Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Guardians vs House Elves

 Guardians: The Guardians of the Galaxy *all 4 death* (Star Lord, Drax, Gamora, Rocket and Groot), Daenyrus and Her Dragon, Q (4 death), The Predacons (Razorclaw, Divebomb, Headstrong, Rampage, and Tantrum).  Rayden, Amon, The ninth sister, and orc 21-24

House Elves: Firelord Sozin, Captain Rex, Video Game Mike Tyson, Ron Weasley, Shredder, Santa and his reindeer (Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen), Haggred, M Bison, Sagat, Vega, Balrog, zaheer, mako, Airbender 4

This is gonna be a bloodbath

The House Elves have themselves rooted deep into the Sherwood Forest.  They have taken over the land without Treebeard being present.  Unknown who has run this squad into Forest but Daenyrus and the rest of the Guardians are ready to rid this relic of a Forest of the trash that has taken cover there.

The House Elves have commenced different training routines throughout the Forest.  In one area is Mike Tyson training Balrog, M Bison, Sagat and Vega.  This was until they are met by the Guardians of the Galaxy who were sent to start eliminating targets in the Forest.  The fight quickly commenced.  The street Fighters and Mike Tyson stood little to no chance but fought for their stolen land like Americans know how.  Mike Tyson and Balrog were able to catch the Trash Panda and took out Rocket.  They quickly moved to attack Gamora who was weakened in her fight with Vega and Bison.   Giving Mike Tyson the opportunity to punch her head clean off.  StarLord quickly retaliated with Groot and wiped out the fighters as their strength was no match while Drax kept beating Sagat to death.  

While flying trying to get more information the Forest, Daenyrus ran into Santa and his reindeer.  "Santa, I'm sorry the power of belief isn't going to help you here" said Daenyrus as she brunt the fat man in a red coat with his reindeer.  

This led Firelord Sozin, Zaheer, Mako, and Airbender 4 to defend themselves against the Predacons.  They were able to destroy Razorclaw  and Divebomb with their powers.  This wasn't going to give them the win tho.  Rampage and Tantrum formed the Predaking and wiped the weakened squad out.  

Headstrong went deeper into the Forest only to be taken out by Ron Weasley.  Weasley is on the juice and is ready to slay those who try to stop him from taking this forest.  Him, Haggred and Captain Rex are all that remain of the house Elves.  

Weasley quickly took out Rayden.  Then followed it up by killing Amon while calling him a "communist".

Captain Rex met his fate to the Ninth Sister.  Ron and Haggred were trapped.  Daenyrus and her Dragon let out one last attack to kill the Wizards but caught some of her team in the crossfire.  Killing not only the wizards but The Ninth Sister, and Drax.  


Crack Danks said...

Guardians win in a landslide slaughter!
Survivors Daenyrus and her dragon, Star Lord, Groot, Rampage and Tantrum

Crack Danks said...

Not my best quality but one team was clearly stronger than the other and tried to make it show

David Parks said...

Frankly it's unbelievable, the absolute disregard for Santa's power. You know what kind of athleticism is takes to slide down MILLIONS of chimneys in one night? No, you don't, or you would have put some respek on his name.

Appalling. Somebody should send the House Elves an edible arrangement to make up for this.

Josh the Commish said...

Good stuff Crack Frank.

Josh the Commish said...

Word Bruh...

Artifact said...

I got stomped. Haha. Nice one.