Wednesday, April 2, 2008



Lickolas said...

Congrats to Josh and Ryan for yet another great week of stories!

Solobeck said...

I agree with Lickolas: Josh and Ryan are doing an AWESOME job with the stories! For all those out there who we haven't heard from, let's hear some smack!!! -B2

Artifact said...

I laughed my ass off this week boys. good work.

Mrs. Fizzle said...

You guys rock!! The stories keep getting better! Space week is going to be awesome with 1600 points!!!


Solobeck said...

For the record. . . you SUCK!!!
I spent several hours over the past few days in an attempt to recruit additional members for my team. I took them to the new Penthouse Club, bought them expensive gifts, injected them with some "enhancement" vitamins just so that I could shore up my team for the upcoming weeks. I know 5-0 is pretty good, but there is always room for a "tweak" improvement!

I recently called Josh and found out you STOLE these characters with your "promises of wealth and women." This is WAR! You've crossed the Hebrew Hammer for the first and LAST time!!!!!
LYA.F. -B2

Ryan said...

There were no such "promises of wealth and women." Those free agents WANTED on my team. They are looking forward to fighting along side Achilles and the rest of my Horsemen. By the way, thanks for the "enhancement" supplements. Meggan is looking great in practice.

I've already dispached Ed's perfect season. Do you really think your's scares me??

P.S. Thank you all for your kind words. It's been a lot of fun reporting on the event of your teams' battles.
