Monday, June 6, 2011

Consolation Round: Layander vs The Brigade

Layander's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family are: Robin (Stephanie Brown version)

Le' Napoleon Brigade are: Saurod and Phil Day (w/ a Sith Lavarouk)

I don't know what happened here. I remember a few bits and pieces. The warmth of the spotlights in the ring. The smell of the arena. Climbing into the ring, looking across and seeing Phil Day and thinking "No way does this guy beat me up the ladder"

I remember seeing the lavarouk being fired at me, and dodging the blasts. I remember throwing one of my discs and then subduing Mr Day. That was it. I should have won.

Then there was that sound. That...hiss. Then the right side of my body exploded in pain, as I felt those claws plunge deep into my kidneys. I couldn't hold on. I can take alot of pain, but that was way over my limit. I surrendered to darkness and let go over the ladder. My body crashed into the mat.

I awoke to see who has cost me my moment. I see him, that lizard man Saurod standing atop the ladder in victory, his faces glowing a slight shades of purple in the light of the lightsaber.

Batman always taught me "Be aware of your surroundings and opponents"

Guess I still have some learning to do.


1 comment:

Lickolas said...

Just awesome. Loved the narrative.