Friday, April 30, 2010

Oblivio vs. Built Ford Tough

“The function of science fiction is not always to predict the future but sometimes to prevent it.”
-Frank Herbert

I look to the teams during this Week 7 Match on Scorched Planet Wallach IX. They are as follows:

Oblivio: Sandworms #8 and 12, Prince Nuada, Golden Army Soldiers #1-25 and Heavy.

Built Ford Tough: Sandtroopers #1-25, Kobolds #1-6, Mandalorians #6-10, Fedayeen Assassin #1, Jack Ryan w/ Keith Mars, Veronica Mars and Weevil in The EM-50, Harrison Ford (w/ a green lantern ring), Jeff Houslander in his Dodge Ram 3500 w/ Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian and Marvin the Paranoid Android, Beta Ray Bill, Star Sapphire, Rakkim Epps, Despotellis, Ancient Sith Lords #8-13, (Modern Age) Blue Beetle, Sardaukar Terror Troops #1-6, Archie the Octo-Spider and Treasure Troll #26.

Let the battle begin. . .

Jeff Houslander in his Dodge Ram 3500 with Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Trillian and Marvin the Paranoid Android drive away from Sandworm #12. The aggressiveness of Houslander’s driving causes Marvin to fall out of the truck. The robot is engulfed by Sandworm #12. Star Sapphire and Harrison Ford use their ring and sapphire powers to lift a portion of the worm off the sands. Beta Ray Bill uses Stormbreaker to create a geo-blast that rips Sandworm #12 in half.

Sandworm #8 races behind Jack Ryan with Keith Mars, Veronica Mars and Weevil in the EM-50. The Sandworm strikes the EM-50, but only does minimal damage to the vehicle. Before Sandworm #8 can complete its objective, Despotellis rips through Sandworm #8. The immense Sandworm #8 is burned from the inside out, shudders and dies.

Heavy faces Sandtroopers #1-25. Heavy shoots Sandtroopers #2, 11 and 17, but is killed by the enormous barrage of laser fire from the remaining troopers.

Prince Nuada wears the magical crown that controls the Golden Army Soldiers. Nuada unleashes the Army upon Sandtroopers #1, 3-10, 12-16, 18-25. Although the Sandtroopers appear to hold their own for a short period of time, they all eventually fall to Golden Army Soldiers #5, 13-20. Golden Army Soldiers #1-3 focus on Kobolds #1-6 and easily destroy the small monsters. Golden Army Soldiers #4, 6-10 destroy Sardaukar Terror Troops #1-6. Golden Army Soldiers #21-25 dispel Rakkim Epps and Fedayeen Assassin #1. The indestructible Soldiers come together and kill Mandalorians #6-10.

Treasure Troll #26 jumps on Prince Nuada and attempts to tear off the magical crown controlling his Army. Nuada grabs a hold of the Troll and throws him on the ground. He then uses his elven spear to slice Treasure Troll’s gut. While Treasure Troll #26 was a distraction, Archie the Octo-Spider attacks Nuada. Nuada focuses on killing Archie and, in fact, does. This additional distraction causes Nuada to fail and see Jack Ryan with Keith Mars, Veronica Mars and Weevil in The EM-50 barreling at him from his left side and Jeff Houslander in his Dodge Ram 3500 with Ford Prefect, Zaphod Beeblebrox and Trillian racing at him from his right. The two vehicles smash into the elven prince head on. While they smash into one another, Nuada successfully manages to use his elven quickness to avoid the brunt of the crash. Keith Mars and Weevil, as well as Zaphod Beeblebrox and Trillian are not as lucky as they are killed in the head-on collision. Golden Army Soldiers #11-17 race to save their current master. The Soldiers reach the scene and dispose of both Jack Ryan and Ford Prefect.

Blue Beetle comes to the scene and is easily killed by Golden Army Soldiers #3-7. The Soldiers are ordered to form a protective circle around Nuada. This action comes too late as Beta Ray Bill, Harrison Ford and Silver Sapphire use their combined powers to kill Nuada. As the crown falls off his head, Ancient Sith Lords #8-13 lash out and destroy the magical controller of the Golden Army Soldiers. With the crown in pieces, Golden Army Soldiers #1-15 power down.

Oblivio: Golden Army Soldiers #1-25 survive, but are powered down.

Built Ford Tough: Veronica Mars Harrison Ford (w/ a green lantern ring), Jeff Houslander, Beta Ray Bill, Star Sapphire, Despotellis and Ancient Sith Lords #8-13 survive.



Krisatu said...

So, you just have to take out this Prince Nuda character, and the Golden Army falls?

Interesting. Very interesting. I'll make a note of it.

Nice work with the green lantern ring, Ford. Not really. You're a disgrace to that power ring and it'd be MINE if you hadn't suckerpunched me the other night. This issue between us is far from over, Harrison.

Far from it.

Josh the Commish said...

The red lantern ring was given to Jeff Houslander. Cost is plus 10.

Lickolas said...

Great, let me repeat that, Great Victory Built Ford Tough! Two in a row baby!

Ryan said...

This one has me confused.