Sunday, March 7, 2021

AAA Vs Sith Aids

 Sith Aids Team: Daenerys Targaryen , Daenerys Dragon, IG-88 , Baby Sandworm, Mr.PoopyButthole

AAA: Freddy Kruegar w/ Yellow Lantern Ring, Red Lantern Ring Jeff Houslander, Ethan Hunt w/ Indigo Lantern Ring, Zombie 13-15, Orc 1 17-18

The mist is heavy, the fog is thick, and the night is dark on Elm Street. Daenerys Targaryen is walking the streets as she is lost and doesn’t know where she is or how she even got to this dark and dreary place.  She begins to think she is alone, that is until she begins to hear voices.  These aren’t just any voices, these are the voices of singing children.  Daenerys is confused as it's the middle of the night and there are no children in sight.  She grows tired and says “fuck it, I’m gona post up on this here bench.”  She begins to fall asleep while in fear because the voices have grown louder and closer. She hasn’t realized she may have made a fatal mistake as she has fallen asleep.

Daenerys thinks she has awoken but she is in yet another unfamiliar place.  She is at the Pit in Pawnee Indiana, but she isn’t alone.  She is surrounded by new faces who are also scared and on the verge of shitting said pants.  It's dark and barely anyone can see but then a single street light turns on and everyone is revealed.  Daenerys is with IG-88, a baby sandworm, and Mr.PoopyButthole himself.  Noises are beginning to grow loud but it isn’t the singing from before.  Zombies and Orcs begin to flood into the pit causing IG-88 to spring into action and blast them away with ease. 

Daenerys is starting to make sense of what is going on and realizes she isn’t in her world and is in a dream world, but she can’t understand why she isn’t in complete control.  That is until she hears laughter.  None other than Freedy Krueger himself has arrived with Jeff Houslander and Ethan Hunt.  All three who possess the power of a lantern ring.  Ethan Hunt springs into action to try and take down IG-88 as he has just killed his Zombie and Orc comrades.  No matter who they are Ethan Hunt will always defend and honor his own.  Ethan Hunt is surprised when he hears a loud screech but doesn’t understand what it is.  That is until Daenerys Dragon has come to her side to defend its mother.  Jeff Houslander becomes enraged as he sees the odds may be stacked against them and uses the powers of the Red Lantern ring to start whoopin some Dragon ass.  

Baby Sandworm and Mr.Poopybutthole are killed by the utter destruction that is being caused by a battle between Jeff Houslander and Daenerys.  The pit is now engulfed in flames and almost nothing is left.  Ethan Hunt has somehow escaped from the danger as he do and attempts to try and disable IG-88 but it won’t even matter.  The destruction caused by Jeff Houslander who has only grown stronger in this world because of Kruegar has alarmed IG-88 to the point where he sees no other option.  Self destruction is the only defense.  IG-88 walks through the flames into the center of the pit and lets out a scream saying “YUH” self destructs causing everyone in the fight to die. That is in the dream world that is.  Freedy Kruegar has gotten everyone killed in the dream world.


Crack Danks said...

AAA wins!
The sole survivor is Freddy Kruegar
AAA (zombies and Orcs last deaths)
Aids (IG-88 last death)

Doctor's Madhouse said...

Hell yea, nice match frank

Josh the Commish said...

Good work Frank!! Congrats AAA!!

Anonymous said...

Great first match in the league!

Anonymous said...

Great first match in the league!

Anonymous said...

Great first match in the league!

Anonymous said...

The site decided the needed to be said 3 times lol