Friday, March 18, 2011

Season 4, Week 3: The Abomitrons vs. The Brotherhood of Evil Midgets

"We really don't have to be enemies."
-Son of Mortis

I look upon the teams which will do battle in this Season 4, Week 3 Match located in Baghdad. They are as follows:

Abomitrons- Father of Mortis, Daughter of Mortis, Son of Mortis, Odin, Yaddle, Nomad w/ Baby Bucky and Logray.

Brotherhood of Evil Midgets- Stilgar, Fremen #52-56, Asajj Ventress, Superboy, X-23, Aurra Sing, Toad and Ratts Tyrelle in Ebe Endecott's Podracer.

Let the battle begin. . .

The Ewok shaman faces off against the anthropomorphic mushroom. Logray holds his spear and jabs at Toad. In response, Toad uses his ability to emit spores. The dusty winds blow the pods at Logray. The Ewok screams in fury as his furry body becomes encrusted with mushrooms. Logray dances around and frantically scratches at the mushrooms which grow on his entire body. He does not notice Ratts Tyrelle in Ebe Endecott’s Podracer racing through the desert town’s streets. Logray looks up and a second later becomes windshield fodder on the J930-8 podracer. Ratts shakes the Ewok off his vehicle and races on.

Nomad and Baby Bucky move through the back alleys of Baghdad. A laser shot is heard and Baby Bucky screams. Baby Bucky falls to the ground with a scorching hole burned through his chest. Nomad instantly reacts and avoids the additional shots which come from the top of a building across the alley. Nomad peeks his head out and barely misses joining Baby Bucky’s fate as Aurra Sing fires again. Nomad jumps into the alley and uses the street barrels and poles to climb to the roof. The Abomitron warrior throws stun disks at Aurra Sing. Sing uses her force enhanced abilities to avoid the weapons. Nomad uses her avoidance to his advantage and reaches the bounty hunter. Nomad then uses his superhuman strength to knock her nearly unconscious. As Nomad is about to smash her face into the dirt covered roof, a “snikting” is heard; it is X-23. Nomad winces at the damage caused by the mutant. Nomad then knocks X-23 down and she lands next to Aurra Sing. As Nomad comes at the two women, he is sliced in half by the blade of Asajj Ventress.

Asajj Ventress: Us women have to stick together. . .

Ratts looks around for additional prey that he can make into his own personal road kill. He looks up to see an immense, black, bat-like creature. The creature rips Ratts from the podracer, which crashes into the buildings below. Son of Mortis’ claws rip Ratts apart. The destroyed podracer barely misses Toad, who jumps out of the way. As Toad leaps again to avoid additional wreckage caused by the crash, he stops in mid-air. Yaddle uses the Force to hold Toad in place and in mere seconds, slices him apart. Yaddle turns to see Stilgar rushing at her while he leads Fremen #52-56. Yaddle wields her lightsaber in the melee and kills Fremen #52 and 54. The remaining Fremen #53, 55 and 56 are able to subdue Yaddle. Stilgar stands above the Jedi Master.

Stilgar: This is my battlefield puppet!

As Stilgar is about to deal the final death blow to “The One Below,” Stilgar and the Fremen are Force pushed across the street. Yaddle shakes off her dizziness and manages to expertly wield her lightsaber, killing remaining Fremen #53, 55 and 56.

Yaddle: Alone you are Stilgar; [Yaddle arcs her lightsaber] and alone shall you die.

Yaddle thrusts her lightsaber through Stilgar’s stomach, mortally wounding the Sahkan. Stilgar dying, smiles when he sees a shadow appear behind Yaddle. Yaddle turns to see Superboy. Before she can react, Superboy thrusts his fist through Yaddle’s face. Yaddle crumples to the ground, dead and without a face.

Superboy flies away and is met by a white, bird-like creature. Daughter of Mortis’ talons reach Superboy and hold the young Kryptonian firmly in place. Superboy attempts to free himself and is not able to. Superboy finally manages to escape and is instantly struck by the bat creature- Son of Mortis. Superboy eventually breaks free of the Son’s hold. Shaken, Superboy falls to the ground. As he looks up, he is met by the humanoid forms of Father, Son and Daughter of Mortis. Superboy knows that he will surely meet an untimely demise and rushes at Daughter. His quick reflexes do not allow Daughter to protect herself and he breaks her neck. Son and Father lash out in fury and combine their force powers to kill Superboy. While Son and Father are focused on Superboy, Aurra Sing, who has picked up Yaddle’s lightsaber, and Asajj Ventress with her lightsaber, plummet their weapons into Father. Father dies and Son immediately transforms, once again, into the bat-like doppelganger and flies off.

Odin comes into the fray and uses his magical spear Gungnir to channel the Odinforce. The powerful blast throws Ventress and Sing across the street. X-23 lashes out at Odin. Although Odin is hurt, he unleashes the full fury and power of his Norse god-like powers and shreds X-23 apart. He then focuses on the two force wielders.

Son of Mortis flies back to the ground and stands next to Odin. The two use their combined powers to ravage the two women force wielders. Although they valiantly defend themselves, they are never able to gain ground and offensively attack the Abomitron men. Eventually the women are killed by Odin and Son of Mortis.

The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: All dead.

The Abomitrons: Son of Mortis and Odin survive.



Lickolas said...

Good match Becks, keeping track of some of these new characters is getting exhausting.

Josh the Commish said...

Great match Becks. Congrats Kyle!! Sorry to my NL Brethren.