Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Two Hungry Dino-Mites with Bubble Fightin Fun Down Tight Vs. John and Vader's House of Sith Aids

Two Hungry Dino-Mites with Bubble Fightin Fun Down Tight are Captain America on his Motorcycle, Ant Man, Wasp, Bullseye, Dakken, Falcon w/ Red Wing, Android Human Torch w/ Toro, Daredevil, The Winter Soldier & Jar Jar Binks in a Lamborghini Countach, & Rebel Soldier #1-5 in a 1996 Ford Mustang Cobra.

John and Vader's House of Sith Aids are Zombie Cyborg Superman, Red Son Superman, Jet Jaguar, Ultra Man, and Unsullied #1-5.

Captain America cannot believe what has happened to his city. New York is not technically under martial law; but they might as well be. Businesses are closed by government mandate and New Yorkers are scared to even leave their homes after the media and government have put them in a state of hysteria. Cap has briefed his group of Avengers, who although may not always have been on the same side are all totally on board as proud Avengers after seeing Cap not only lead by example but also after hearing his memorable and inspiring speech. He let his team know that they were about to face one of the most powerful squads he had ever seen. “They have two guys on that squad who could easily put Thanos in a body-bag on their own and two other guys who make Goliath look like a midget”.

Cap rides into battle ahead of his team on his custom Harley Davidson, and his Avengers charge into battle behind him.

Daredevil bravely takes on all five members of the Unsullied Army and is able to defeat them despite dying of his numerous stab wounds after taking out the last member.

Cap rides up to take on The Zombie Cyborg Superman; but Bullsey, Dakken, and Human Torch assure their leader that they can handle the opponent. Cap then orders his smallest teammates Ant Man, Wasp, and Toro to see what they can do against their biggest enemy Ultra Man, while Winter Soldier and the Rebel Soldiers crash their cars into the legs of Jet Jaguar knocking the huge robot to the ground. Ultra Man grabs a hold of Toro and crushes the fiery, robot sidekick in his hand, while vaporizing Ant Man and Wasp with his advanced laser, targeting system. As Jet Jaguar, reforms himself; Winter Soldier and the Rebel Soldiers join the fight against Ultra Man. The massive Japanese Robot sends an enormous sonic wave at the soldiers blasting them to bits. Winter Soldier lay on the ground near death, only his cybernetic enhancements keeping him alive momentarily. Bucky calls out to his old friend Jar Jar. “Binks, get over here”. He yells.

“Meesa”?? Binks asks.

In his dying breath The Winter Soldier opens up a compartment in his robot arm and hands a small cylinder to his Gungan friend. “Binks, you are our last hope, this micro-nuke can take those robots out. The. Avengers. Are. Counting. On. You.

Zombie Cyborg Supes grabs a hold of Human Torch without even feeling warmth and rips the android in two. He then turns his head to blast Bullseye with enough zombie heat vision to melt any steal beam here in New York; but before the heat vision hits, Bullseye kicks up the shrapnel from his former partner Human Torch, turning them into knives and ripping apart the cybernetics and zombie flesh of ZCS. With this diversion, Dakken sneaks up behind ZCS and separates his head from his buddy with his razor sharp claws.

Jar Jar leaps away from the scene and finds himself in the center of the two massive robots. Ultra Man speaks in his monotone, metallic voice: “Only one opponent remains. Threat Level: Extremely Low”.

Jar fumbles, with the explosive from Bucky and says: “Low... Low you says. Meesa No think so. MEESA. BOMBAD. AVENGER”.

With these final words, Jar Jar presses the detonator and ignites a Mushroom cloud that blows both Ultra Man and Jet Jaguar to smithereens.

R.S. Supes flies in fast to avenge his cyborg, zombie self and punches a hole through Dakken's adamantium face. Falcon and Red Wing swoop in to battle The Communist Superman; but RS Superman delivers yet another punch to the gut of Falcon and applies a quick heat vision zap to his bird Redwing.

“Americans, they die so easily” RS Superman proclaims to the world around him; but Cap shows up behind him and joins the conversation: “Let's see about that, Commie. There is one more American here”.

Cap continues as he tightens the strap around his shield and prepares for battle: “You're in my city pal, this is The United States of America, the land of the free. Your totalitarian ways aren't going to take over my country. This is one fight you're going to lose”.

Captain America throws his star spangled shield at the USSR raised Superman; but the shield bounces off of him. The now defenseless Cap is then coated in ice cold freeze breath. Before Red Son Superman shatters the Patriot like glass, Cap hears the Kryptonian say: “After this week your American dream is dead”.

1 comment:

Josh the Commish said...


Red Son Superman is sole survivor.