Tuesday, June 4, 2013

S6 PlayOffs. Round 2 Highness vs Team SP

The Royal Highness is: Yoda, Doomslayer, Cyborg Doomsday, Steel Doomsday, Superboy Doomsday, Q, Metroplex, Mysterio, Electro, Professor X, Phantom Stranger, Apollo, Midnighter, Vampire Kang the Conqueror/DC Spiderman, Paul Antreides, Sandworm #8-35, The Kraken, Morgan Le Fey, Yellow Lantern Fatality, Chriselon (green lantern), Geo-force, Heather Houslander w/green lightsaber, NFG Mike w/green lightsaber, Ewok #50-2, Doozer #3-1. And the U.S.S. Enterprise,  Bat-wing, and Ferrari GTO

Team Sleeping Pussy is: Doctor Strange with Mithril Vest, Blockbuster, Captain Boomerang, Flash (Jay Garrick), Blink, D'Spayre, Unus the Untouchable, Johnny Bates (Adult "Kid Marvelman"), Webstor, Moss Man, Spider-Woman (Mattie Franklin), Droid Fighter Ship #13 and 14, Mimic, Dolphin, Black Manta, Aquagirl, Namor with Trident, Aspen, Psycho Pirate, Dr Manhattan, James Bond with Astro-Harness, Planetary:  Elijah Snow, Jakita Wagner, The Drummer and Ambrose Chase, Female Sentinels #s8-10--90
Korvac, Compsognathus
Team SP's Compy vividly remembers it's good friend Reginald "Butterscotch" McTwivent as it roams the city of the Play Off Planet. The little carnivore and the deceased  SHIELD agent had quite the time back in 2011's Consolation Round, brutally killing some video game guys in a steel cage. "If only Butterscotch could see me now. We're in the play-offs! We could be going to the Universe Bowl!" the little chicken sized creature thinks as it crosses the road. Suddenly, there's a squeal of tires and the Compy is crushed by the GTO of the Highness as it veers wildly into a phone pole. The horn blares as the driver of the car exits the vehicle. Ewok 50-2 is bleeding profusely from the face, and is more than likely concussed. There's a bloody spot on the consul where Doozer 3-1 was turned to a splatter. 
"Yuh, yuh. Yubbbbb." murmers the Ewok as he staggers about. The loud noise of the crash has caught the attention of Captain Boomerang, Jay Garrick and James Bond, who've been assigned to the city. 
"Sumtin' bout this ain't quite right" says Capt. Boomerang "But a kills a kill" He throws one of his razor boomerangs and puts it right between the Ewok's eyes. As the trio goes to investigate the wreckage further, there's a series of blasts as photon torpedoes begin tearing up the street. 
"TAKE COVER!!" screams Jay Garrick as he races out of the way, but it's too late for old Boomer-butt and Bond as they're killed in the various explosions. He takes cover behind the GTO. Jay peeks his head above the trunk to see if the coast is clear, when the trunk pops open, catching the elderly speedster on the chin. As Jay stumbles backwards, Yoda emerges amidst a flurry of packing peanuts. It seems the car crash and torpedoes were just a diversion. The Highness' little green bud easily dispatches Jay Garrick. 
"It on, you shall bring." says the squad's number one draft pick as he paitently waits for what he knows is about to come.  The resurrected, former Slave doesn't wait long as Spider-Girl, Mattie Franklin, swings into action. Yoda dodges a few of the attacks, but is caught in one of her weblines and thrown into a near by building. Mattie follows Yoda inside, and barely dodges a desk that Yoda hurls her way. The two find themselves evenly matched, but things sway Mattie's way, when Yoda in an act of desperation hurls his lightsaber at her. She ducks the throw and catches it with a webline and whips it back at him. The lightsaber hits Yoda right in the chest, and he falls to the floor.
"Sorry, Master Yoda. You were a hero of mine." says Mattie.
"And for that.... sorry...I am." Yoda replies with his dying breath. The building begins to quake and shake as Mattie realizes too her horror that Yoda was just a distraction. Steel Doomsday bursts through the floor and smashes into her. The steel monster grabs ahold of her before she can move and beats her to a bloody pulp. It roars in triumph, and takes off to find another victim.
We'll leave the stillness of the city, and focus on the water area of the planet. The normally clam, blue waters have bubbled into a reddish hue and violent waves mirror the violence going on in the deep. The lifeless body of Namor slowly floats toward the surface. Dolphin's neck is bent at a horrific angle. Black Manta's face has turned blue beneath the shattered remains of his helmet. The beast known as the Kracken was severely weakened as it was shredding through the various Pussies. It pauses it's attack after devouring Aquagirl, Namor's broken trident still protruding from it's eye when suddenly the water begins to churn. Aspen uses her water manipulation abilities to hammer the Kracken. The Kracken tries to push her back, but Aspen's powers are too much. The monster finally succumbs to the murky depths for the final time. But Aspen's victory is short lived, as Electro suddenly appears behind her, teleported down from the Enterprise.Both Electro and Aspen are killed as the electricity runs through the water, effectively ending the use of this terrain for the remaining battle.

The desert portion of the planet is equally as still. The many sandworms of the Highness have made short work of Unus the Untouchable, his ability to not be touched does little good against a foe who can swallow you in a single bite. The Planetary crew and the female Sentinels met a similar fate as Unus but the man known as Mimic singlehandedly  ended their kill streak, first by mimicking the powers of fallen teammate Aspen to control what little moisture was in the air to poison some of the creatures, then by taking the mystical abilities of Doctor Strange to summon torrential downpours of rain and wind to flood the rest of the area and finish off the rest.Mimic pauses to catch his breath, then heads off into the desert to a hidden base in the desert to plunder it for it's various riches and try to prevent the future that he knows is coming for them all.

In space, Doctor Manhattan found himself impervious to the light based constructs of Chriselon and Fatality, their rings basically useless against a being of pure energy. Dr Manhattan drains the rings of their charges and the two suffocate off in the vastness of the stars. The darkness of space, suddenly gets darker for Manhattan as the Enterprise casts a shadow of the blue, glowing man. The ship fires upon him, and he easily absorbs the blast. Before he can fire it back, he suddenly begins to flicker. Doctor Manhattan's glow begins to fade, and then he changes color from blue to red. He then rockets to earth, the two Droid fighter ships both are vaporized as they made the mistake of being in his path. 

Aboard the Enterprise the group of NFG,  Professor X, Heather, DC SpiderKang and Cyborg Doomslayer sit  aboard the bridge and watch the carnage that is happening all around them. Heather is horrified as she witnesses the deaths of various players on both teams. Geo-Force, Blockbuster, Paul Antredies, Morgan LeFey, Doctor Strange. Blink. All slaughtered before her eyes.

"Josh...what have you gotten me into she murmers.

"Don't worry Heather, we're safe up here. Trust me." says NFG when he begins to see XAS Mike before his eyes. 

"You keep lying to her pal, you just keep lying." he sneers "I know what your up to."

"Shut up." growls NFG "You don't know anything"

"I know you haven't been living up to the highness part of your lineage, 'your majesty'. I know that you think that you're calling the shots here, but guess what. You're not. You don't even see what's happening here."
"F**k you! I own this team. I call the shots! Hell, I'm a f**king Watcher, man. And I'm about to go from the Outhouse to the Penthouse. Kang told me himself."
"Hahahahaha. Your trust in the Conqueror is misplaced. You'll see. Yyyooooouuuuu'llll ssssseeeeeeeee....." as he fades from existence. 

".....as he said. D'Sparye was no match for Q and the Stranger. Q is dead, but the Stranger is still there. And he was right again. Korvac was no match for the bomb that we turned Manhattan into. Yeah, Psycho Pirate turned the Doomsdays against each other, but he wasn't able to manipulate Doomslayer after he amped him up so much. Doomslayer killed him and is still rampaging. Just like Kang said, he's headed in the direction of the Stranger and it's only a matter of time before the two put each other out."

"Awesome....awesome. I... I need some...I gotta go."

NFG retreats to his quarters. He grabs his lightsaber, and begins to convert it to it's usual bong capabilites. 

"Just to calm my nerves. Josh won't mind....besides...We got this. Kang told me."

"Kang told you alot, but did he tell you everything?" says a voice

NFG drops what was in his hands and whirls around. Infront of him is the last remaining Pussy. Mimic. 

"What are you talking about? Answer me!" he demands.

"Ok, but you answer me first. How long have you been seeing the XAS version of yourself? And WHY have you been seeing him?"

"I dunno, like a few weeks. And why ask why? Try Bud dry!" NFG giggles.

"Have you ever talked to Xavier about how he feels losing control of his team? We're talking about a man who's named schools and superteams after himself. A true ego maniac. You think that type of humiliation just rolls off his back?"
"Wait...you mean...."
"That's right. XAS Mike is just Professor X screwing with your head. At the request of one man. Kang."
"That's right. Kang's making a play for your team. He's know about this for years. See for yourself."
Mimic throws a bunch of papers at the bewildered NFG. It's a press release stating that the Royal Highness is now under new management in the tragic death of owner Mike Greenwall. The team will now be lead by season 6 MVP Vampire Kang the Conqueror and shall be known as Kang's Dynasty. 
"This...that...bullsh**t. I don't buy it." Mike throws the papers at Mimic. "I brought Kang back. He owes me his LIFE. He'd never betray me. We're boys. Hell, he's the one who told me to make sure I take care of Heather"
"And why is that?" smirks Mimic "Why would he care for the wife of Josh Houslander? Maybe because whatever team owns the rights to a female player owns the rights to their children? And what better child to be able to train and nurture than one of Josh's? His other two children have shown Jedi capabilities, the power that young Scarlett will manifest is anyone's guess. But to a timetraveler it's no guess, it's common knowledge. The power of Scarlett Houslander will bring all who oppose it to their knees. This is a fact, I've seen it. Kang showed me."
"Oh, he doesn't know he showed me. You see, we used to be friends when he was on Team SP. He was interested in my power of borrowing others abilities. But after I saw how callous he is with the lives of his teammates and "friends" I decided to take a little insurance out on my pal Kang and borrow his timetravel abilities. I know where this is headed. I know my end is near. I'm just here on behalf of another friend."
"Who?" asks Mike
"Butterscotch. Old Reginald McTwivent knew Kang was no good, so he made me promise to get the word out. He tried to use the Ocho, and was able to stop the future that black lantern Kang unleashed last year. But he didn't count of vampire Kang."
"No. He didn't" says a voice. Mimic whirls and sees DC Spiderkang. He fires and hits the man right between the eyes. Kang drops to the floor.
"Oh my god! You killed Kangy! You bastard!" yells NFG as he tackles Mimic. He punches Mimic in the face and screams. 
Mimic pushes him off and stands.
"Idiot. You really don't remember anything, do you?" he hears a roar and a thunder of footsteps. "We don't have much time, if you don't ever believe anything I say believe this. Cyborg Doomsday is about to thunder through that door, and will kill us both. Kang has uploaded his consciousness to the beast and lives through him. Heather is safe, and only she and Cyborg Kang shall survive the match and the crash of the Enterprise."
"Quiet. Just know what Kang is up to. He's not just after the Universe Bowl. Kang is looking to..."
Mimic is unable to finish his sentence. Cyborg Doomsday smashes into the room and punches him right through the wall.  The hole torn in the wall causes a vacum that NFG is unable to withstand, as he's sucked off into space he swears he sees the monster smile and wave at him. The hole causes the Enterprise to begin to crash into the PlayOff Planet. As the ship enters the atmosphere, Cyborg Doomsday grabs ahold of Heather and launches the two of them free of the crash. Heather shakily looks at the beast, grateful and amazed by it's shocking display of humanity.
"It was nothing, my dear. However, I feel we haven't been introduced. I'm not the monster know as Doomsday. It is I, Kang who has taken control of the beast's form to serve our fair team ."

"Well, whoever you are. Thank you." says Heather as her eyes tear up and she absent mindedly twirls the non-functioning ring of her black lantern husband

"No trouble at all. Just know I'm here to look out for your best interests" says Cyber DoomKang as he eyes the ring 

"Now, about your daughter, Scarlett is it??"


Krisatu said...

Team Sleeping Pussy: All dead

The Royal Highness: Heather Houslander and Cyber Doomsday/ Kang the Conqueror survive.


Ryan said...

Congratulations Mike! Hell of a win.

I hope you're ready, because now you just got what you wished for. I'll see you in the Universe Bowl.

Josh the Commish said...

Cool match, loved all the twists!! Congrats on your first Universe Bowl Mike!! I can't wait to see you take on The Horsemen!! You two have great play-off teams!!

Artifact said...

Congrats Mike, Hell of a team you have this year. Good luck in the Universe Bowl.

Fred, I feel your pain. Two straight Conf Finals losses. Great season.

Seeney, That match was awesome. What drama! lol. I loved it.


nfg said...

Wow. i am dreaming? thanks for the love. i will go into more detail later. on friends phone. keboard sucks

NFG Mike said...

Fred: I knew the Blue dong was coming for vengeance. Whew... Awesome line-up. I will do my best to rep the Hebert Division!
Krisatu: Great stuff! I always start gripping when time travellers start telling me what will happen. And little green bud? HA!
Ryan: Forget revenge. How about we just give the FFL something to remember for years to come! Good luck, my friend.
Kang: If you destroy the Enterprise one more FN time its coming out of your check!

Ryan said...

That has been the Horsemen's plan from Day One. (See our first ever draft pick...Achilles)

Good luck to you friend. I'll see you on the Playoff Planet.

Anonymous said...

Great match, great year--thanks to all involved!

He Who Sleeps