Sunday, March 28, 2021

Facts about space


Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins:

Tornedron, Black Lantern Omega Supreme, The Monitor w/ White Lantern Ring, Zombie Dr. Manhattan, 12 Guardian Knights as Dragonstorm, Dormamu, Blue Marvel, Ronan the Accuser, Hyperion, Kyle Houslander Young Jedi Knight in Kyle’s Jedi Starfighter and Zach Houslander Young Jedi Knight in Zach’s Jedi Starfighter, Joe Levine Jedi Master, Kelly Nightsister, and Abby Jedi Youngling in Levine Family YT-2400, Uruk Hai #6-9.


George Washington's House Elves:

Set, Sinestro, BlackBolt, Galvatron, Ben Kenobi (In an X-wing), Mar-Vel, Archangel, Agent Smith, Orion, Shao Kahn (In Ben Kenobi’s x-wing), Alpha, Zordon, Goldar, Fenster, Bulk, Skull, Shaak Ti, Liono, Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Sky


Space, as everyone knows is mostly empty. Sure, there are plenty of planets and stars but they are surrounded by emptiness. Really, you can go on forever and not hit anything. Another thing that is true about space is that women fly around in it as well as they drive on earth. So it should come as no surprise that Shaak Ti, the Levine Family YT-2400 piloted by Kelly, Batgirl, and Sky all fly straight into a star.


Another fact about space is that it is racist (like everyone else at this point). For that reason, Space immediately kills Black Lantern Omega Supreme and BlackBolt purely because it hates their names.


The Power Rangers and LOTR were filmed on earth and none of those actors can breathe in space so they meet the same fate as George Floyd (they found out they had to go to space so they overdosed on fentanyl before the match).


It’s pronounced Zor-DON. He died too.


The 1986 documentary “Transformers: The Movie” taught me that space is ruled by robots, which is why Galvatron was so easily able to kill Blue Marvel, Ronin the Accuser, and Hyperion. It had a sort of sequel in 2017 called “Transformers: The Last Knight” but I haven’t seen it and those robots probably aren’t as cool (and definitely now dead).


On earth a zombie doctor would be a contradiction but not so in space. Zombie Dr. Manhattan has a flourishing medical practice.


Wonderment in space is possible. When Jedis Kyle and Zack see Liono’s ripped muscles and beautiful mane floating towards them they pause to admire him, until the ginger runs the sword of omens through them.


The 2nd law of thermodynamics applies in space as well. Tornedron sucks all of the energy out of several House Elves. He is finally stopped when Agent Smith drinks him like an energy drink. It moves through him fast though and when Agent Smith voids his bladder he does so on Dormamu extinguishing him.


It is possible to get tired in space. Like The Monitor, who already knows these facts and just wants the match to end, so he finishes off the remaining House Elves.


It is possible to hide in space. No one knows this better that Ben Kenobi. The guy is really good at it, he has been doing it most of his life.


TEAM said...

Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins are victorious!
Ahsoka's Acrobatic Assassins: The Monitor and Zombie Dr. Manhattan survive.
House Elves: Ben Kenobi and Saho Kahn survive.

Josh the Commish said...

HaHa!! Good stuff Ed. Always a pleasure.

David Parks said...

I learned so many neat space facts today.

Anonymous said...


Artifact said...

I was unaware or Zombie Dr. Manhattan's "flourishing medical practice" in space. Had I been as well informed as you, I may have adjusted my roster a bit and just went all Vamps.