Friday, April 29, 2022

Week 5: Empire vs Red Garter Guardians

Empire- Polaris, Supergirl, Scarlet Witch, Capt. Marvel, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Black Flash, Ocean Master, Aqualad, Dark Supergirl, The Ancient One, Abeloth, Dracula, John Constantine, Prof. Minerva McGonagall, The Grand Inquisitor, Adam Strange, The Leprechaun, Chucky, Bride of Chucky, & Leatherface

Red Garter Guardians- The Q Continuum: Q, Q2, Lady Q, Colonel Q, q, & Quinn, The Guardians of the Galaxy: Starlord, Rocket, Groot, Drax the Destroyer, and Gamora in a CEC YT-2400, The Stunticons: Motor Master, Breakdown, Wildrider, Drag Strip, & Dead End, George the Albino Ape, Lizzie the Lizard, Ralph the Wolf, Raiden, Daenerys Targaryen & her Dragon, Storm Trooper #1-43, Kyle Brovloski, Eric Cartmen, Kenny McCormick, & Stan Marsh (SP kids all have Glocks), Dinobot, 4-Lom in a TIE Bomber, Zuckuss in a TIE Bomber, Snow Trooper #1-8, & Kyle & Conner in The Gekko Mobile

Welcome to the midseason Playoff Planet match. The budget this season appears to have been directed elsewhere, so unfortunately we were left with Qatar and the Chinese to assemble the arenas this time and the slave labor they were using was behind schedule. This led to the most of the battlefields not being finished and polished in time for the battle. 

The couldn’t get enough water to finish filling all the oceans in time so they decided to slap a beach together and since there were so few water characters played, it kind of worked out. 

The Empire had Ocean Master, Aqualad, and Adam Strange, while the Guardians sent the Rampage Monsters and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Aqualad pulled the Rampage Monsters out into the water and began drowning them. The Guardians had Adam Strange flying around and were trying to shot him out of the sky. Lizzie slurped up Ocean Master, who exited her stomach through the side, Aqualad shocked the hell out George, frying the big monke, and Ralph escaped the water and ran away. The Guardians managed to hit Adam with the laser cannons and he fell back to the ground. 4-Lom and Zuckuss flew a bombing run on the beach and blew Adam to smithereens before flying off. Knowing there was little they could do against Ocean Master and Aqualad here near the water, the Guardians of the Galaxy followed them out. 

The Arctic was blistering that day. The AC was cranked and the snow machines were on full blast, making blizzard like conditions. 

The Guardians sent Dinobot, the South Park Gang and Snowtroopers in to get a foothold. Dracula, Prof. McGonagall and the Ancient One were sent to dispatch them. The Planet was put together so hastily though, that this area was actually right next to the beach. Empire was approaching the entrenched position when they began receiving fire. Dracula was killed in the opening volley. The Ancient One pushed into the encampment and started pushing down the trenches, killing the Snow Troopers in her way. Dinobot jumped into the fight, blocking her path. Flying over the battle was Zuckuss, 4-Lom, and the Guardians of the Galaxy. McGonagall damaged 4-Lom’s TIE Bomber and it crashed into the Zuckuss, sending both ships to the ground. Both were killed on impact and their ships landed right on the Ancient One and the South Park kids shot her body 37 times just to be sure she was dead. 

The Prof received backed up by Ocean Master and Aqualad. Dinobot and the South Park kids stood against them with air support from the Guardians. Dinobot led a charge with the kids providing him suppressing fire. The Guardians hit Ocean Master with their laser cannons and then there was nothing left. Aqualad hit the ship with a water lightning special disabling its weapons and engine and the ship began gliding to the surface. McGonagall killed Kenny accidentally, I mean she literally wasn’t even aiming for him but he still died. Kyle and Stan said the line and they shredded her. Aqualad and Dinobot were in the heat of battle where they both delivered killing blows to each other simultaneously, it was truly glorious.  Ralph picked up the kids and took them into the city.

The forest had solid ground, but the trees were sparse and they were those weak zoomer trees that are all the rage these days.

Polaris did that thing that people who control magnetic fields do to transformers and crushed the Stunticons into each other. It was easy for the Q’s to take out the slower members of The Empire before anyone else could make a move, this left Black Widow, The Grand Inquisitor, and Polaris dead. Kyle and Conner put the Geckko Mobile into overdrive and ran over Captain Marvel. Then together, and it was like super, super, sexual, they shifted it into reverse and backed over her again, and they repeated this process for the rest of the battle, it was pretty hot. Spiderman was swinging and swangin, but as he was doing this he was taking with him tree branches, so he began throwing them at the Qs. Q and Q2 were fighting Supergirl and Dark Supergirl, though it seemed that neither side was gaining anything on the other. Scarlet Witch was having none of this Q nonsense, she trapped Quinn and Lady Q in some other dimension and then collapsed it on them. Quinn was able to jump out in time. Colonel Q removed the tree Spiderman was swinging on and he went crashing down and was impaled on a tree. 

The fact Quinn escaped Scarlet Witch really offended her, like where does he get off wanting to live. She became hyper focused on him and disconnected him from the Continuum. This left Quinn powerless as he was fleeing. Little q hit Scarlet Witch from the side saving Quinn for the moment. Black Flash was mixing up Colonel Q, but was surprised that his touch alone wasn’t killing him. Black Flash dug his claws into his Colonel Q physical form and took him into the speed force and they were both lost to time in a never ending battle. Q and Q2 hatched a plan to kill the two supergirls, but it was dangerous. Q fell down like he was out of gas and both Supergirls lined up to hit him with the laser beams. At the last second Q2 pushed Q out of the way and along with himself, the Supergirls killed each other with friendly fire. Scarlet Witch picked up Kyle and Conner’s Gekko Mobile and through it at Quinn, crushing him. Q and q then went for the wombo combo on Scarlet Witch, who decided to die and take q with her.

The desert started as an island in the ocean, but Xi Jinping forget to tell his men to stop pouring sand and before they knew it they had built the desert.

Here is where Daenerys on her Dragon, Stormtroopers 1-43, and Raiden faced off against John Constantine, Chucky and his bride, the Leprechaun, Leatherface, and Abeloth. Chucky, his bride, and the Leprechaun ambushed a column Stormtroopers. There was blood everywhere as the little demons were jumping around slashing between their armor plates. Eventually 20 of the troopers laid injured or dead, while the battered remains of the dolls and the mush that was the little green man were found nearby. Leatherface and Raiden were sizing each other up. Leatherface was on the offensive, swinging and slashing that chainsaw through the air as Raiden dodged every attack. Then he shot lightning into his chainsaw, disabling it before driving his staff through his body. Constantine finished off the rest of the Stormtroopers with ease. Daenerys flew by on her Dragon and tried to fry him, but he protected himself. Abeloth easily dispatched Raiden and turned her sight to the Dragon. Just like my hopes for Season 8, my hopes for Daenerys were too high and Abeloth and Constantine made easy work of both her and her dragon.

Moving to the city, it was time for the final showdown. The city appeared complete, but upon further inspection all of the buildings were empty and made out of styrofoam with concrete plastered on. It appears that Chinese contractors were used, so it wouldn’t be long before they started falling down. 

The CEC YT-2400 had crashed into the city and fire started to spread. The Guardians emerged from the wreckage and met up with Ralph, Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Q. All that stood for Empire was Constantine and Abeloth, luckily they had been preparing. Constantine made the fire in the city swell bigger and bigger until it felt like everyone was standing in Hell. Ralph couldn’t take the heat and was engulfed in the flames. Abeloth jumped the Guardians and killed everyone except for Rocket, who was small enough to escape into the wreckage with ease. Constantine had been making projections of himself to throw off the other team, while he was really preparing a spell to kill Q. Rocket got revenge for his team when he rigged what was left of the ship they crashed to explode by overloading the engines, killing Abeloth and himself. Q found Constantine preparing his spell and began to speak with him, confident that he could win the fight. Knowing luck was with him, Constantine sprang his other trap that Q happened to be standing on. Holding Q in place, he finished his other spell and banished Q to some other dimension. But Cartman,, Stan and Kyle had been sneaking around while all this was going on. They all opened fire on Constantine at once from different directions and there was no way he could block everything all at once.


Greedo said...

Winner: Red Garter Guardians
Survivors: Stan, Kyle, Cartman

Greedo said...

Sorry its so late, rough couple of weeks

David Parks said...

Red Garter What Now?

I've lost track of rebranding.

Greedo said...

your telling me, I don't think I even noticed that change until this match

Doctor's Madhouse said...

bop south park survivors

Josh the Commish said...

Great match Ethan!!

Josh the Commish said...

Red Garter Guardians are the former Sith Aids.