Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Season X, Week 6 - Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins vs 2 Hungry Dinomites That Have Bubble Fighting Fun Down Tight

Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins' are: Brainiac, Reverse Flash, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Indigo Lantern #1-2, Ras Al' Ghul, Salak, Ozymandias, The Chief, Mento, Elasti-Girl, Robotman, Negative Man, Beast Boy, Snape, Nite Owl, Rorschach, Ethan Hunt w/ Indigo Lantern Ring, Zombie #1-4

2 Hungry Dinomites That Have Bubble Fighting Fun Down Tight are: Superman Prime w/ red lantern ring, Voldemort, Captain America on his motorcycle, Nightwing on his motorcycle, Tom Brady in the Hulk Buster Iron Man Suit, Jango Fett and Jar Jar in a Ornithopter, Ant-Man on a 4-Wheeler, Wasp on a 4-Wheeler, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl w/ the Sword of Light, Ronan The Accusar w/ a red lantern ring, The Ghostbusters in Punishers Van, Red Robin in a Helicopter Suit, The Technobots: Scattershot, Strafe, Lightspeed, Afterburner, Nosecone

Ant-Man and the Wasp are rolling down the street on their 4 wheelers following the Technobots when they are met by The Chief, Mento, Elasti-Girl, Robotman, Negative Man and Beast Boy. The fighting quickly takes off and Ant-Man and the Wasp shrink down to try and sneak away, leaving the Technobots to all get destroyed.They were almost able to make it as they watched the technobots take out The Chief and Mento when Captain America and Nightwing showed up on motorcycles and squished them both. Cap and Nightwing then easily finished off the fight before racing off to find another battle.

“So tell me more about this ghoul we have to catch.” asked Venkman as the ghostbusters sped along the streets in the Punisher’s van.

“It isn’t A ghoul, its Ras Al’ Ghul” replied Ray annoyed. “And he has a buddy Salaak.”

"Mmm... I like Salad." said Venkman.

Suddenly the car is brought to a halt by Indigo Lanterns #1-2 who stop the car with whatever powers Indigo Lanterns have. The ghostbusters get out and Ray and Venkman take charge at Salaak and Ras Al’ Ghul while Egon and the black one restrain the two Lanterns with their proton packs. Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl and Ronan the Accuser swoop in to help their Dinomite teammates and Ethan Hunt, Nite Owl and Rorschach all come into assist the Assassins. Things are looking good quickly for the Dinomites who seem to have this fight under control when Ray and Venkman accidently cross the streams and blow up their car killing everyone in the fight. All of them. Boom. Don’t question it, it happened.

Meanwhile, on a nearby rooftop, Snape and Voldemort have some unfinished personal issues to work out when Jar Jar and Jango crash into the building 9/11 style in an Ornithopter. A combination of Jango not being able to appropriately handle the ancient winged technology and Jar Jar just being nearby caused confusion in the cockpit. The ship lands on the two wizards and as the ship goes up in flames killing the 4 of them, debris rains down on the street below killing Red Robin, Ozymandias, and Zombies #1-4.

The final fight pits Brainiac, Reverse Flash, Martian Manhunter and Miss Martian against Superman Prime, Captain America, Nightwing and Tom Brady in the Hulk Buster suit. Nightwing and Tom Brady are “keepin’ up with the J’onzzez” in a sweet fight while Captain America takes out Reverse Flash because he was either running backwards or really slow. I’m not sure because I didn’t actually google him. Maybe he is just a guy who wears his outfit backwards like Kriss Kross. Either way he’s dead. But then Brainiac uses his telekenetic powers or whatever (googled that one) and gets Cap to go rogue and kill Nightwing. Superman sees the betrayal and holds Cap momentarily with his red lantern ring while Tom Brady runs over to kick his american ass. Before he can get there, a beam of heat vision from Martian Manhunter takes the head off the GOAT.

Superman cannot hold Cap with his ring while simultaneously fighting off Brainiac and both Martians. Martian Manhunter and Miss Martin continue to fly around the man of steel causing him to take to the sky and use his ring as a defensive shield against a barrage of energy projectiles. What looked like a slam dunk to win early on in his hometown, Superman Prime is now faced with a tough decision. With Cap now turned against him, the 4 on 1 fight appears to be too much to handle. In a heroic effort to save Cap and himself for another day, he opts to retreat out of the match by taking to the sky.


Artifact said...

Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins are Victorious!

Ahsokas: Brainiac, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian all survive

Dinomites: Captain America and Superman Prime both survive

Sorry it was late. Hope it is at least enjoyable.

Josh the Commish said...

I like zee black one.

David Parks said...

"Whatever powers Indigo Lanterns have" lmao. They really are the gimp Lanterns.

Great match, it's not every day you see a Superman running away, but Martian Manhunter could totally pull it off.

Doctor's Madhouse said...

"All of them. Boom. Don't question it, it happened."
"9/11 style"

Doctor's Madhouse said...

And by the way for future reference, reverse flash is pretty much the same as flash powers-wise, but he uses a negative speed force fueled by hatred instead of the normal speed force.

Anonymous said...

Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, and Ronan dieing from a 10 point character on my own team not paying attention. Ummmm....

Anonymous said...

Also Captain America and Nightwing killing Ant-Man and the wasp for no reason. Also my 65 point character Superman retreated without killing anyone. Also Jango Fett crashing an Ornithopter when anyone can fly one.