Saturday, April 11, 2015

S8W7 - Empire vs Rabble Rousers

The Empire Is: Copper Dragons 1-6, Brass Dragons 9 & 10, Terminator #38, Krayt Dragon #4, Rohirim #1, Waluigi with Indigo Lantern Ring, Navy Sailors #71-80

Real Man’s Rabble Rousers are: Vehicle Voltron Sea Team, Decepticons #8-10, Kryptonian Army Soldiers #11-14, Sith Lord #16, Rebel Trooper #1, Navy Sailor #91-93, Critter #1-7

Everyone is bobbing at the top of the water to keep from getting bit on the toes by the Cheep-Cheeps. Except for Critters #1-7. They can't swim REAL good and some fall down the pit with the 3 coins and the others get zapped by the octopus things. Rohirim #1 quickly loses his life REAL fast to Sith Lord #16. He REALLY felt out of his element here in the watery expanse of level 7-2. The Sith Lord does not REALLY feel much more at home and is treading water with his Kryptonian Army Soldier teammates looking at the REAL big Dragons of the Empire scraping the sky above.  The Decepticons and Kryptonian Army Soliders are doing a REAL good job of bringing down a few of the beasts.  Both Brass Dragons fall but not before they REALLY torch the life out of Rebel Trooper #1 and Navy Sailors #91-92.  Terminator #38 is able to disable Decepticon #8 and kill the last Rabble Rouser Navy Sailor before being murdered REAL bad by Kryptonian Army Soldier #11. Decepticons #9 and 10 hop on the top of the Sea Voltron thing and start taking out the Empire guys. They are able to off the Copper Dragons #1-4 while the voltron thing ran over the Navy Sailors #71-80 chopping them up REAL bad in the propeller (if one exists on that thing). The tides shift quickly as the last two copper dragons soak Voltron and the Decepticons with acid and they melt a REAL bad before getting shot down by the Kryptonian Army soldiers.  Waluigi sneaks up behind the Rabble Rousers and uses his Indigo ring to lift up KAS 11 and 12 where they then get torched REALLY cripsy by Krayt Dragon #4.  Sith Lord #16 throws his lightsaber into the eye of the dragon and it dies.  Waluigi is able to kill the defenseless Sith Lord but not before being killed by the last two Kryptonian Army Soldiers.

I realize this match was REAL bad.  But I ain't sorry.


Artifact said...

Real Man's Rabble Rousers are Victorious!

Kryptonian Army Soldiers #13-14 are the sole survivors.

Empire: All dead.

Josh the Commish said...

I liked it REAL Good!! Nice work Real Geek!! And Adam, it looks like you're going to find a way to stay out of the playoffs again this year.

NFG Mike said...

REAL talk.

Lickolas said...

Keeping it REAL. Nice work Eric, I didn`t think you had a REAL shot of winning this match.