Sunday, March 28, 2021

FFL 2021 Week 4: Fastfood Armageddon

 *-4 denotes 4 deaths* 

Crack Danks: Galactus (-4), Nova (-4), Silver Surfer (-4), Sky Lynx (-4), Lt. Commander Worf in Arc Fighter, Supreme Leader Snoke in Sith Fighter, Voltron, Jason Voorhees w/ Red Lantern Ring, Tommy Oliver w/ Dragonzord Flute/Chest Shield, Korg in an A-Wing, Meek, (Jolee Fishdo, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Crash Bandicoot, and Vampire Magneto in Quintesson Ship)

Affirmative Action Popeyes: Earth 2 Superman w/ Blue Lantern Ring, Revan Reborn in A-Wing, Bastila Shan in TIE Fighter, Jolee Bindo in TIE Bomber, Post Sarlacc Boba Fett in B-Wing, White Lantern Batman, Black Lantern Emperor Palpatine, Metroplex (-4), Cyclonus & his Armada, Nolan Peterson: Sith Bro in Arwing, Austin Perrison: Sith Bro in Arwing, A-3, Twincast, Fast Forward, Autobot Cassette #1, Autobot Cassette #2, Autobot Cassette #3, Forrest Gump w/ Green Lantern Ring, Mogo, and Destro

This match takes place in deep space.

Both teams spawn in and right off the bat, Galactus notices that Affirmative Action Popeyes has a full planet on their side. So, Galactus calls Nova and Silver Surfer to help attack Planet Mogo while the rest of Crack Danks work on the rest of their Fast Food Counterpart Affirmative Action Popeyes. As these teams are fighting for the bragging rights title of FAST FOOD KING.

The Sith Bros, Twin Cast, Fast Forward, and the three Autobot Cassette’s work on attacking the Quintesson Ship. Magneto uses his mutant powers to crush the Arwing’s that the Sith Bros are flying in and kill them immediately. Fast Forward then retaliates with a Heat Ray Cannon blast to the Warship which causes it to lose some of its mobility. Magneto, angered by this hit to the ship, takes apart the three Autobot Cassettes and throws them at Twin Cast and Fast Forward. Killing Fast Forward but only damaging Twincast. Seeing his team struggle with the Quintesson Warship, Cyclonus and his Armada go to help. Cyclonus hits the ship with his blaster and blows up the ship. This kills Lord Zed, Rita Repulsa and Crash Bandicoot. Magneto saw the blast coming and was able to make a large shield out of metal from the warship but only had enough time to save himself and Jolee Fishdo.

After that Sky Lynx and Voltron team up to face Metroplex and Cyclonus and his Armada. We got a big ole robot fight boys. Voltron uses their giant sword to take a slash at Cyclonus and his Armada. Cyclonus dodged but his Armada were not quick enough as they were cut in half. 

While that is happening Twincast sees a floating Meek in space and hits him with a blaster shot killing him. This angers Korg as he yells “Revolution” and charges at the damaged transformer in his A-Wing and hits him with blasts from his laser cannons.

Earth 2 Superman then goes on a tear and kills Korg, Supreme Leader Snoke, and Lieutenant Commander Worf.

Jason Voorhees sees Forrest Gump and Destro and decides to attack them. Jason Voorhies causes Destro to be frightened but Forrest Gump isn’t scared at all as he doesn’t understand who Jason Voorhees is. Jason has scared Destro so much that he’s frozen in place and Jason kills him easily with his machete. Gump and Jason then have a long and fierce battle as they both just fit the emotion of their lantern rings so well. Jason is just so filled with rage, while Gump has so much will that he’s run across the whole U.S. and has saved the lives of multiple members of the U.S. military. Eventually after a long and fierce battle Jason just barely wins as he was just a more experienced killer. Though he is extremely tired and injured after this exchange with the Alabama Football Player.

Revan, Jolee, Bastila, and Boba Fett fly in their respective ships to attack Tommy Oliver and a weakened Jason Vorhees. Jason puts up a force field with his lantern ring to protect Tommy and himself but isn’t able to hold for very long as the blasters from the Old Republic Force Users and a post sarlacc clone ship were just too strong. Eventually Revan kills Jason with a laser cannon from his A-Wing. Tommy Oliver dodges many blaster shots from the ships but eventually there is only so much he can do and he is killed by a shot from Bastila’s TIE Interceptor.

Galactus sees that his squad is struggling and calls Nova and Silver Surfer to help the rest of their teammates. Silver Surfer and Nova make quick work of some of the members of Affirmative Action Popeyes. They kill Revan, Bastila, Jolee, Boba Fett, and Emperor Palpatine. They are then confronted by A-3 and White Lantern Batman. Batman shoots Silver Surfer with a blast from his White Lantern Ring but SIlver Surfer just absorbs the energy. This confuses Batman as he hasn’t seen anyone absorb energy like that since his encounter with Doomsday. He then uses that absorbed energy and projects it onto A-3, easily killing the Autobot. Nova then uses her extreme agility and reflexes to dodge all of Batman’s lantern blasts and eventually get close enough to the Caped Crusader and rips him in half, as he still is only human.

Now back to the big robot fight. Vampire Magneto then goes to help his team with these giant Transformers. He uses all of his power to slow down Cyclonus just enough so that Voltron can stab him through his chest. This feat of power from the Mutant was so much that it caused Magneto’s brain to have an aneurysm, thus killing him.Metroplex then hits Voltron with a huge blast and kills the Lion powered beast. Sky Lynx then attacks Metroplex, they get into a heated battle. Eventually Metroplex comes out victorious as he rips Sky Lynx’s jaw open (King Kong style). Though Metroplex was not unharmed from this battle as Sky Lynx had greatly damaged one of his legs from a bite from the T-Rex mouthed Transformer. Nova and Silver Surfer see the weakened Metroplex and decide to make easy work of one of the members of Scramble City. Earth 2 Superman then flies in from nowhere and hits Nova with a combo of punches and then uses his ice breath to weaken her cosmic flame. Once that is completed he snaps the neck of Nova.

Now all we have left is Silver Surfer vs. Earth 2 Superman and Galactus vs. Nova. Silver Surfer and Superman go at it but everything that Superman throws at Silver Surfer is either dodged or absorbed by the scientist from Zenn-La. Eventually Superman becomes tired out from his attacks, as the Silver Surfer has drained all of the Yellow Sun Energy from Superman. The Surfer then uses this energy and grabs Superman by the throat and emits it all, causing Superman’s head to explode. 

Silver Surfer then goes to help Galactus absorb Mogo. After a long battle Galactus was victorious and able to consume the planet Mogo. Though he does not feel right after consuming the planet. He then blows up in a giant green explosion killing both him and the Silver Surfer. It turns out the Planet Mogo’s Will was just too strong for Galactus, causing Galactus to blow up with a huge amount of Green Lantern Energy. 

All that’s left in this battle is Jolee Fishdo as he was still behind the shield that Magneto had made for him.


Striders of Rohan said...

Crack Danks is the Fastfood King!!!!

Crack Deezys: Jolee Fishdo survives

Popeyes: All Dead

Josh the Commish said...

What a bloodbath!! Nice win Frank.

Anonymous said...

Good match. Crack Danks is way better than Popeyes in real life to .