Monday, April 28, 2014

s7w5- Empire vs Highness

The Empire is: Silver Surfer, Ewok #76 with Proton Pack and Zapper, Sandworm #9, Sandworm #13, Acklay #3, Krayt Dragon #4, Sith Lord #19 (Darth Vegetariano), Sith Lord #18 (Darth Barren), Jedi Master #40, Predator #50, Terminator #38, Neo Cymek #19, Xenomorph #54, and Rohirim #1

The Royal Highness is:  Apocalypse, Sandworm #1A, #3B, and #4B, Ancient Sith Lords #1and #2, Queen Xenomorphs #1 and #2, Uruk Hai  #57, Atreides Soldiers #14-#20, Jedi Master #40, Jedi Master #41 and  Looney Tunes Gremlins #1-6

Jedi Master #41 knows that there's more to the commons than most think. They're not just a random, faceless piece of the background. A prop to be used to make other, more well known players look good. Every time they hears the term 'cannon fodder' it ignites a spark of  not only rage inside of them, but a desire to break free of that label and become someone. And this week could be when that happens. This week, this week is different. This week is the common, faceless' time to shine. There's no Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan or Darth Vader this week. No well known character to sacrifice them all for some scheme that expands his legacy while trivializing those who aren't as famous as they are. No, this week is the week of the unknown. A look at the life-o-meter, the device which informs you of how many resurrections you have left in your career, shows a red, flashing 9. Oh, they've all heard the rumors. How the ninth death is your grand farewell. Where you push yourself well beyond your limits, in the effort to leave a mark in the minds of all and possibly get called back for another chance to show exactly what you can do.  "Today is the day" thinks Jedi Master #41, better known as Jade Saraya. "Today is the day where I become someone who matters" she thinks  as she heads out to the transport and her chance to shine.

As the Highness transport begins it's final descent, and the Sandworms are teleported, Jade ignites her lightsaber, anxious to cut loose. She flies into battle, narrowly avoiding the various Sandworms as they spring up to eat those who would dare disturb them. She deflects a beam from the proton pack fired by an Ewok, and prepares to teach him the folly of attacking her, when Apocalypse's voice BOOMS across the desert.


The battle stops. The entire field of commons stops and looks at Apocalypse. No one moves. The Empire look to their common brethren to see what they're going to do, and prepare for the inevitable slaughter at the hands of Apocalypse. Because deep down, all commons know their inevitable fate.

Except for one.

"No." sneers Saraya as she turns off her lightsaber and throws it to the ground. "This is not the way I will go out. As a mere pawn. I've had enough of being a no one. This was to be the week of the lesser known. This was OUR week. It was the least the council could do for us designated 'common' after the new regulations designed to cull our numbers. And now, once again, some fabled 'name' from the main stream steps in to demand me sacrifice MY life for him. Well, no more. I am not just a randomly numbered Jedi Master. My name is Jade Saraya and I WILL BE COMMON NO MORE!"

A blast vaporizes Jade where she stands after such an impassioned speech, leaving a smoking crater in the sand. 

"Any more of you unknowns have an opinion" snarls Apocalypse "I have seen the prophecy. You nobodys are forgetting that it isn't just about you, that the team glory is a shared glory. And I will NOT be denied MY glory. Especially not by a bunch of bullet catchers. Now GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD!"

"Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody."  whispers one of the Looney Tune Gremlins as he looks at En Sabah Nur. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY??" demands Apocalypse. 

 "Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody." says another voice. Apocalypse can't believe his ears. The chant grows louder, and now the Empire's commons join in the cry

"Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody."

"Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody."

 "Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody."

Apocalypse begins to back away from the mob that is forming. He attempts to run to the teleporter, when a blast from sky sky halts his progress. He sees a silvery figure arriving as the Silver Surfer joins in with  the chant.

 "Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody."

Apocalypse feels the ground below begin to tremble and it dawns on him that in his arrogance, he misinterpreted the prophecy. He tumbles to his death cursing the fates that allowed that damned prophecy to cross his path, and to think that maybe he should lay off the weed.

Meanwhile, on the Playoff Planet, Bill Duer gets up and switches off his television as ESPN 8- The Ocho! broadcasts the news that in a show of solidarity and as an act of defiance to the will of Apocalypse the remaining commons on the Royal Highness yield to The Empire out of respect to their fallen comrade.  Bill smiles, pleased to see that now the commons are beginning to rise up against their mistreatment at the hands of the Watchers. "It's all going exactly as I planned"

Bill Duer exists to his office and clicks on the light to his workbench. He looks at the clay tablet on his desk, the one he just finished carving. A VERY speicific tablet. He  fires up his time door and goes to leave the tablet right where it will be found by Apocalypse centuries later. He hears the voice of Ryatu in his ear  "We tried to tell them, but they didn't listen. But now they all must pay. Tell me, tell me the lesson that ALL must learn"

"You don't f**k with the Horsemen" growls Duer.



Krisatu said...

The Royal Highness: Only Jedi Master #41 and Apocalypse die.

The Empire: All survive


Josh the Commish said...

Good stuff Chris!! Very cool match.

Ryan said...

That's right.

NFG Mike said...

Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody!

Artifact said...

Her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody!

...and a little bit of a traitor.

NFG Mike said...

C'mon man, we were kind of in the middle of something here...

Artifact said...

Sorry. I take it back.

NFG Mike said...

Ahem, traitorous impulses aside, her name was Jade Saraya, and she was a somebody!

David Parks said...

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl.