Friday, April 12, 2013

Real Man's Rabblerousers

I have been retained to formally announce that the Transfoamers have been assigned to new ownership.  A day that will live in infamy... Real Man's entry into the FFL.  Real Man will take ownership over the Transfoamers' characters as of Week 6 in this Year 6.  He anticipates a friendly welcome by all whom he has wronged.  In the immortal words of the Marvel Universe: "Welcome to the FFL Real Man. . . Hope you survive the experience!"  So says Becks!


NFG Mike said...

May the Foamers continue their winning ways! So says... who am I kidding... that's like puking on a pile of shit.

Krisatu said...

I now officially protest my loss to the Foamers.

Ryan said...

I second Seeney's protest.

Solobeck said...

I third.

Josh the Commish said...

The Transfoamers were a legitimate team. Their wins and losses will of course remain as is. Just like any other team that has changed ownership in the past.

Ryan said...

I don't think their roster was legitimate for the first three weeks. Which is why I am protesting along with Seeney and Becks.

Josh the Commish said...

Because it was late?? The rule doesn't go in to affect until next week. Unless you are attempting to say that somebody else such as me put in their team for them. Which is not true and can easily be proven, not that The Commissioner and/or specific watchers don't reserve the right to help out owners when they have issues getting to their computers or for any other reason. Nothing has been done wrong here, and I don't care for the implications that something was. Furthermore if people truly want to open up the enormous can of worms of actually allowing owners to protest losses that they don't care for, than this league would really be in trouble. If people were initially joking around, than this is no big deal, but if not than I don't see why this is even being discussed.

Ryan said...

"Just calling it like I see it."

Krisatu said...

My comment was half joking/half serious. I have some reservations about how things went down, but respect the way things work and don't want to cause a huge uproar. I'll just have to work harder the rest of the season to make up for the loss.

The thought of being Real Man's first victory just rankles me a bit.

Josh the Commish said...

Krisatu, you are in NO way Real Man first victory. The Transfoamers beat you, and no one else. Just because we are welcoming Real Man in to the league doesn't make him any less of a BITCH, and it doesn't take away from what The Foamerz accomplished (or didn't accomplish) while they were in. I wish you luck in beating the hell out of Real Man next year and persobally can't wait to upper deck his proverbial toilet.

Josh the Commish said...

Sorry about the typos in the last comment. Posting from my phone.

Real Man said...

I shall stand on my own merits, not on the shoulders of a has-been. When I defeat the Grindhouse all will know. So says Real Man!!!