a piece of cake.”
            Summers screams.  “My body. . . dangerously close to breaking. . .  too much power flowing through me!”
            “Hold it together, Hope!” instructs Grey.  “We can do this!”
            Eradicator calculates the numerous scenarios associated with the match and attempts to derive how they all conclude.  Eradicator decides to focus on the weakest link of the pair due to her apparent inability to properly control the powers within her; the target is Hope Summers.  He will attempt to further overload the powers of the mutant.
            “Hello, my voodoo doll,”  Eradicator says to Summers.
            “Welcome to Hell!” replies Grey in the place of her friend.
            The battle between the three combatants decimates the nearby structures as they unleash upon each other a hurricane of fury.  They are relentless in trying to obtain their mutual objectives in destroying the enemy.   Eradicator repetitiously pummels Summers, while Grey focuses on the protection of her liege.  After several painstaking skirmishes, Summers, although a mutant with an ability of unspecified limits, begins to boil to a point of no return.  The twin-Phoenix powers, although enough to destroy Eradicator, proves too much for herself.
            Summers lets loose with enough power to rip Eradicator apart.  She turns to Grey and smiles after accomplishing which so many others were unable to do.  After a moment of silence, Summers screams; the cosmic powers seem to be ripping their host apart.
            “It’s too much!” shouts Summers.
            “You can control it!” screams Grey.  “You have to for us all!”
            “I’m sorry. . .” whispers Summers as the double dose of Phoenix Force overloads and disintegrates both her and Grey in the explosion.  The landscape around the area appears to have fallen in a hopeless apocalypse.
            The smoke and dust settle.  The shadows of two combatants can be seen as the fog dissipates.
            “Charles. . .” says a maddened Joseph.
            “Joseph. . .” replies a calm Xavier.


NFG Mike said...


Ryan said...

At least Eradicator is gone.

NFG Mike said...

Maybe not... to overlook the acheivements of The Eradicator would be criminal. Win or lose, MVP for sure! RIP

Ryan said...

I'm not sure who is being more cranky right now... Me or Warren.

Probably Warren since I just threw up all over him after reading the end of this chapter.

We're even now kid.

Josh the Commish said...

I loved the end, I'm picturing it happening at the end of the movie, after the credits. Setting up the sequal....