Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Universe Bowl IX: Chapter XXIX

Sheev Palpatine and Minch Yoda: Dark Lord of the Sith and Senior Jedi Council Member: The most unlikely of allies sit side by side in a small starship just barely large enough for the two indian-style-seated Force users. Deep in meditation, hovering within the Nova Corps powered energy field, the two barely pay heed to Richard Rider, the man at the helm of the construct. Ursa flies by as well, while Doomslayer and Steel Doomsday are perched on separate small asteroids moving in a tight rotation within Nova's energy structure. Though this is not where the focus of Yoda and Sidious lie either...

“Sense the formation of a dark ally I do”. Says Yoda.

“Dark Allies seem to be becoming commonplace for you Master Yoda”. Palpatine says with a smirk.

“Truth you speak, my former enemy. An ally we thought gone has resurfaced though is what I speak of. Dead was he; but the wrong methodology The Slaves did have”.

“Yes, I sense it too Master Yoda”. Says Palpatine.

It is then, that what they had been tracking since the process began at a molecular level, that the dark matter and cells allow for the reformation of the Death Star explosion victim Black Lantern Loki just outside their small spaceship.

The two Force users reach out to the Undead Trickster god via mental telepathy; but it is he who communicates first: “Well, well, well my teamed up little Force Masters..... I heard there was a final battle about to happen; and there was no way in Niflheim that I was going to miss it”.

1 comment:

NFG Mike said...

You know you're in trouble when both sides of The Force are after you.