Monday, March 26, 2012

Layander's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to Make a New Family Vs. Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches

Layander's Super Orange Kitties and Cats Living Together to make a New Family is Mr. Freeze, Ice Bros. #7-10, White Lantern Batman, Kingdom Come Red Robin, Red X (Dick Grayson), Vampire Starfire, Sharkticon #21, Iggy Koopa, Doozer #7, and Meta-Knight.

Beckerman's Backyardigan's: Beeyatches are Capt. Universe, Wolverine, Sasquatch, Legolas (w/ Sinestro's green lantern ring), and Overlord.

Neither of these teams waste any time jumping in to action as the cold arctic air almost instantly begins affecting the combatants in a negative fashion. Capt. Universe attempts to end this competition quickly by annihilating the frozen ground underneath the feet of the super-kitties on a molecular level, but before even the quick-re flexed Batman can react, the white lantern ring itself stops Capt. Universe in his tracks. The ring will not allow Capt. Universe to take any life through the use of cosmic abilities. Capt. Universe fights back against the power, when Meta-Knight rushes in to help out the Dark Knight. The Dreamland King's intervention may actually be what tips the scales as the white power and the cosmic power hyper-react with each other and in flash of white light, erase each other from this plane of existence (taking the noble Meta-Knight with them). With these super-powered entities gone from the match, a fierce melee battle ensues. The two Dick Graysons team up against Wolverine, while Sasquatch starts crushing Ice Bros. like it is going out of style. The Sharkticon and Iggy Koopa team-up against Overlord; and Vampire Starfire engages Legolas.

The Ice Bros. make good use of their surroundings, but in the end are no match for the powerful Sasquatch who single-handedly takes out all four of them; but he is not given any amount of rest as Mr. Freeze is their to instantly avenge his newly appointed henchmen. Sasquatch charges at Victor Freeze but his freeze gun stops The Alpha Flight Member dead in his tracks. Even after he is demobilized Mr. Freeze does not let up for one moment. He continues to hit him with the freeze gun until even Sasquatch's warm-blooded body can no longer take the cold. Overlord, also known as Gigatron and using both the power of Chichokon and that stolen from The Transectors... Actually, I'm not doing this Cybertronian crap tonight; so one giant robot squares off against another giant robot. Overlord is the much more powerful one, despite the Shatkticon's good use of the arctic setting. Overlord wins the battle, against the Sharkticon and then manages to crush the life out of ice loving Iggy Koopa as well. Legolas and Vampire Starfire end up getting separated from one another after Starfire fires a starbolt at Legolas that he dodges while he is simultaneously putting a well-aimed arrow through Doozer #7 (whether it was aided by the green lantern ring or if he is just that good, is unsure even by me). Legolas manages to remain unharmed from the attack but the starbolt destroys the ice underneath him sending him plummeting out of the skirmish (for now). Overlord flies over to Mr. Freeze, who instantly begins defending himself by shooting his freeze gun at full blast at the powerful Decepticon. Overlord actually does begin to slow down due to the impending blasts; but it does not stop him from crushing Mr. Freeze with his massive foot. Overlord begins to raise his mighty metal arms in to the air in victory (like decepticons so often do). When Vampire Starfire rips through the metal body of Overlord from back to front: “hmm, this creature's flesh is... gross” the vamped up alien says in a confused voice, as she tries to eat the enormous dying body of Overlord. Meanwhile, we return to the pitched battle between Wolverine and The Red Robin/Red X Combo Pack. “You know what to do against this guy correct”? Red Robin asks of his younger self. “Yes, Batman's teaching log file #864 Sub-Section 3” replies Red X. Red Robin says back “Correct, Batman's section on potential multiverse and amalgam threats. Sub-Section 3: Wolverine”.

Red Robin and Red X work just as well together as Batman and Robin ever did, having received the same training and after all being the same person. But Wolverine is still the best at what he does (bub). The combatants engage in a fierce battle, but neither side is able to gain the upper hand. Despite Wolverine's claw attacks, the former robins are able to parry them with their staffs. It is almost a shame that Vampire Starfire flies in to intervene by hitting Wolverine square in the chest with a starbolt. Wolverine is stunned and knocked back, but no permanent damage is done to the mutant. At that moment, Legolas flies up to return to the battle as well. The elf of the Woodland Realm hits Starfire with a green energy arrow right between the eyes, which knocks her flat on her back. While The Graysons begin an acrobatic move that has Red Robin launching Red X in to the air by using his staff as a spring board. Three things then happen at almost the exact same moment... While Wolverine takes advantage of the grounded Starfire by stabbing her in the chest, Red X is delivering his nuclear-fueled, pulse-powered birdarang into the throat of Legolas, whose last green energy arrow is being shot in to the eye of Red Robin. Red X pops up with a somersault and realizes, that he is now alone with Wolverine. He wastes no time with remorse for his fallen comrade and moves against the mutant quickly, but without the aid of his older self, he no longer has the skill set to hang with Wolverine. Wolvie dodges two swings from Red X and then delivers a claw-revealed uppercut to Red X's chin. “Sorry kid” is the last two words that Red X hears as


Josh the Commish said...

Super-Kitties: All Dead

Backyardigans: Wolverine is sole survivor.

Solobeck said...

Too close for comfort! Nice match Joshatu! Pablo is whispering in my ear that he is happy with the result and will not call out "Shennanigans".

Ryan said...

Match of the Week!!

Ryan said...

Pablo got the Flamethrower.

He gave his Halberd to Warg Rider #3.

Lickolas said...

Nice work Josh, though I was surprised to see "White Power" being used in a match this year.

Archr5 said...

oh great. just what the league needs. Pablo with a frikkin flamethrower.

10 bucks says he tries to freebase something with it.

Artifact said...

Haha. Good stuff. Nice win becks.

NFG Mike said...

late to the party on this one, but its gotta be said. the wolverine/ robins fight was just about perfect