Monday, April 8, 2019

Season X, Week 3 - Dinomites vs Sith Aids

The Hungry Dinomites That Have Bubble Fighting Fun Down Tight are: Aqauman, Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb, Captain Tarpals, Jar Jar Binks, Ewok Scout w/ Frog Suit, Quintessa, Ronan The Acussar w/Red Lantern Ring, General Zod, Ursa, Non, Flute Cop, Uni-Baby, BatWartHogMan, Rebel Soldier, Scattershot, Strafe, Lightspeed, Afterburner, Nosecone

The John and Vader’s House of Sith Aids are: Sharkticons #1-10, The Fallen, Gnaw, Grimlock, Slag, Snarl, Sludge, Swoop, Razorclaw, Divebomb, Headstrong, Rampage, Tantrum, Jet Jaguar, Ultra Man, Dinobot, Birdbrain, Bristleback, Icepick, Scowl, Slog, Wildfly, Darth Bane equipped with Red Lantern Ring, White Suit Anakin Skywalker, Navy Seal #1-20

It’s robot bashing mania here in the Naboo Planet Core. The Dinobots and Pretender Monsters from the Sith Aids have faced off against Quintessa and the Technobots for the Dinomites. The Sith Aids are able to win the battle of the bots but General Zod, Ursa and Non are able to easily clean up the rest of the remaining Dinobots before moving on to fight more worthy adversaries.

Darth Bane and Ronan the Accuser are doing their red lantern thing with their rings. You all can imagine. But White Suit Anakin helps tip the scales by turning his suit red with Ronan’s blood. Anakin, Bane, Jet Jaguar and Ultra Man then lead an attack against Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb and BatWartHogMan. Kit Fisto is able to best Bane and Jet Jaguar while Vebb and BWHM double team Ultra Man to death but not before Anakin is able to kill all three of them.

Flute Cop swims through some Dinobot oil and becomes Dinosaur Soldier. While riding on his back, Uni-baby rubs his magic horn and wishes for one of those sweet water guns from the Aquaman movie. He tosses it to Flute Cop who uses it to take out five of the Navy Seals. The rest of the Seals and the Sharkticons are able to kill Axe Cop’s brother and the son of Uni-man along with Rebel soldier and Ewok Scout who was trying his hardest to evade death this week by just swimming circles around everyone in his sweet mario frog suit.

Anakin leads the last of the Sharkticons and Navy Seals in a final battle against Zod, Ursa and Non. The Seals and Sharkticons all perish in the skirmish as Anakin drives his lightsaber through the chest of Non. He stares down Zod and Ursa trying to plan the best attack when he looks left and sees Aquaman riding on the back of Jar Jar Binks, using his ears to steer the Gungan senator toward the fight.

Anakin stands no chance as Aquaman restrains him with a vortex of water before driving his trident through his chest.

Aquaman dismounts Jar Jar who turns to Captain Tarpals and says “Weesa goin’ home!”


Artifact said...

Two Hungry Dinomites are victorious!

Sith Aids: All dead

Dinomites: Aquaman, Capt Tarpals, Jar Jar Binks, General Zod, and Ursa all survive.

Josh the Commish said...

Ha!! Aquaman riding Jar Jar is great.

Anonymous said...

0 point characters come in great handy