Thursday, May 1, 2014

Standings Updated

Standings have now been updated.  CLICK HERE or, as always, use the link on the right.

Week 6 saw both conferences winning 4 games this week; however, the George Lucas Conference takes bragging rights for the season going 10-6 in interleague play this year.  This week we saw the Midgets close the gap after B3 and the Horsemen both lost.  The Empire now reigns in the Arthur C. Clarke division.  TEAM has risen to the top in JRR, and a 3 way tie for first in Frank Herbert division will make for an exciting last few weeks.

Only 3 weeks left in the season.  And with the final 3 weeks being matchups within your division, almost every team still has a chance at the playoffs.  Good luck to everyone but Adam and Nick.


Josh the Commish said...

Also worth noting, according to my. calculations The Grindhouse is statistically eliminated from the play-offs. No other team can no longer make it in, and no team has officially clinched.

NFG Mike said...

Must destroy division. Must destroy division. Must... ooooo piece of candy!

Ryan said...

I don't believe that is accurate. If the Grindhouse were to run the table these final three weeks and either the Midgets or the Backyardigans lose out, then the Grindhouse would leap frog them. Correct?

Artifact said...

No because the midgets and backyardigans need to play each other once so one of them will get a win for sure

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that rolling out nothing but the Golden Arny for more than half the season DOESN'T yield a playoff berth?

Josh the Commish said...

You are correct Artifact.

Ryan said...

Yeah I wasn't saying that both would go winless. I was just saying with how tight of a race it is, if they were to win out it seemed like that still had a chance to sneak in.

Krisatu said...

Take it from me, there's no chance for the Grindhouse to make the playoffs this year.