Monday, March 22, 2021

S12 W3: Dinomites vs Sith Aids

The Dinomites are: Aquaman King Of Atlantis w/GL Ring, Ice w/star sapphire ring, Vampire Larfleeze, The Aerielbots: (Silverbolt, Air Raid, Skydive, Fireflight, SlingShot), The Technibots:  (Scattershot, Strafe, Lightspeed, Afterburner, Nosecone), Quintessa, Bowser: King of Koopa, Captain Tarples, Kit Fisto, Nadar Vebb, Red Lantern Mera, A submarine containing Chirrut Inwee, Baze Malbus, Android Human Torch

The Sith Aids are: Voltron (Vehicle)1-5 (4 deaths), Sharkticon 3-7(4 deaths), Ultra man, Jet Jaguar, Suki, Sukka, Ty Lee, Gnaw, Sludge (4 deaths), Swoop(4 deaths), Weapon H, Cosmic Spiderman, Hancock, Amon, Unsullied #1 (4 deaths), Unsullied #2 (4 deaths)

Ready for the Artifact “Turd of the Week”? Good. Don’t bother buckling up. This ride will be short.

The water runs red with the blood of Tarples, Kit Fisto and Nadar Vebb who unsuccessfully tried to swim away from the Sharkticons. Baze Malbus sends all 5 of them to the graveyard with a few well placed torpedoes. 

Nearby, Quintessa with Bowser riding on her shoulder is taking on Ultra man and Jet Jaguar. Bowser is able to blind Jet Jaguar with a fireball to the eye while Quintessa obliterates his skull. Ultra man is trying to hold his own. He is able to rip the King of Koopa off her shoulder and drown him but Quintessa is almost too much. Swoop “swoops” in and finishes the job but involuntarily kills his teammate in the process. Swoop, Gnaw and Sludge then team up with Voltron who has just gone on a killing spree finishing off the Arielbots thanks to a little help in the sky from Hancock. The Technibots prove a tougher match and in the end all Technibots and Voltron are defeated. Gnaw, Sludge and Swoop were able to blow up the submarine for the Dinomites as well but the Human Torch was able to evacuate before the explosion and with the help of Ice, did a hot and cold number on the remaining robots. 

The two unsullied try to throw their spears at Aquaman but the attempt is easily thwarted as he knocks them aside with his trident and then kills the two. He then shoots a jet of water into the air as Hancock is swooping by and Ice hits the water, freezing it into an icicle of death impaling the guy who looks like The Fresh Prince. 

Amon uses some Avatar trickery that I couldn’t be bothered to google and with the help of Weapon H they avenge their comrade and Ice is defeated. Mera and Aquaman use their combined Lantern power as well as their command of the ocean to put an end to Amon and Weapon H just as they finish the job. At some point in this skirmish, the turbulent waves proved too much for Suki, Sukka and Ty Lee and they faced an unceremonious death at the hand of a lazy writer who is already behind schedule. 

Cosmic Spiderman spins Mera into a cosmic web and before he has a chance to kill her, Vampire Larfleeze bites his neck and drinks up some of that good cosmic blood. Spidey uses a web to grab a nearby tree and while wrapping Larfleeze in a bear hug, propels the two of them into a giant limb that impales both their bodies killing them both. Get it? I used a stick to kill the immortal Larfleeze because he is a vampire. I thought it was funny. 


Artifact said...

Dinomites are Victorious!!

Dinomites: Aquaman and RL Mera survive.

Sith Aids: All dead.

Josh the Commish said...

"The water runs red with the blood of Tarples"..... Ha!! Should have been the opening scroll to Episode 2.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, all I wanted was for aquaman to survive, 3-0 baby!!!!!